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7 Replies and 2162 Views Spin South West  2162  7 Started by  aidan During my few weeks back in Eire (flying back to my CLUAS Foreign Correspondent post this Friday) I've found the new Spin South West and I like it. Of course, the talk shows are still awful (just like Spin Dubbalin) but they're obliged to have a percentage of talk content so we'll forgive them that. What I especially like, though, are: 1) the dance/electronica DJs at the weekend 2) a Sunday morning show called 'Alt' which just plays new music by Irish bands (the show is in Irish, I...
7 2162
by  aidanJump to last post
8/21/2007 6:45 AM
13 Replies and 3568 Views Castlepalooza: Just don't get it.  3568  13 Started by  Quint Can anyone justify this clumsily titled festival John Meagher rubbished it on last Friday's Indo and he was spot on (as usual). They are charging 125 euro(!!!) for the weekend to see a host of mostly mediocre, many unheard-of, Irish indie acts, the type of band that might half-fill Whelans with their friends and a few fans at best.The Gorgeous ColoursRed KidSickboyAngel PierTu KiSteve ReddyStraglers Martin Staunton BandCorsairs Marian Bradfield The Show The Minutes Orphan C...
13 3568
by  aidanJump to last post
8/21/2007 6:08 AM
10 Replies and 2355 Views JamesT Vs. Everything/Everyone  2355  10 Started by  Idiot Kid Seriously dude, relax, if you don't like something then don't listen to it or read it. No need for all the vitriol. Name a few bands you actually do like/would recommend
10 2355
by  Idiot KidJump to last post
8/21/2007 6:00 AM
19 Replies and 6116 Views Neil Young  6116  19 Started by  Peejay Hot on the heels of a recent Neil Young album in the reviews section, I thought a wee chat about Neils stuff might be worth starting. I'm wondering what your favourite Neil album is He's one of those guys you can't really pin one classic album on. There's Harvest, the commercial breakthrough, but arguably not his finest effort. I like this album well enough but the sickly sweet side gets a little too much. Heart of Gold, Old Man…stuff like that. No surprise that James Taylor is on the album (b...
19 6116
by  JamesTJump to last post
8/21/2007 5:16 AM
22 Replies and 6024 Views Snow Patrol Vs. Editors  6024  22 Started by  JamesT
(Topic has multiple pages1 2 )
Both make me dive for the off switch as soon as they come on the radio. Both bands are bland, predictable, uninspiring & crap But it terms of miserableness, who do you think is the most depressing
22 6024
by  JamesTJump to last post
8/21/2007 4:55 AM
19 Replies and 4323 Views Irish singer-songers go POP!  4323  19 Started by  aidan I was interested to hear how the new singles from Declan O'Rourke and Paddy Casey have both moved away from acoustic singer-songerness and have radio-friendly strings and synths and stuff... and it reminds me of David Kitt's album from last summer where he tried for an indie-pop sound too. And Damien Dempsey's new single is back to his 'Dubbalin Town' days! So, is the Dublin acoustic singer-songer scene fading away - or is it just Declan O'Rourke and Paddy Casey trying to get more airplay...
19 4323
by  John DoeJump to last post
8/21/2007 2:35 AM
13 Replies and 2864 Views Kila/The Thrills remix exclusive! Incredible! Unprecedented! Only with Hot Press!  2864  13 Started by  Quint Don't all rush to the newsagent at once now, y'hear! I just cannot wait to get my hands on this CD! Potentially life-changing.
13 2864
by  JamesTJump to last post
8/21/2007 2:03 AM
5 Replies and 2098 Views James Blunt on Sesame Street  2098  5 Started by  Binokular This is just weird. Won't someone please think of the children!
5 2098
by  JamesTJump to last post
8/20/2007 8:56 AM
1 Replies and 2589 Views festivals in september  2589  1 Started by  The_Pen15 turns out i cant make the electric picnic due to my work being complete and utter pricks. so im gonna sell my ticket and try and get a few mates to go to a different festival. i never pay attention to the ones on the continent but isnt there one in paris or hungary coming upi just wanna get a few ideas off yis here! cheers
1 2589
by  aidanJump to last post
8/20/2007 6:04 AM
12 Replies and 2224 Views Interpol to play the RDS  2224  12 Started by  Idiot Kid December 2nd, tickets 42 europes. It's a long time since I was this excited about a gig... Haven't heard when tickets actually go on sale yet though.
12 2224
by  Goat BoyJump to last post
8/20/2007 4:44 AM
9 Replies and 2164 Views Mark Ronson remixing Dylan  2164  9 Started by  aidan So, all you Zimmerfans, have you heard it And are you completely outraged (even though Bob obviously gave it his blessing) Or do you like it
9 2164
by  vandalaJump to last post
8/17/2007 10:26 AM
0 Replies and 1736 Views LCD Soundsystem go another night (well alright!)  1736  0 Started by  Peejay POD Concerts presents LCD SOUNDSYSTEM Support: TBA Friday October 19th Saturday October 20th – Tripod (sold out)
0 1736
8/17/2007 12:54 AM
2 Replies and 2226 Views Arcade Tickets sell out in less than a second?  2226  2 Started by  Ally i am glad i am not intending to go to this... ...mcd f**k the thing up again... the usual 10,000 tickets gone before they even went on sale malarkey...
2 2226
by  aidanJump to last post
8/16/2007 5:41 AM
27 Replies and 5657 Views Your favorite slice of POP from the last couple of months  5657  27 Started by  Binokular
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This is as much an excuse to see if I can figure out how to post gootube vidjos as anything else, but what's your fave slice of unashamed poptastic goodness from the last couple of months For me, this has to rate pretty highly. From P. Diddy (of all people!), seems his time hanging aroung with DJ Hell and Felix Da Housecat hasn't been totally wasted. There's a very 'euro' feel to this I think. Shuffling beat and synth lines with just a hint of New Order / Kraftwerk.
27 5657
by  stephenJump to last post
8/16/2007 5:25 AM
11 Replies and 2801 Views Wilco gigs  2801  11 Started by  Goat Boy They snuck 'em out. Vicar St, Nov 14 & 15th. On sale NOW!!
11 2801
by  amawasterJump to last post
8/16/2007 2:48 AM
14 Replies and 4921 Views HWCH 2007  4921  14 Started by  benni HWCH this year is to be based in the Pod Complex with the whole festival presumably taking place on the 3 areas available - Tripod, Crawdaddy and the Lobby bar. Different to the previous set up of gigs taking place in various venues around the city. could be cool - at least theres a lesser chance of someone having to play in the unforunate Rock Room in Spirit where I saw several good bands struggle with awful sound and set up. So who do we think will be playing this year Hopefully a ...
14 4921
by  vb7000Jump to last post
8/15/2007 2:29 PM
6 Replies and 2634 Views Murphy's Live  2634  6 Started by  Dolly Yo Yo Y'all, Anyone see any of the Heats for Murphy's Live By all accounts, the bands were pretty good! The bands to make it through to the Semi-Final stage have been announced: The Chapters Superjimenez ilya k Philtre Anyone know anything about these bands I know of The Chapters & Superjimenez. Saw em at HWCH 06. Thought they were both very good, both rather dissimilar from what's out there at the moment. I like that! Anyway...Hello, I'm Dolly - I was on t...
6 2634
by  starbelgradeJump to last post
8/13/2007 1:53 AM
8 Replies and 2912 Views Another National Gig  2912  8 Started by  klootfan I see TM just sent out a notice that The National are to play the ambassador on Tue Oct 30th... Darn it but why couldnt the original gig have been in the Ambassador...
8 2912
by  AllyJump to last post
8/10/2007 1:50 AM
22 Replies and 5662 Views If you had to soundtrack your day job..  5662  22 Started by  Binokular
(Topic has multiple pages1 2 )
If you had to pick a song to soundtrack your day job, what would it be In my case: Job - IT Admin Song - LCD Soundsystem - 'Watch the Tapes' (my life seems to revolve around backups) Anyone else
22 5662
by  DaraghJump to last post
8/7/2007 1:52 AM
6 Replies and 2626 Views Last FM: I show you mine, you show me yours?  2626  6 Started by  Pool Cleaning Guy Anyone here on Last Fm Surely the greatest website in the history of the old www.
6 2626
by  distortionghostJump to last post
8/4/2007 10:25 AM
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