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1 Replies and 2245 Views JamesT    2245  1 Started by  deni I know who you are. i wonder why you felt the need to set up such a mean, annoying fake account though.
1 2245
by  BinokularJump to last post
9/13/2007 4:22 AM
6 Replies and 2658 Views The last picture show.  2658  6 Started by  davef Anyone know the name of the tune that was used as the theme for The Last Picture Show which used to be on RTE It's a lovely piano piece, really loungey and laid back. It's been driving me nuts trying to think of it!
6 2658
by  davefJump to last post
9/11/2007 6:36 PM
8 Replies and 2766 Views Unsigned Artists-Events: Worth The Effort?  2766  8 Started by  The Hand That Wounds Do any of you feel it's actually worth playing or going events for unsigned artists such as HWCH and Castlepalooza While the intentions are ostensibly good, I can't think of too many bands that have gone on to great things from playing either of those events or any similar festivals (though I may be wrong). From my experience, the audience at something like HWCH is composed mainly of other musicicans, not 'civilians' or record company staff. What do you think
8 2766
by  TrixJump to last post
9/11/2007 6:38 AM
1 Replies and 2177 Views Gig in Olympia  2177  1 Started by  wheelsinmotion Anyone heard of or going to see Xavier Rudd I may have asked this before. Check out his stuff on youtube. Similar sound to John Butler Trio but i think a whole lot better. Didgeridoo man!!!
1 2177
by  mixtapepublicityJump to last post
9/11/2007 3:36 AM
6 Replies and 2549 Views Smashing Pumkins - Zeitgeist  2549  6 Started by  JamesT Anyone heard the whole album I liked the 1st single off it a lot (Tarantula, I think it was called), and the new one 'That's the way (my love is)' is easily as good as anything they've ever done. I'm in 2 minds though as to whether I should just buy the album or download the 2 singles.
6 2549
by  JamesTJump to last post
9/10/2007 8:48 AM
35 Replies and 10479 Views Hot Press Reviews - Unfairly Biased?  10479  35 Started by  JamesT
(Topic has multiple pages1 2 )
I've read Hot Press for many years and find the reviews of Irish albums very, very biased. Yeah - I know it's good to promote local talent etc., but is it really acceptable to just blow smoke up their asses Everytime there's an Irish single out, it's almost guranteed to get a good review. Albums usually get 8 plus out of ten, while international artists who recently got slated were Thom Yorke for the amazing 'Harrowdown Hill' and Damon Albarn's 'The Good, The Bad and The Queen' project,...
35 10479
by  PARTONJump to last post
9/10/2007 4:08 AM
2 Replies and 1946 Views So, how was your Eectric Picnic?  1946  2 Started by  Unicron I had a blast.
2 1946
by  PeterQuaifeJump to last post
9/10/2007 3:57 AM
1 Replies and 2443 Views Jens Lekman to play Whelans  2443  1 Started by  Jairzinho http://www.drownedinsound.com/articles/2368645 This news has just made my day. The perfect venue for him.
1 2443
by  Pool Cleaning GuyJump to last post
9/7/2007 10:47 AM
21 Replies and 17652 Views My Bloody Valentine Exclusive! Albums & Tour on the way  17652  21 Started by  Quint
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Hello!!, Quint here, formerly known as Antistar. I used to post here about a year ago before the upgrade nightmare but enough of that...I went over to see Mogwai at Somerset House, London but while waiting for them to come on who should walk past only the Godlike genius that is Kevin Shields of My Bloody Valentine, creator of 'Loveless', one the greatest albums of all time and my all-time rock hero. Anyway, to cut a long story short and thanks to about 4 pints-worth of Dutch courage,...
21 17652
by  JamesTJump to last post
9/7/2007 4:13 AM
9 Replies and 2529 Views Remembering Gar  2529  9 Started by  Ally what ever happened to him.... he used to post at a mile a minute... it was all quite serious 'music is the most important thing in the world' stuff but it generally got everyone talking... he was very active... i admired his dedication
9 2529
by  BinokularJump to last post
9/7/2007 2:10 AM
1 Replies and 2377 Views Help need - dirtyboots  2377  1 Started by  meta does anyone know Cluas member dirtyboots he sold me this Line6 DL4 and is not returning my calls. It was listed as 'great condition'; it's not and needs repair. Obviously I want to return it. any help with this greatly appreciated, have been trying to contact him for a month now but he is not returning calls / emails. he is here too: http://www.myspace.com/deathattherodeo
1 2377
by  muzakJump to last post
9/5/2007 9:47 AM
22 Replies and 5833 Views Dream Pop  5833  22 Started by  JamesT
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It's been a long time since any bands ventured back into this genre. I remember fondly the kings of the scene; AR Kane Cocteau Twins Slowdive Kitchens of Distinction Talk Talk My Bloody Valentine I suppose Sigur Ros could be considered Dream Pop, but not much else I've heard in recent years. Pity.
22 5833
by  Sebastian DangerfieldJump to last post
9/5/2007 7:57 AM
10 Replies and 2737 Views Keane Vs.Travis  2737  10 Started by  JamesT Whatever about the Snow Patrol / Editors debate, surely NO-ONE can embarass themselves enough to defend this muck
10 2737
by  Sebastian DangerfieldJump to last post
9/5/2007 7:46 AM
34 Replies and 6138 Views The Movie Was Great, But The Soundtrack Kicked Ass  6138  34 Started by  Gar
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I know that everytime someone mentions soundtracks on this board the usual roster of names crop up. It's so common for the big movies with one or two decent tunes on the soundtrack to get over-praised, but sometimes the soundtrack is compiled to such a satisifying degree that it overshadows the movie. What are such soundtracks and movies *This was brought on by how Scorsese uses The Rolling Stones, Dropkick Murphys, John Lennon, Nas and The Allman Brothers Band in 'The Departed'. Howev...
34 6138
by  Sebastian DangerfieldJump to last post
9/4/2007 10:34 AM
19 Replies and 3879 Views Manic Street Preachers - JamesT Quote  3879  19 Started by  Carlsberg Posted By JamesT on 20 Aug 2007 9:23 AM Nicky Wire's rant; despite the fact that Manics make over-rated s**te. 'What have you done to your hair' What have you done for music more like Fuck all, but ultimately 100 less damage than Snow Patrol. Have taken umbrage with this to the extent i have launched a post on it! How sad of me. If your going to judge the MSP on the above line then you clearly have not been listening to them or while you were listening the phone rang...
19 3879
by  Sebastian DangerfieldJump to last post
9/4/2007 10:22 AM
109 Replies and 19855 Views The most over-rated bands of all time  19855  109 Started by  Pilchard
(Topic has multiple pages1 2 3 ... 4 )
What bands do people reckon are completely over-rated By which I mean completely unworthy of all the lavish attention and respectful focus they receive. I'm not talking about the usual pop suspects but those acts which are supposed to be the be all and end all for rock/indie fans. I'll start the ball rolling with The Smiths. Truly the greatest musical travesty ever foisted on the world. One or two decent songs and nothing else. You rarely ever read or hear anyone examining the band and the...
109 19855
by  Sebastian DangerfieldJump to last post
9/4/2007 10:12 AM
1 Replies and 2083 Views After Party  2083  1 Started by  huntthegrunt The Dublin leg of a global pub-crawl - www.thetwelfthpub.com - takes place on December 9 with an after party planned in a venue tbc. Are you in a band or can you suggest bands that would be interested in performing at the event which will be well covered by media/radio
1 2083
by  starbelgradeJump to last post
9/4/2007 6:13 AM
0 Replies and 3190 Views 66e are dead, long live LeGalaxie  3190  0 Started by  Al>LeGalaxie ***************************TRANSMISSION****************************** Hello friends. New music from Le Galaxie (formerly 66e) just up on our page now myspace.com/lemusicgalaxie New direction/new machines/many machines. We hope you listen. We hope you like. Forever. WE ARE CUBE.
0 3190
8/27/2007 3:59 PM
6 Replies and 2526 Views MCD vs Consumer Assoc.  2526  6 Started by  Mully Fuck me ... All hell breaks loose at Oxegen 06, MCD run around issuing legal writs on anyone who comments on it & sweep it under the carpet ... A few aul wans complain to Joe Duffy about Babs Striesand & a f**king Committee with Former Garda Commisioner is setup to investigate the goings on !!! Statement: Ref: Consumer Association of Ireland. MCD notes today ( Monday 21st August ) the publication by the Consumer Association of Ireland summarising the 95 complaints they rece...
6 2526
by  MullyJump to last post
8/23/2007 9:26 AM
5 Replies and 2262 Views Plug Bands, Releases, Recordings, Websites, etc.  2262  5 Started by  JamesT I think everyone should get more involved in this section of the forums. OK, I'm a newbie, so you can tell me to shag off (some of you have no problem doing this I see!!), but I think it's important to give new Irish bands a listen and a bit of feedback. OK, a LOT of bands are not the best, but there are some good ones there. It seems that that whole section of the forum is pointless if no-one replies - whether it be negative or positive criticism, it at least gives bands a chance to res...
5 2262
by  JamesTJump to last post
8/21/2007 7:52 AM
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