0 Replies and 1743 Views
james guilmartin and band 1743 0
Started by mr.boyd
*******MINERVA play support tyo JAMES GUILMARTIN BAND on 29TH jan in eamon dorans.
adm 5 euro.
drs usual 8ish..****
IT'S gonna bit just a bunch o'fun for Dave Logs(Fingermouse/Red Clown) 24th birthday.
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1743 |
1/15/2002 6:53 PM |
3 Replies and 2238 Views
Chinese Comics! 2238 3
Started by Bevan
Hi! Dear cartoon fans!
There's a very fine gift for you:
There're more choices for you:
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2238 |
1/15/2002 7:58 AM |
15 Replies and 3383 Views
Disgusting! 3383 15
Started by Booby
I'm absolutely disgusted to read of RTE's shares in that new Popstars drivel. They gonna get a slice of any future income. No doubt this means we will be subject to more of this crap on the box. Please join me by expressing your views to RTE before what little we got (No Disco) loses it's slot to some f*cking poncey video diary.
What are your views Am I alone
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3383 |
1/15/2002 12:27 AM |
3 Replies and 2065 Views
The Ruby Sessions? 2065 3
Started by flourbaby
never been before - just wondering what time it starts at and approx when it usually ends (need to know if i can get the last train home...)
cheers...sounds like a great night :)
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2065 |
1/14/2002 6:44 PM |
10 Replies and 2838 Views
Lord of the Rings - most over-rated movie of all? 2838 10
Started by stephen
The trouble with following the book so religiosly is that there is no rise in tension... no crescendo.
The film looks fine, has a potentially great cast but fizzles out so damply... it's a shame.
Hollywood marketing has truly pulled this one out of the fire...
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2838 |
1/14/2002 3:56 PM |
1 Replies and 1942 Views
Upcoming movie treats for you CLUAS fans.... 1942 1
Started by stephen
I've had the good fortune of being able to preview a few up-coming movies... in no particular order...
The Royal Tenenbaums - wonderful new movie by the director and writer of Rushmore. Oscar shoo-in for Gene Hackman, I reckon, and features a lesbian kiss for surprisingly good co-star, Gwyneth Paltrow. Funny, sad, intelligent... you miss it when you leave the theatre.
Ocean's 11 - I love a film that makes you feel cool while you are watching it... see Brad Pitt and George Clooney have fun ...
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1942 |
1/14/2002 3:48 PM |
1 Replies and 1905 Views
'Devil in WTC Smoke' photo link 1905 1
Started by Vegas Vic
Judge the incredible image caught on film in the World Trade Center smoke on 9/11 for yourself:
Go to http://www.shop1.net link to the photo is on the right hand side of the page.
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1905 |
1/14/2002 6:02 AM |
2 Replies and 2066 Views
gig 2066 2
Started by rumpus
Settler will play friday the 18th in Isaac Butts with support from Seprico.
- promoting the debut EP now available on mango music.
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2066 |
1/11/2002 10:13 AM |
2 Replies and 1979 Views
Have a prosperous year! 1979 2
Started by DerekDKim
Greetings! My name is Derek D. Kim, President of Dereko Entertainment(a feature film production company) in Los Angeles, California. I would like to wish everyone a Happy Prosperous New Year of 2002!
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1979 |
1/10/2002 12:00 PM |
3 Replies and 2129 Views
Sweet... 2129 3
Started by Herve
Quotes from Southpark...:) Joy!
What you may think is paranoia, is really a heightened sense of awareness
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2129 |
1/10/2002 2:32 AM |
1 Replies and 2269 Views
Monkeybomb.com - just get it 2269 1
Started by monkeybomb
Right you idiots, there's this website called www.monkeybomb.com. It has stuff to read on it. You can educate yourself on mindless crap and add your comments. Read stuff and if your dumb enough, submit stuff. Tell your friends, tell your granny. Yeah.
It's also run by people what do www.evilgerald.com - yeah, go there too.
Enrich your life, see toast in a profoundly different way. Visit www.monkeybomb.com.
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2269 |
1/9/2002 12:48 AM |
1 Replies and 1876 Views
The Marbles 1876 1
Started by Gh
Anybody know what the story is with The Marbles they still alive or what
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1876 |
1/8/2002 1:41 PM |
20 Replies and 7466 Views
Best band name? 7466 20
Started by Booby
My favourite has to be Chippolato & Two Wilted Sultanas, a Scottish punk band. Oh yeah, and they're crap.
Beat that!
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7466 |
1/8/2002 1:27 PM |
4 Replies and 2461 Views
AIB ad music??? 2461 4
Started by mick
i heard its the walls any truth behind that
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2461 |
1/6/2002 6:06 PM |
1 Replies and 2041 Views
Bob Geldof 2041 1
Started by timebomb
Is Bob Geldof touring in February What do people think of his new album I thought it was a bit dodgy, you have to admire his rawness and honesty in dealing with a very personal episode in his life, but I found the songs terrible. Saying that though I'd still like to see him live and hear some of his old stuff. Anyone know of any tour details
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2041 |
1/5/2002 1:21 PM |
0 Replies and 2434 Views
gigsmartireland.com 2434 0
Started by Trev M
Hi All,
http://www.gigsmartireland.com has been updated with all the latest news, check out the band and singer songwriters pages to see who on board. Please feel free to make a submission to the site at anytime. Comments welcome.
All the best - Trev
A surprise windfall will always be accompanied by an unexpected expense of the same amount.
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2434 |
1/4/2002 12:00 PM |
0 Replies and 1941 Views
looking is free 1941 0
Started by rumpus
It's a new site. Interested Go on. Have a gander. Settler will play TBMC on the 9th and Isaac Butts on the 18th Jan.
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1941 |
1/4/2002 10:23 AM |
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1978 |
1/3/2002 7:09 PM |
2 Replies and 2057 Views
happy new year 2057 2
Started by stang
hope all you guys have a nice and peaceful new years.
this is Stang signing off.
much love to you all
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2057 |
1/3/2002 6:06 PM |
8 Replies and 3070 Views
I need a cure. 3070 8
Started by Booby
Anybody got a quick remedy for piles ...you might ask what place a question like this has on a music discussion board but I started getting pains when I was watching Paddy Casey last week. OOoooooOOwwWWWWwwccCChhhh!
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3070 |
1/2/2002 1:47 PM |