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41 Replies and 10805 Views First dance wedding song  10805  41 Started by  PeterQuaife
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Hello folks I am getting wed shortly, and was wondering if any of you have any suggestions for a first wedding dance tune I know it should be special to me and the future wife etc...but i have spent an age trying to pick...Joe Arthur, Ron Sexsmith, Tom McRae and the like, all close to the wife's heart, but the lyrics are a bit on the sadder side of life. thanks PQ
41 10805
by  locustabortiontechnicianJump to last post
1/25/2008 11:27 AM
0 Replies and 1770 Views Extra Band of Horses tickets on sale  1770  0 Started by  Goat Boy Extra Band Of Horses tickets on sale now that it's been moved to Tripod, if you feel the urge...
0 1770
1/25/2008 10:29 AM
0 Replies and 1529 Views Scarlett Johansson covers Tom Waits?!?  1529  0 Started by  floodzer http://www.pitchforkmedia.com/article/news/48237-at-last-the-scarlett-johansson-album 'It's here! The album we've been waiting for, breathlessly, all this time. Yes, I'm talking about Scarlett Johansson's Anywhere I Lay My Head, due out May 20 on Atco. And wait-what's this It's not just ten Tom Waits covers There's also an original track' http://www.pitchforkmedia.com/article/news/39206-scarlett-johansson-recording-tom-waits-covers-album 'confirmed by Waits' publicist, ae...
0 1529
1/25/2008 6:57 AM
2 Replies and 1823 Views Jonny Greenwood's 'Blood' score ineligible for Oscar nomination  1823  2 Started by  starbelgrade Jonny Greenwood's original score for 'There Will Be Blood' has been ruled ineligible by the music branch of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. The news comes on the heels of last week's Best Foreign Language Film controversy, which left the two most critically acclaimed efforts of the year in that category out of contention (Romania's '4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days' and France's 'Persepolis'). (Pete Hammond is also reporting on this over at The Envelope, but there is m...
2 1823
by  starbelgradeJump to last post
1/24/2008 7:29 AM
1 Replies and 2424 Views Other Voices  2424  1 Started by  PARTON http://www.rte.ie/arts/2008/0124/othervoices.html what ye think of it
1 2424
by  PeterQuaifeJump to last post
1/24/2008 3:16 AM
19 Replies and 3520 Views Glen Hansard gets nominated for best song Oscar  3520  19 Started by  Unicron Oscar nomination for best original song. I just watched the video for it on YouTube, had never heard the song before. I do think that Glen can write good tunes from time to time but that's really s**te.
19 3520
by  starbelgradeJump to last post
1/24/2008 2:23 AM
9 Replies and 2443 Views Empire Music Hall, Belfast  2443  9 Started by  Unicron I'm thinking of heading up to Belfast for the Okkervil River gig in a couple of weeks. I've never been to a gig up there (actually it's been years since I've been to Belfast full stop) and I'm wondering if anyone has any experience with the venue, location, if there's safe parking around etc.
9 2443
by  starbelgradeJump to last post
1/23/2008 6:16 AM
6 Replies and 2408 Views Coachella 2008 line-up  2408  6 Started by  Quint Coachella 2008 Line-up announced...Kraftwerk! Roger Waters! Breeders! The National! Portishead! The Verve! Holy Fuck!!! No sign of the much rumoured My Bloody Valentine though... Good indicator of what we might see at the Irish festivals... Friday (April 25) Jack Johnson (ok, ignore him!) The Verve The Raconteurs The Breeders Fatboy Slim Tegan & Sara Madness The Swell Season The National Animal Collective Slightly...
6 2408
by  PARTONJump to last post
1/23/2008 5:14 AM
36 Replies and 6205 Views The 'Once' Phenomenon  6205  36 Started by  Quint
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Has anyone here seen this It seemed to just come and go in cinemas in Ireland unnoticed. John Carney is an immensely talented writer/director (Bachelors Walk is the best Irish-made TV series I've yet seen) but the thought of listening to the ol' Ginger Messiah himself Glen for and hour and half, let alone watching his dubious acting skills, was too much to contemplate....but the Brits are loving this film, he and Marketa were on the Culture Show last week plus a full page in last Sunday's Obser...
36 6205
by  Pool Cleaning GuyJump to last post
1/22/2008 12:03 PM
0 Replies and 1479 Views AIFF to MP3 converter  1479  0 Started by  PeterQuaife Starting to use this forum as a 'bring and buy' sale..... But, would anyone know of a free AIFF to MP3 converter (not a 60 trial version or the like). I'll happily pay for a download, but if there was a freebie, super (and I'm not from Cavan) many thanks PQ
0 1479
1/21/2008 5:23 AM
0 Replies and 1450 Views Political Correctness gone wrong  1450  0 Started by  starbelgrade I saw this post on another forum - nearly fell off the chair reading it; Scenario: Mohammed fails high school English. What would've happened in 1977 - Mohammed retakes his exam, passes and goes to college. What would happen in 2007 - Mohammed's cause is taken up by local human rights group. Newspaper articles appear nationally explaining that making English a requirement for graduation is racist. Civil Liberties Association files class action lawsuit against state schoo...
0 1450
1/17/2008 7:27 AM
19 Replies and 3277 Views Monitor looking for quick favour  3277  19 Started by  Monitor How's it going It's the lads from Monitor here, Cork band now based in Manchester. Just wondering if we could ask a quick favour. We're in the running to play at a huge cancer benefit concert (www.versuscancer.org) next month here, which is being promoted by the local rock station XFM. Anyway, we're looking for votes.... It takes literally one click, just visit www.xfmuploaded.co.uk/monitor and click the icon on the left of the page (that's 2 clicks technically we know...) The dead...
19 3277
by  starbelgradeJump to last post
1/17/2008 5:30 AM
6 Replies and 1888 Views Choice Music Awards eligibilty rules  1888  6 Started by  starbelgrade The rules for this award are fairly straightforward & fair, but rule no.5 is just silly; (5) For the purposes of the Choice Music Prize, an album must contain six or more tracks and/or be over 33 1/3 minutes in length (33 mins, 20 seconds). Imagine for a moment that Ramones were Irish, and released their self titled debut last year.. to me, it's one of the greatest albums ever made, but it wouldn't be eligible as, despite having 14 tracks, the runnin...
6 1888
by  starbelgradeJump to last post
1/16/2008 8:57 AM
6 Replies and 3743 Views Sigur Ros - Heima  3743  6 Started by  starbelgrade .. I saw the feature on this on the BBC arts show - it looks amazing & it landed in my letter box this morning (courtesy of the now-tax-paying CD-WoW!)... anyone seen it yet
6 3743
by  WickerJump to last post
1/14/2008 2:23 PM
52 Replies and 8087 Views top albums and gigs of 2007  8087  52 Started by  Ally
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we did this in june... top 3 of each.... under no circumstance are you allowed to give extra 'honourable' mentions... e.g. 'my favourite albums this year have been all the ones i bought' albums: 1. marnie stern - in advance of the broken arm 2. battles - mirrored 3. nina nastasia and jim white - you follow me gigs: 1. joanna newsom - the barbican, london 2. boredoms - the village, dublin 3. camera obscura - the village, dublin
52 8087
by  AllyJump to last post
1/14/2008 1:27 AM
6 Replies and 2511 Views The Worst Album Covers of 2007  2511  6 Started by  starbelgrade Sorry, I'm useless at doing links, but a copy & paste of this into yer browser bar (if that's what it's called!), is well worth it - gave me a good laugh anyway! http://www.pitchforkmedia.com/article/feature/47479-staff-list-the-20-worst-album-covers-of-2007
6 2511
by  PeterQuaifeJump to last post
1/11/2008 7:57 AM
12 Replies and 3076 Views What's to look forward to in 2008?  3076  12 Started by  Quint Strangely and coincidentally, all my favourite bands and musicians are returning with albums and/or gigs this year so it's gonna be a busy one! So in no real chronological order....deep breath..... Live, for starters... God Is An Astronaut Button Factory, Explosions in the Sky liveTripod, American Music club live in Whelans plus new album then later in the year... Radiohead, Malahide castle Midlands Festival, Belvedere, Mullingar ...
12 3076
by  muzakJump to last post
1/11/2008 6:47 AM
31 Replies and 6320 Views Something Happens: what's the Cluas verdict?  6320  31 Started by  John Doe
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Something Happens are playing one of their occasional reunion gigs in Whelans tomorrow night. I'll be there, giving it loads, happily singing along to Hello( x5 ), Room 29, Forget Georgia and all the rest. It's been a good few years now since they last released anything other than compilations. I'm curious to know what the Cluas verdict on them is now that a good few years have passed by since they were selling out the SFX for three nights in a row. For my sins, I was a huge fan of their...
31 6320
by  PeterQuaifeJump to last post
1/11/2008 6:40 AM
21 Replies and 6425 Views Learning the Bass: lessons or go it alone?  6425  21 Started by  Trix
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I looking to learn bass and was wondering if I should go it alone or go for lessons I'm in the process of learning guitar with some help from a friend/on my own and I'm not finding it too hard so I reckon I stand a chance with the bass, any tips
21 6425
by  starbelgradeJump to last post
1/11/2008 6:29 AM
10 Replies and 2221 Views Thousand Yard Stare - looking for MP3  2221  10 Started by  PeterQuaife folks, looking for a thousand yard stare tune called wideshire..anyone have it handy many thanks PQ
10 2221
by  starbelgradeJump to last post
1/10/2008 4:58 AM
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