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0 Replies and 1760 Views ChicksonDecksdoinitagainandagain  1760  0 Started by  Great Craic How'ya! Great craic! So have you checked out the “display” in the Jervis The one outside Argos.The mind boggles a little, just a little like. Monkey crossed with ostrich anyone Mentioning monkeys, isn’t DA2 the best craic ever Tis totally the bomb like. We love it, so come and see us lovin’ it. Chicks on Decks. Every Thursday, we love it, 10.30pm-2.30am. Sonny is getting’ sunnier and you know it. Last week was a rampant success. Fair play to ya Shinners for getting stuck in behind th...
0 1760
9/11/2002 10:48 AM
11 Replies and 2451 Views 3 Good Reasons - an Appeal to the Cluas Massive  2451  11 Started by  john@soundweb.ie hi everyone and thanks for checking this message... i want to give you 3 reasons why you should attend this Wednesday, 2nd October's SOUNDROOM gig being run in Da2. this is Genuine now! 1. Da2 has had some problems over the last few months with neighbours from hell - i think y'all know the story - and of course the infamous 'decibel-limiter-power-cut' machine that ruined hi-rise's gig there recently. well, the lads behind Da2 have been working hard to keep their venture afloat - WE ARE AS...
11 2451
9/10/2002 5:06 PM
0 Replies and 1394 Views tubuloso  1394  0 Started by  snakybus ..as rafael would say Settler and Deputy Fuzz play the Da2 this Friday night Please come 5 euro in, doors 8.30
0 1394
9/9/2002 1:10 PM
0 Replies and 2022 Views salthouse  2022  0 Started by  eclectichoney picked up the salthouse album and well impressed - their website doesn't seem to be working anyone know anything about them 'You might not see things yet on the surface, but underground, it's already on fire.' http://www.eclectichoney.com
0 2022
9/8/2002 11:46 AM
6 Replies and 3331 Views the streets  3331  6 Started by  jackson cannery anyone at the recent gig in the ambassador the post gig busarus incident is one of the funniest stories i've heard in ages! the new single is awesome - 'don't mug yourself' royksopp are doing a mix of it too so it's all good
6 3331
9/6/2002 6:21 PM
0 Replies and 1438 Views CLUAS is up for a Golden Spider Award!  1438  0 Started by  eoghan It has just been announced that CLUAS is one of the 5 sites shortlisted for the 'Dot.ie Readers Award' category at the Golden Spider awards! The other 4 sites in the running are eircom.net, buyandsell.ie, pigsback.com and - wait for it - hotpress.com. The winner will be announced on Sept 12th at a big jamboree thing in the Burlington. CLUAS already picked up one of these awards 2 years ago. Check out www.spiderawards.com for further info on this year's awards... eoghan
0 1438
9/6/2002 8:59 AM
5 Replies and 1528 Views dot creek  1528  5 Started by  jackson cannery Anyone know what happened to these guys Definitely one of the better Irish bands of the last couple of years And a damn good album too...
5 1528
9/5/2002 5:13 PM
2 Replies and 1379 Views To all bands -  1379  2 Started by  gmarie SPOTLIGHT Magazine, a brand new magazine that is dedicated to helping bands of all styles, will soon make it's debut (US). Please stop by the Music Place if you would either like to have your music reviewed, or if you would like to have more information about this publication. Thank you for your time. Glenda 'gmarie' Millage SPLOTLIGHT Staff
2 1379
9/5/2002 3:39 AM
0 Replies and 1177 Views Sketches  1177  0 Started by  klootfan Sketches are playing the Da2 on friday. Its the launch of their E.P. so dont miss it Its 6Euro in or 8Euro with and a copy of the E.P. Dont miss it.....
0 1177
9/5/2002 12:34 AM
0 Replies and 1192 Views FIRDAY THE 13TH !!!  1192  0 Started by  stigma Yes it`s that time of the year again to break mirrors and walk under ladders get pissed and tempt faith ! FIRDAY THE 13TH ! SINDROME The Temple Dorset St. Doors 9pm-late Admission 6.50/5 EUROS witha flyer all night goth,punk,metal,industrial,80`s electro with resident dj`s plus guests http://sindrome.gothic.ie
0 1192
9/4/2002 4:41 PM
1 Replies and 1454 Views Mic Christopher  1454  1 Started by  Gh Anyone remember where he was when he fell Groningen in Holland Had he just played a gig or was he due to play Please let me know anything you know.
1 1454
9/4/2002 4:15 PM
0 Replies and 1600 Views Savage Superhero Legs O'Toole  1600  0 Started by  Great Craic Yo yo yo, Tis us, and you love it, and you know it, and you want it. Come on lets set it off, heeeeyyyyyyy yeaaaaahhhh lets get it on. Oh for the love of christ...and horses, slow down for the horses. Chicks on Decks, Whelans, tonight, just for the craic like. 11pm-2am we're thinkin'. Bounce off us, we're human trampolines. DA2, Thursdays as ever, cos we have to, cos they said so, don't mess with them. Please. 10.30pm-2.30am, free. On a much more humourful note, we've gotten ourselve...
0 1600
9/4/2002 10:53 AM
1 Replies and 1470 Views forgot to add.....  1470  1 Started by  damo101 but i think their albums are alot better than the gigs, of course they're going to be overrater because alot of people think that the frames are the best band to come out of ireland ever even tho they are unheard of anywhere else. a bit of the david gray fan mentality thing going on here 'and jesus did feed the fecophiliacs loaves and fish, more specifically pinched loaves and chocolate salmon'
1 1470
9/2/2002 6:23 PM
13 Replies and 3629 Views Listo (vodafone ad)  3629  13 Started by  duncan Listo are realising there first single in the Temple Bar Music Centre on September 7th (sat nite doors 8.00 bell. price 6 yoyos) If your into some real explosive electro,punk,baggy rock well there's no better way to spend the price of a big mac meal. So come along for a real horrorshow experience and see what Listo are like with a full band. Raw Power..................
13 3629
8/30/2002 2:08 PM
11 Replies and 2533 Views Crap Turn  2533  11 Started by  papa razzo Does anybody else think Turn are crap I can't believe the exposure they get in Hot Press etc. They are so bland it's painful and what about those suits It's all so cheesy...and here I am giving them exposure! TURN ARE CRAP!
11 2533
8/29/2002 11:34 AM
1 Replies and 1628 Views Revelino  1628  1 Started by  wherearerevelino Anyone know where I could get my hands on the first album by Revelino Album is of the same name.....please....anyone
1 1628
8/29/2002 1:07 AM
2 Replies and 1623 Views New Website  1623  2 Started by  James_m Hi, Please have a look at our new website www.serotona.com. Its not quite finished and we know it has a couple of gliches but please check it out and give us your comments. In particular the forum section Cheers James Serotona James Serotona http://www.serotona.com jamesserotona.com
2 1623
8/28/2002 2:03 PM
0 Replies and 1354 Views Stop Press: Band not in comercial sellout shocker  1354  0 Started by  Vent My Spleen Who'd have thunk it! Coldplay have refused to allow their music to be used commercially which considering their current success in America could cost them up to 85 million dollars (NME's figures, sounds exagerated). Given the level of corporate whoring (Moby in particular) going on in the music industry at the moment (it's almost chic to do a Gap add) it's good to see a band actually taking a stand, especially given that they get so much stick for being middle class, boring uni types. Of co...
0 1354
8/27/2002 9:09 AM
1 Replies and 1386 Views Irish Funk/Soul/Hip-Hop/Breaks & Beats Clubs?  1386  1 Started by  stroller I'm just wondering what the story is with the funk/soul/hip-hop breaks & beats scene around the country Galway's got Skake, 110th Street & 091 and I've heard good reports about Shakedown in Waterford and Ri-Ra in Dublin but surely there has to be more like minded clubs then the ones listed above. Are there any clubs around the country where James Brown & De La Soul records get played in the same set as tracks by the Clash and Mr. Scruff or is it just a Galway thing If you could tell me about a...
1 1386
8/26/2002 8:00 PM
1 Replies and 1347 Views Wonky  1347  1 Started by  flagman Anyone go I was there on Saturday night, and things went a bit, ahem, wonky, during Creative Controle's set when the power went. I then proceeded to get heroically drunk and miss all the other acts I wanted to see. Ta da!
1 1347
8/26/2002 4:11 PM
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