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8 Replies and 2577 Views The Chalets split  2577  8 Started by  Django Ireland's finest purveyors of indie pop The Chalets have split up according to the blog on they're myspace page. Total shame. Their simple yet smart tunes always put a smile on the face and were a welcome relief from the dull as dog s**t singer/songwriter virus that infests the irish music scene. Proper pop tunes, they deserved to have been bigger. Oh well. http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfmfuseaction=blog.view&friendID=26385461&blogID=358129926
8 2577
by  BinokularJump to last post
2/18/2008 6:18 AM
16 Replies and 3022 Views Spinal Tap of the 00s  3022  16 Started by  Binokular On the 'currently listening to' thread, the general concensus seems to be that Oasis were the spinal tap of the 90s. So who fits the bill of Real life Spinal tap of the 00s i.e. Big, dumb and plenty of real life comedic spinal tap moments.
16 3022
by  starbelgradeJump to last post
2/14/2008 4:04 AM
9 Replies and 2105 Views Dublin - throwing shapes  2105  9 Started by  PeterQuaife Folks Heading down to the home of the Spike in a few weeks (weekend of the 23rd Feb in case you's know of any good gigs). Have not been out in Dublin since this time last year. Any new and exciting pubs / clubs / sauna's to go to Any recommendations thanks kindly PQ
9 2105
by  PeterQuaifeJump to last post
2/13/2008 1:38 PM
5 Replies and 2012 Views My Bloody Valentine for Electric Picnic  2012  5 Started by  starbelgrade 'Hot Press has learned that My Bloody Valentine will be playing at this year’s Electric Picnic festival, which takes place in County Laois from August 29 to 31. While yet to be confirmed by the promoters, a UK source reveals: 'They’ve looked at the various Irish festival options open to them, and decided that the Picnic is the best fit. The clincher was Primal Scream and The Jesus & Mary Chain raving about how much fun they had playing there last year.' ' from HotPr...
5 2012
by  starbelgradeJump to last post
2/13/2008 10:15 AM
0 Replies and 1991 Views Aftershow Party  1991  0 Started by  benni Hi! I aint posted here in aaaaaaages so what better way to make a come back than to invite you all to an aftershow party!!! STAGGER LEE OPEN THE HOUSE FOR A NIGHT OF SERIOUS ROCKIN N ROLLIN FOR THE DUBLIN DATE OF THE VON BONDIES EUROPEAN TOUR. WE'LL BE ON EARLY LADS SO GET YOUR ASSES IN LINE FOR 7.30PM TO CATCH THE START OF THE PRECEEDINGS! VON BONDIES FIGHT LIKE APES STAGGER LEE THE VILLAGE WEXFORD STREET 17-FEB-2008 AND DON...
0 1991
2/12/2008 6:54 AM
7 Replies and 2495 Views Frank Black / Francis Black confusion in Vicar St  2495  7 Started by  starbelgrade .. Went to see Frank Black in Vicar St on Saturday... amazing the amount of people who showed up thinking they were going to see Frances Black play! He's using his Black Francis moniker these days, but even so! There was a tout selling tickets to punters in their 40s/50s for €30, then buying them back for €20 after the doormen had explained who exactly was playing. Then I overheard a young girl (early 20s at most), upon seeing a couple in their 50's at the door, saying to her...
7 2495
by  Protein biscuitJump to last post
2/12/2008 3:27 AM
13 Replies and 3000 Views Who needs Jools?  3000  13 Started by  starbelgrade .. when we've such excellent homegrown music programmes like the one on Network 2 last night. Inspired performances from The Blizzards, the highly appropriately named The Thrills, that wonder boy of the pop world, Mr. Brian McFadden (featuring a member from The Chapters on cello)... all culminating in a truly life changing performance of 'Anyone Can Be A Star' from the exhuberant Paddy Casey - it even had a mind blowing bass solo. Quality stuff - and people complain that RTE spends our license...
13 3000
by  starbelgradeJump to last post
2/7/2008 10:24 AM
0 Replies and 2280 Views jens lekman @ village  2280  0 Started by  jan foggy notions are bringing him back - yipeee!! may 25th in the village
0 2280
2/6/2008 8:38 AM
0 Replies and 2142 Views iron and wine @ olympia  2142  0 Started by  jan they're coming back on sunday may 11th and have elected to play a decent venue as opposed to the barn they gigged in last time. looks like it may be a seated gig too sunny may evening, quiet cold pint, totter over the to the olympia...this could be gorgeous
0 2142
2/6/2008 8:37 AM
27 Replies and 5212 Views The Urges in need of a little help ...  5212  27 Started by  Rosco
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Good evening all, The Urges need a favour from all you cats out there ... The garage-tastic Primitive Festival in Rotterdam is once again being held this coming summer & we would love to play it. Now this is where the problem lies and were you come in: the one rule that the festival organisers have is that no band can play the festival twice ... but this year they are conducting an online poll were you can vote for a previous band to play at this years event. If you log...
27 5212
by  RoscoJump to last post
2/5/2008 6:28 AM
3 Replies and 2432 Views New Tindersticks: 'The Lonely Saw'  2432  3 Started by  carry_grant Return of Tindersticks. Marvellous. April 28th.
3 2432
by  Protein biscuitJump to last post
2/5/2008 2:23 AM
2 Replies and 2071 Views Sunset Rubdown  2071  2 Started by  mickeyjoe84 Does anyone have any idea when or where tickets are going onsale for the Sunset Rubdown gig in Crawdaddy on 20th of May
2 2071
by  UnicronJump to last post
2/4/2008 8:30 AM
80 Replies and 10083 Views Currently Listening to... (Jan 2008)    10083  80 Started by  Ally
(Topic has multiple pages1 2 3 ... 4 )
we should really have one of these on the board... captain beefheart - trout mask replica (it took me years to buy this album but i'm sure glad i did... great shtuff!)
80 10083
by  BinokularJump to last post
1/31/2008 1:25 AM
7 Replies and 2679 Views Nick Cave at Dublin Castle  2679  7 Started by  Ally i have never been to dublin castle before... ...if you consider that i usually hate outdoor venues and especially hate big venue, is dublin castle any good
7 2679
by  PeterQuaifeJump to last post
1/30/2008 1:57 PM
44 Replies and 10083 Views 'Once' song: eligible for Oscars?  10083  44 Started by  aidan
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It featured on the last Frames album ('The Cost') so doesn't that mean it's NOT an original song written especially for the movie Or is there a loophole re: previous sales, release in certain countries, etc...
44 10083
by  starbelgradeJump to last post
1/30/2008 5:42 AM
20 Replies and 4879 Views All Tomorrows' Partys 2008 lineup  4879  20 Started by  PeterQuaife
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All tomorrows partys has a super lineup also http://www.atpfestival.com/events/explosions/line_up.php
20 4879
by  QuintJump to last post
1/29/2008 10:56 AM
0 Replies and 1341 Views MBV: July Paris gig  1341  0 Started by  aidan ...according to French ticket outlet FNAC: My Bloody Valentine at the Zenith in Paris on 9 July. Tickets on sale now, cost €42.80 More info and link to the FNAC MBV page on my blog post
0 1341
1/28/2008 1:24 PM
10 Replies and 2328 Views State Magazine  2328  10 Started by  nialler9 New Irish music magazine and website I'm involved with: http://www.state.ie Interview with Hot Chip SXSW irish Artists announcement Explosions in the Sky tickets Album reviews of Goldfrapp, Lupe Fiasco Dan le Sac Scroobius Pip live review First mix in State mix series by Nouveaunoise
10 2328
by  starbelgradeJump to last post
1/28/2008 3:27 AM
0 Replies and 1433 Views Amazon MP3 comes to europe  1433  0 Started by  Binokular Looks like Amazon MP3 will be available outside the US later in the year (no date specified), this is good news if you are like me and absolutely refuse to use Apples DRM laden iTunes. Even if Apple were to move away from DRM tomorrow, it's still needed, anything that stops iTunes from total dominance is a good thing. I realise there are other non-subscription sites out there like 7 Digital but they don't have the brand recognition needed to topple iTunes. http://www.reghardware.co.uk/200...
0 1433
1/28/2008 3:24 AM
44 Replies and 9153 Views Cluas Fantasy Football  9153  44 Started by  Gar
(Topic has multiple pages1 2 3 )
Some of you may have only gotten over the World Cup disappointment and are still seeing that Zidane headbutt happening in slow motion, but the football world doesn't wait around. In fact, the Premiership is starting again next month and that means fantasy football is back. For anyone interested, it's free, a good laugh, makes Watford vs Reading games interesting (if you are unfortunate enough to pick one of their players) and easy to set up. Just go over to www.premierleague.com. Then click o...
44 9153
by  ZeitguestJump to last post
1/25/2008 2:27 PM
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