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1 Replies and 1188 Views new white stripes  1188  1 Started by  king of nails has anyone heard some of the new white stripes record 'elephant' yet...the tracks i've heard on the radio (jay ahern, 2fm) are brilliant...i wasn't overly crazy about 'white blood cells' but this new stuff is class so far, not to mention a lot of fun...it's great that a band who went platinum have recorded a new album in 2 weeks in a modest london studio using only ancient equipment (none of which dates past 1963 apparently)...almost too cool perhaps (don't forget they also refused a million d...
1 1188
3/14/2003 12:21 AM
0 Replies and 1254 Views Adam Snyder  1254  0 Started by  stevey Adam Snyder (former Mercury Rev member), will be live on Raidió na Life 106.4FM this Sunday (16th of March) from 4-5pm. Should be deadly! www.adamsnyder.com Also, Declan O'Rourke recorded an excellent session last Sunday, it can be heard at 1.30AM this Friday-he even did a gorgeous rendition of 'don't think twice it's alright'
0 1254
3/12/2003 2:54 PM
0 Replies and 1180 Views Raw  1180  0 Started by  nessy the acoustic night Downstairs DA2 tonight 8.30pm NO CC line up for tonight Aine O Doherty Ed Hurrell elaine k Barry Kavanagh Keith Burke Bill Coleman
0 1180
3/12/2003 1:51 PM
15 Replies and 2844 Views Soundroom with Ollie Cole, Neosupervital & more..  2844  15 Started by  soundroom Soundroom Sunday March 30th (yes ignore the fact that you're working for the man the following day) Ollie Cole (he of TURN fame) Neosupervital (vital listening) Tadhg Cooke (a young Van Morrision apparently) & Stephen Walken (check out soundweb for some sublime mp3's) Doors: 8.30 Subs: 5 check out soundweb for updates.... Da2 is back in action with a re-vamped upstairs. The stage has been extended and moved towards the front windows and the bar is now at the bar. Come in a...
15 2844
3/12/2003 1:24 PM
2 Replies and 1497 Views Mogwy  1497  2 Started by  Gizmo What the fuk is a Mogwy
2 1497
3/12/2003 1:13 PM
0 Replies and 1424 Views Wanted Irish Bands For Witnness?  1424  0 Started by  pastafari I'm not sure if any of you have heard the rumours out there but MCD are apparently losing the rising stage this year. If this is the case whay has Tom Dunne had a witnness rising act of the week for so long, purely for Guinness Branding If they don't put the show on they're going to miss out on such great acts as Johny Pyro, THINK, The Chalets, Analogue Mindfeild, The Tall Stories and you all know the rest. Is there something we all can do organise a musicians strike All ideas welcome!
0 1424
3/12/2003 1:09 PM
2 Replies and 1947 Views Tom Dunnes new low  1947  2 Started by  damo101 lastnight he played the NME top 25 albums of all time - the laziest programme possible, requiring no imagination.
2 1947
3/12/2003 12:04 PM
5 Replies and 1516 Views Hip Hop Help  1516  5 Started by  roisin Would anybody know if there is an Irish publication that would publish a feature/review on an independant German hip hop label. A friend is promoting the label and a new book on graffiti and Hip hop. I personally don't have any knowledge of Irish music publications beyond Hot Press! Is there others Failing that what are the UK music mags /web publications that would feature /review Hip hop. ta very much!
5 1516
3/11/2003 12:20 PM
1 Replies and 1512 Views Shane McGowan  1512  1 Started by  nessy This Friday night Late DJ Set Voodoo
1 1512
3/11/2003 10:52 AM
10 Replies and 2865 Views Voodoo Lounge Sunday  2865  10 Started by  dropkick Was at a gig on Sunday in the Voodoo,called Start.There was a band on called Modesty,they were top class.Anyone know anything about them
10 2865
3/11/2003 10:23 AM
47 Replies and 10403 Views Neil Young - 105 quid?  10403  47 Started by  Q2 That's it, I quit. I was originally delighted to hear that Neil Young is coming to Dublin, but I was pretty gutted to hear that all tickets are 105 quid a pop. I'm afraid I'm treating this one as a mile stone. I'm quitting these major gigs. Jesus H, 105 quid For a 60-90 minute show You could buy 6 or 7 CDs with that. Common sense is telling me to say no. I've had it with these mcd prices. This is beyond a joke. If you want my advice, spend your hard-earned money in The Lower Deck, or Molloys ...
47 10403
3/10/2003 10:24 AM
0 Replies and 1529 Views declan o'rourke  1529  0 Started by  stevey Hiya, Declan O'Rourke will be on Raidió na Life 106.4FM playing live tunes and picking records for an hour this Sunday from 4-5pm. Check him out, he's amazing. www.declanorourke.com
0 1529
3/8/2003 1:27 PM
0 Replies and 1266 Views SINGLETON > update  1266  0 Started by  singy Anyone wishing to get concession tickets for the SINGLETON gig on 12 March in Viva, South William Street, D2 8.30pm should email their name to ticketssingletonmusic.com - you'll be added to a discount list which will enable you to get in for 7 Euro rather than the 8.50 Euro. Also, if anyone wants to swap links, please email infosingletonmusic.com with the details. Cheers S.
0 1266
3/7/2003 11:57 AM
0 Replies and 1451 Views tivoli  1451  0 Started by  Buzz Hi All, Just a quick reminder about this Thursday's benefit gig in Club Tivoli for Chernobyl's children's Project. They are trying to raise funds to Fill an Ambulance and drive it to Belarus, with some much needed medical aid for the children that are still affected by the tragedy even to this day. The Line - up so far is. Alistair, Paddy Casey & his band, Special Guest Appearance Sinead O'Connor, Also Appearing Aidan Roberts, Declan O Rourke, Joe O Connor. Thursday 6th March 2003 C...
0 1451
3/6/2003 6:18 PM
0 Replies and 1260 Views alt.radio show sat 8mar  1260  0 Started by  king of nails tune into dublinsouth104.9fm this sat b/w 6 & 7 pm if you can for music from wilco, billy bragg, yo la tengo, plus some great irish music and more...
0 1260
3/6/2003 3:19 PM
0 Replies and 1465 Views hot press yearbook  1465  0 Started by  papa razzo have yiz seen the price of it !! and to think of all the letters theyve printed about how prices are shooting through the roof in this land of ours. €20 is ridiculous considering it has all the same info as last years.
0 1465
3/6/2003 12:27 PM
2 Replies and 1588 Views Bono & Chirac  1588  2 Started by  tobble So a week ago Bono was given the rank of 'Chevalier dans l’Ordre de la Legion d’Honneur' (Knight in the Order of the Legion of Honor) for his work with Third World debt relief. And it was Jacques Chirac who presented him with it (see photo here: http://us.news2.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/p/ap/20030228/capt.1046440288.france_chirac_bono_par102.jpg). Well I guess then Bono has forgotten calling him a w**ker back in 1995 at an MTV awards ceremony in Paris at the time when Chirac resumed French testing of...
2 1588
3/6/2003 10:04 AM
0 Replies and 1528 Views Someday @ the Lobby, Cork - Saturday 8th March  1528  0 Started by  Morn The Cork leg of Someday's 'Dedicated' release tour with: Someday - Mellow rock and moody female vocals David Nelligan - One of Cork's premier songsters Over 18s only
0 1528
3/6/2003 9:20 AM
0 Replies and 1287 Views Think! Single in shops  1287  0 Started by  eddiesheridan Here is a list of shops Think! Single is available in > >Abbey Discs >Blacktrack (Cork) >Book Centre (Waterford) >CD World ( Drogheda) >Da Groove ( Navan) >Flipside >Dennistons (Longford) >BPM ( Waterford) >HMV Tallaght >Lee (Tralee) >Metro Music (Rathfarnham) >Monaghan Tapes >Music Box (Finglas) >Rainbow (carlow) >Resistance Records >Square Discs (Wexford) >Top 20(Kilkenny/Naas/Newbridge) >Tower Easons >Golden Disc...
0 1287
3/5/2003 7:43 PM
0 Replies and 1321 Views elaine k this saturday  1321  0 Started by  nessy elaine k St Marks Electric Choir Sheridan Jpat Voodoo Lounge, €7 Doors 8pm
0 1321
3/4/2003 8:36 PM
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