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60 Replies and 12531 Views Worst band name EVER ?  12531  60 Started by  John Doe
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As Ham Sandwich, a band much beloved of many Cluas regulars, prepare to release their debut album, the sheer awfulness of their name got me wondering: have you ever found it difficult, if not impossible, to like a band purely because of their name I've slowly gotten to like Ham Sandwich's music but I have to admit it took me a long time to get over THAT name. First impressions were of some bloody awful band trying too hard to be 'wacky'. You know, 'Oh look at us we're not like those awful prete...
60 12531
by  IcaruSJump to last post
3/5/2008 8:11 PM
0 Replies and 1563 Views Ida Maria  1563  0 Started by  starbelgrade I'm lovin' this band - Fooking lovely, lovely music... ' Drive Away My Heart ' (Great video too!) 'Stella' (no, not Stella Artois!)
0 1563
3/5/2008 4:52 AM
0 Replies and 2182 Views Jean Michel Jarre at the NCH  2182  0 Started by  muzak Performing 'Oxygene'. €80 a ticket though http://www.nch.ie/Box-Office/Performances/Jean-Michel-Jarre.aspx
0 2182
3/5/2008 3:57 AM
20 Replies and 6714 Views Super Extra Bonus Party bag Choice Music Prize  6714  20 Started by  Unicron
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Who had SEBP backed then
20 6714
by  starbelgradeJump to last post
3/4/2008 7:24 AM
30 Replies and 8470 Views Who deserves to win the Choice Music Prize?     8470  30 Started by  admin
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The ten albums above have all been shortlisted for the 2007 Choice Music Prize. Vote for the album you think should win the award (you will need to be logged in to vote, if you are not yet a member of the CLUAS discussion board please register on this page, membership is free). The winner will be announced on Wednesday February 27th at Vicar Street. For more details on the prize, the awards night and the judging panel visit the Choice Music Prize website. Eoghan
30 8470
by  adminJump to last post
2/28/2008 7:59 AM
90 Replies and 18131 Views Currently listening to... (Feb 2008)    18131  90 Started by  Binokular
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todays top tunes: Blondie - Heroes X-Ray Spex - Germ Free Adolescents and this Schneider TM - The Slide , which is just achingly sad and beautiful.
90 18131
by  UnaRocksJump to last post
2/28/2008 4:49 AM
23 Replies and 5696 Views Glen Hansard & Marketa Irglova win the Oscar  5696  23 Started by  admin
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And here's their performance of the song on the night:
23 5696
by  starbelgradeJump to last post
2/28/2008 4:00 AM
2 Replies and 1852 Views Super Extra Bonus Party win Choice Music Prize  1852  2 Started by  Ally so super extra bonus party then... haven't heard a single note by this mob...
2 1852
2/28/2008 2:21 AM
4 Replies and 3726 Views New Portishead album Third release date April 28th  3726  4 Started by  Archie Oooooooh, exciting. Anybody know why they're not coming to Ireland for their tour
4 3726
by  AllyJump to last post
2/27/2008 10:12 AM
4 Replies and 1781 Views Other Voices last night (5 March '08)  1781  4 Started by  starbelgrade I'm not even gonna bother going into details - last night's show was dreadful. They could really do with pushing the boat out a bit more on this show... there's far too much acoustica and blues. A sprinkling of electronica would really inject something into the format. Dark Room Notes are on next week - I only know their 'Nicotine' tune, which is a decent song, if not a tad lacking in the editing dept (it'd make a perfect 3.5min pop tune)... so I'm looking forward to seeing them play. ...
4 1781
by  starbelgradeJump to last post
2/25/2008 6:48 AM
2 Replies and 1952 Views and you thought you had a big music collection....  1952  2 Started by  Binokular 3 million records, and according to state magazine, an Irish buyer has just bought it on Ebay http://www.state.ie/blog/irish-buyer-for-3million-music-collection/more-174
2 1952
by  PARTONJump to last post
2/25/2008 3:42 AM
25 Replies and 9695 Views Jools Holland 20th Anniversary show  9695  25 Started by  floodzer
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Just spotted this in Herald A.M. Performers include Radiohead, Cat Power & Feist! Tonight 23.35pm on BBC2
25 9695
by  starbelgradeJump to last post
2/22/2008 4:08 AM
2 Replies and 2354 Views Cluas Email Suspended??  2354  2 Started by  mairtin Hi, Can someone help My cluas email has been suspended since Wednesday night. Really need access to it! Please help. Thanks, Mairtin
2 2354
by  mairtinJump to last post
2/22/2008 2:30 AM
14 Replies and 5019 Views Talk about.. Pop Music  5019  14 Started by  starbelgrade I saw bits of 2 shows this week with people discussing music on them - one was Newsnight on BBC... there was one dude (well, I say dude, but he did actually look like Napolean Dynamite's nerdy cousin) discussing the relative merits of Duffy, arguing that she was more 'urban' & thus, more relevant than any of her contemporaries. (It might have actually been Adele he was discussing, but either way, that's kind of irrelevant). The other was John Kelly's show on RTE (The View).. they were ta...
14 5019
by  starbelgradeJump to last post
2/21/2008 10:26 AM
6 Replies and 2251 Views Brit Awards Winners  2251  6 Started by  starbelgrade Outstanding Contribution To Music; Paul McCartney British Album; Arctic Monkeys - Favourite Worst Nightmare British Single; Take That - Shine British Group; Arctic Monkeys International Album; Foo Fighters British Female Solo Artist; Kate Nash International Group; Foo Fighters International Female Solo Artist; Kylie British Male Solo Artist; Mark Ronson International Male Solo Artist; Kayne West British Breakthrough Act; Mika ...
6 2251
by  BinokularJump to last post
2/21/2008 6:20 AM
6 Replies and 2536 Views is Cluas email working ?  2536  6 Started by  Wicker Can't get into my Cluas email for at least a week. Anybody else having the same problem Thanks
6 2536
by  mairtinJump to last post
2/21/2008 4:01 AM
17 Replies and 3044 Views The National - May?  3044  17 Started by  PeterQuaife Was told that the National are back in May, cannot find ought on the t'internet...anyone hear anything cheers PQ
17 3044
by  starbelgradeJump to last post
2/20/2008 8:50 AM
11 Replies and 2898 Views Other Voices (21 Feb '08)  2898  11 Started by  starbelgrade I watched this last night - well some of it. When I switched it on, there was some whiney cow with an acoustic playing, so I flicked for a bit. Daniel Lanois' instrumental on the steel lap guitar was amazing - amazing even just to watch him play it! Super Furries.... I was never a bit fan of their music, but I do love their attitude.. the singer's acoustic guitar was f**king class too - with a piece of cardboard stuck onto it to make it look like an electric!! Haha! Best of the bunch though, for...
11 2898
by  QuintJump to last post
2/19/2008 10:38 AM
22 Replies and 7678 Views Other Voices last night (13 Feb '08)  7678  22 Started by  floodzer
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Did anyone see this tonight Was it one of the immediate lads on guitar (for Cathy Davey)
22 7678
by  QuintJump to last post
2/19/2008 10:38 AM
4 Replies and 2903 Views Hooray For Humans split?  2903  4 Started by  aidan Just saw some sad news on Naomi's 'Off Her Rocker' blog: Hooray For Humans lead singer Aine has quit the band. It's a shame. Apparently the rest of the band will continue, and look for a new singer... hopefully they won't split up completely.
4 2903
by  starbelgradeJump to last post
2/18/2008 8:09 AM
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