14 Replies and 2473 Views
The Immediate's debut EP 2473 14
Started by conor-immediate
The Immediate's Debut EP 'Don't Get Lost' is now available on an independent Dublin release in Road Records (Fade Street), Smile Records (South Great Georges Street), Mojo Records (Crown Alley, Temple Bar) and other quality record stores.
A launch gig will be announced soon.
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2473 |
5/24/2003 7:02 PM |
6 Replies and 1199 Views
eurovision 1199 6
Started by space cheeks
what are your thoughts on this lads i think its a disgrace i mean mickey joe harte and his big green guitar , Russian Lesbians and Austrians singing about sheep
is anyone gonna watch this year
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1199 |
5/24/2003 11:45 AM |
14 Replies and 2764 Views
Dublin South FM Saturday Nov 22nd 2764 14
Started by jimbo
Hi everyone,
Just to let you know I'll be doing an hour long show Saturday May 24th on Dublin South FM from 6 - 7pm. The frequency is 104.9FM. I'll be playing some tunes from up and coming Irish artists (Mumblin Deaf Ro, Settler, Boa Morte, etc.) and broadcasting details of upcoming gigs, before getting onto more established acts, and I'll be playing little known songs from them or songs from some of their new releases.
Hope you can tune in.
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2764 |
5/23/2003 2:54 PM |
0 Replies and 1323 Views
New Website 1323 0
Started by Uncle Nova
Hello all,
just letting anyone who cares know that our new website is nearly completed, it an be viewed at www.unclenova.com we are currently taking a break from gigging until the auld exams are over but when we return the site will be full of usefull information about gigs and recording and eh stuff!!
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1323 |
5/23/2003 2:02 PM |
1 Replies and 1349 Views
Tall Stories & The Things 1349 1
Started by roonus
Tall Stories and the Things play Issac Butts this Saturday the 24th of May. I have no idea how much it is cuz no one told me. Doors open around 8pm, i think. This will be the last Dublin show for the Things before heading off to London for a gig in the Notting Hill arts club for Alan McGee's London version of Death Disco. The Things will be back to play two showcases, first on thursday 12th of June on the TBMC and second the Imro showcase final in the Village, Sat 21st of June. The Things will a...
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1349 |
5/23/2003 10:04 AM |
1 Replies and 1636 Views
IMRO Showcase Tour 2003 1636 1
Started by everest
IMRO Showcase Tour | Best Of Tour Gig | Sat June 21 The Village
The 2003 IMRO Showcase Tour reaches its finale in June with some of the very best emerging acts from these shores taking the stage to showcase to music industry figures, media representatives and an eager live music audience in The Village, Wexford Street, Dublin on Saturday June 21.
The acts were chosen from the 50 bands showcased by IMRO around Ireland over the last couple of months.
The bands selected to perform a...
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1636 |
5/23/2003 8:47 AM |
7 Replies and 1341 Views
bruce springsteen - THE BOSS 1341 7
Started by dirtypropaganda
is anyone going to see this legend next week. i aint but i would give my left ventricle to be going....although i think if i heard him doing the river live i would break down and cry like a whinging child on the 77A...maybe its best im not going....but in fairness id love an owl rub of the boss
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1341 |
5/23/2003 8:32 AM |
3 Replies and 1826 Views
american analog set 1826 3
Started by king of nails
i see w. interest that american analog set are playing (dublin's) sugar club on wed. june 11...great lo-fi band...if you're into people like the kingsbury manx, luna, yo la tengo, the notwist get your ass there!
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1826 |
5/22/2003 11:57 PM |
0 Replies and 1382 Views
seisiúun 106-the hidden cameras and cane 141 1382 0
Started by stevey
Tonight, 1.30am-the Hidden Cameras: live tunes and choice records.
Sunday, 4-5pm-Cane 141: dj set by Mike Small of Cane 141.
Raidió na Life 106.4FM
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1382 |
5/22/2003 4:17 PM |
1 Replies and 1644 Views
kingsativa and Jimmy Cliff !!!! 1644 1
Started by dhulaigh
Only found out tonight...gig of the century!
Please please please tell me somebody has a spare ticket for the first night
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1644 |
5/22/2003 2:03 AM |
11 Replies and 3346 Views
The Smiths 3346 11
Started by Vent My Spleen
As some of the elder lemons here might be aware, The Smiths released their first single 20 years ago and BBC 6music have some interesting stuff on their site http://www.bbc.co.uk/6music/artists/smiths.shtml Best of this is 2 30 minute pieces (rela Audio) with some old interviews interspersed with Peel Session & demos. There are also some pretty piss poor covers by the like of The Thrills and Ed Harcourt (actually I can't think of a good Smiths cover ever).
Hilariously, Mozzer heaps praise ...
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3346 |
5/21/2003 9:02 AM |
1 Replies and 1359 Views
Great tunes for u to listen to free 1359 1
Started by eddiesheridan
Listen to great tunes by some of the best bands around by visiting http://www.cpu-records.com/sounds/default.htm
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1359 |
5/19/2003 5:52 PM |
1 Replies and 1221 Views
The Mouse 1221 1
Started by cloudedmouse
The Mouse will be featured on the new music album' Fast Forward'. This release will be out on Monday May 19, 2003. Their song, Cereal Killer has been added to the Matchbox Radio playlist, where listeners can hear the song approx 5-9 times per day and vote for the song on The Matchbox Top 10. The chart is decided purely by listeners votes. On the day of release an album page will be added to the site www.matchboxrecordings.co.uk with song reviews/band profile etc. There will also be an NME advert...
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1221 |
5/19/2003 3:45 PM |
1 Replies and 1388 Views
Sweet Soul Music 1388 1
Started by thestewboy
I've always felt the Irish appreciate good songwriting in a way the Brits seem to have forgotten about. But I don't see much mention of Soul music on this site. Here in the UK right now there are some excellent Soul artists like Kevin East, Omar, Terri Walker, Beverlei Brown etc. but they only get airplay on specialist radio and coverage in the Soul press whereas all the predictable urban/R'n'B acts from the States are never off the radio. Is it the same in Ireland or do you give those sorts of ...
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1388 |
5/17/2003 3:46 PM |
18 Replies and 3021 Views
best(?!) debut. 3021 18
Started by joedolan
i don't mean to come over all new agey on you, but how does one actually define the 'best' when it comes to music
biggest-selling is a measurable thing(although not very important methinks).
most influential is also sort of quantifiable.
to say that something is an idividuals 'favourite' album makes sense.
but this gack about the 'best' albums that magazines regularly print really boggles me.
'your art is BETTER than the other guys'.
music is not sport, listen to what you like...
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3021 |
5/16/2003 4:31 PM |
1 Replies and 1506 Views
Damo Dempsey 1506 1
Started by duncan
I went to see Damo in the village last nigth and
was once again blown away by his passion and his
tunes. The gig was completey sold out and he had
600 punters of all walks of life by the palm of
his hands. Respect to Damo, he's takin that step further
let's hope he stays there.............
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1506 |
5/16/2003 12:59 PM |
8 Replies and 1272 Views
Re: Thursday nest in Spi bar, Eden quay 1272 8
Started by sweetie
Indie schmindie:
Looking for all you crazy kids to come down and throw some shapes in
Spi bar next thursday when I'm djing 11 - 2. Alternative, indie, hip hop, bootlegs; everything goes. From air to weezer, bran van to wiseguys, dandy warhols to delakota. You want it We got it!
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1272 |
5/16/2003 11:08 AM |
20 Replies and 4393 Views
the best other voice! 4393 20
Started by papa razzo
by a long shot the best portion of other voices was emmet prayerboat tinley's performance shown on net 2 last night.
dare i say it but glen hansard ruined 'it hurts to lose you' which is perhaps the best song to come out of an irish throat ever! in fairness to hansard though i think he knew it.
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4393 |
5/16/2003 1:35 AM |
13 Replies and 2745 Views
Lyrics or Tunes 2745 13
Started by ellie
After a much debated drunken conversation the other night. My friends and I decided that lyrics mean more to women than men. Does anyone else think this
What is the most important part of a song The tunes or the lyrics Can one work without the other
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2745 |
5/15/2003 11:28 PM |
0 Replies and 1182 Views
Think! Play in the Mezzanine Sat 17th 1182 0
Started by eddiesheridan
Saturday night 17th may in the mezzanine temple bar sees Think play a late gig as part of their Hotpress sponsored tour.
This will be a late gig as Think! will go onstage about midnight.
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1182 |
5/15/2003 9:17 PM |