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10 Replies and 2840 Views Had it with Hot Press!  2840  10 Started by  papa razzo Forgetting about the fact that Westlife get the cover again this week I have to voice my yukkedness at the Frames related pish that fills every single issue. I think they are a great band but every issue for the last 5 months has had a massive splurge on them. I mean this week another bloody gig review. why why why It annoys me to the point where I'm actually starting to despise the band and certainly the mag. You might just agree
10 2840
6/21/2003 2:18 AM
1 Replies and 1572 Views Upcoming Scribble gigs  1572  1 Started by  Scribble To coincide with the launch of the single 'Another Day,' Scribble will be appearing in The Lobby in Cork on Saturday July 5th The Sugar Club in Dublin on July 8th. (with Special Guest Niall Connolly) The Dublin gig will feature visuals, including the debut screening of the video for the forthcoming single 'Another Day,'from their critically aclaimed album 'Thought for the Day' which was shot in picturesque north county Dublin. 'No cartoon rockers these, but fully drawn musicians and...
1 1572
6/19/2003 8:19 PM
0 Replies and 1137 Views Voodoo  1137  0 Started by  nessy Hi There, As some of you know I'm hanging up my Voodoo boots so July 12th is my last night there. Thanks to everyone for all their support since Christmas - It has been very much appreciated. Just to let everyone involved know The Battle of The Bands will go to the end.. Anyone wishing to contact Voodoo about after July 12th the number is 01 8736013 Keep in touch because I will be running gigs in other venues very shortly. Thanks again Ness 0879219955
0 1137
6/18/2003 10:05 AM
0 Replies and 1472 Views MAINLINE LIVE 'N' LOUD  1472  0 Started by  badboy mainline live eamonn dorans tonight also mainline will be supporting the things whelans on june 26th check out the mainline website: www.mainline.moonfruit.com
0 1472
6/18/2003 12:26 AM
0 1368
6/17/2003 9:33 PM
0 Replies and 1504 Views DEVICES - 2 Casio Drum Improvisations  1504  0 Started by  meta 6th July 2003 DEVICES - 2 Casio Drum Improvisations Featuring Dave Carroll Adrienne Flynn Rory McCafferty Graham Montgomery Garry O’Neill Gavin Prior Venue: Lazybird, The International Bar, Wicklow Street, Dublin 2. 8pm / 4euro _____________________________________________________________________ DEVICES is a series of musical events set up to explore improvisation based on reference / structural points, focussing on interaction through rhyt...
0 1504
6/17/2003 3:27 PM
0 Replies and 1243 Views the pale on the radio  1243  0 Started by  stevey Short notice but...... The Pale, Beo ar Seisiúin 106 4-5pm inniú Raidió na Life 106.4FM __________________
0 1243
6/15/2003 3:21 PM
0 Replies and 1058 Views IN CASE YOU FORGOT...  1058  0 Started by  singy Just a reminder that SINGLETON and THE MUSIC PHOTOGRAPHER (Roger Woolman) are putting on a special gig in Viva on Tuesday 17 June at 8.30pm: a a full band performance from Singleton and photo show of rare and exclusive music images (featuring shots of U2, Radiohead, Coldplay, Travis and more) by Woolman. Admission is 8 Euros (students with id and unwaged: 5). More info at www.singletonmusic.com and www.themusicphotographer.com
0 1058
6/14/2003 12:04 PM
1 Replies and 1336 Views Single Release  1336  1 Started by  Richie Dublin noiseniks Otranome launch their debut single 'Sweet Screams' in The Temple Bar Music Centre, Dublin on Thursday 26th June. Adm €6 Support from Mike Got Spiked, the Beautiful Losers and special guests Wallmark Friday 27th The Stables, Mullingar, support from Violent Sky and Tailor Made Project. Saturday 28th in Tower Records, Wicklow St, Dublin. 1pm. www.otranome.com
1 1336
6/12/2003 10:30 AM
3 Replies and 1087 Views ballroom of romance CD-R's  1087  3 Started by  john@soundweb.ie hi all, just been listening to the nifty CDR i got when i went to Ballroom of Romance 16 a while back - great stuff i was wondering how i could possibly get my hands on some of the previous CDR's from gigs 1-15 - does anyone have ideas
3 1087
6/12/2003 9:22 AM
2 Replies and 1661 Views Coolest Web Page  1661  2 Started by  baba Has anyone seen the MUSIC page on Kingsativa's website Pretty f**king cool - I'd love it for my band...mind you, we don't even have a bleedin website. Ah f*ck it, to be honest we're not even a real band. But check it out at www.kingsativa.com/index2.html
2 1661
6/11/2003 4:00 AM
0 Replies and 1104 Views Look at the tits on this  1104  0 Started by  eddiesheridan http://stedoyle.com/tits.jpg
0 1104
6/10/2003 10:47 PM
0 Replies and 1023 Views Latest on the Things  1023  0 Started by  roonus Find out the latest news on The Things at www.thethingsireland.moonfruit.com You may need to down load flash.....
0 1023
6/9/2003 10:52 AM
0 Replies and 1113 Views Last Day...  1113  0 Started by  singy Last chance to avail of free tickets to the SINGLETON / MUSIC PHOTOGRAPHER show in VIVA on 17 June (live performance by Singleton and photo show by Roger Woolman: rare and exclusive pics of well-known acts like Radiohead, U2, Coldplay, Travis etc.) >>> to get a free ticket, go to www.singletonmusic.com. Offer ends 10 June, so today (the 9th!) is the last day tickets will be made available for free on the site. S>
0 1113
6/9/2003 10:21 AM
7 Replies and 1534 Views Radiohead  1534  7 Started by  papa razzo Just me or is Hail To The Thief not very good
7 1534
6/9/2003 2:38 AM
0 Replies and 1732 Views mainline live mayhem!!!!!!  1732  0 Started by  badboy mainline live voodoo saturday june 14th check out the mainline website: www.mainline.moonfruit.com
0 1732
6/9/2003 12:24 AM
9 Replies and 5645 Views Funny Oasis Quotes  5645  9 Started by  DrMylesOBoogie Starts off with the full story of the Oasis Vs. Coldplay feud At a recent charity concert for kids with cancer, Coldplay's Chris Martin took the opportunity to vent his anti-war views: During Everything’s Not Lost he urged the crowd: “Don’t be afraid to sing along, sing to end this war.” He also changed the lyrics of A Rush Of Blood To The Head to “I’m going to buy a gun and start a meaningless war.” Not entirely unexpected since he's been a vocal opponent of the war. But it didn't sit we...
9 5645
6/7/2003 7:29 PM
0 Replies and 1651 Views Berkely  1651  0 Started by  Brain of G I think that's how you spell it anyway. Saw this band play Cuba in Galway on Wednesday night and they weren't bad. Anyone here know anything about them
0 1651
6/6/2003 4:47 PM
0 Replies and 1183 Views Wicker on Near FM 101.6 Mon 9th 10pm  1183  0 Started by  Wicker We shall be doing an in-studio interview and a few acoustic numbers on the 'White Noise' show on NearFM 101.6 at 10pm on Monday 9th of June.... So feel free to tune in.. The show will also be repeated on Tuesday at 3:30pm (I think ...)
0 1183
6/6/2003 10:26 AM
0 Replies and 1372 Views slane tiks  1372  0 Started by  redpixie67 anyone know of anywhere to get slane tickets my mate wants one and is willing to pay a good bit. if anyone knows of any ways will they let me know cos we haven't heard of anything. thanks
0 1372
6/5/2003 4:40 PM
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