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27 Replies and 8049 Views What's Phil Coulter doing on Eura Star?  8049  27 Started by  Q2 Howdy all, What the hell's that has-been Phil Coulter doing on Eur-a-Spa Who cares about Louis Walsh or Linda Martin, neither of them couldn't tell a harp from a harmonica, their roles are a complete joke, but I would have thought that Phil Coulter was an established and talented musician (although I've never listened to any of his stuff, maybe I'm misguided) I can't believe he's on that show, I would have thought he was above that crap. I saw an ad for it on TV the other day where ...
27 8049
11/17/2003 11:03 AM
1 Replies and 1662 Views razorlight @ the hub  1662  1 Started by  johnny cash is it true i read in the hotpress they are playing dec3 , or could it be another f**k up on behalf of the hub like when they announced johhny marr was playing there on holloween night suppose we'll have to wait and see
1 1662
11/14/2003 2:56 PM
8 Replies and 1337 Views Kings of Leon on Jonathon Ross  1337  8 Started by  Dromed The Kings of Leon will be on the Jonathon Ross show tonight at 10.35pm on BBC1!!!!
8 1337
11/14/2003 1:38 PM
3 Replies and 1458 Views The Stunning ADs on E4  1458  3 Started by  space cheeks Hey lads cjeck this out i just read it on the walls.ie website if ya have quicktime(which i dont boo hoo) ya can check out the ad on thestunning.net bizarre anyhoozles! The Stunning have ended up in a row with British TV station E4! It started as a drunken party joke and ended up as a TV ad. The Stunning were celebrating the end of the 'Paradise In the Picturehouse' re-union tour at a party where New York comedian Aidan Bishop was in attendance. Someone slapped on 'Brewing Up A Storm'...
3 1458
11/13/2003 10:01 AM
14 Replies and 2801 Views topic  2801  14 Started by  watchmanofephraim you know you really have some cheek to call me a troll, there has to be some law on the internet about calling people names as you have, just because you do not agree with what they say. ignore this looser! you know you really do trap your selfes with your own words, i did not put this out to up set people as you have wrongly put, this is a topic which is way over your head and the reason you dont understand it is due to the fact that you know nothing about scripture. So how can you come ...
14 2801
11/12/2003 3:10 AM
0 Replies and 1567 Views Ham Sandwich What the F***  1567  0 Started by  Dannym Was in Voodoo on Thursday night and saw this band that called themselves 'Ham Sandwich' They were the funniest thing ever, the guitarist climbed on top of the pa speaker stack during a song. They also had an intro with some crazy rant a bout a ham sandwich. I really don't think they want to be 'rock Stars' i think they just have psychiatric problems. The singer is a sexy chick too. Anyone know anything about them or where they're playing next
0 1567
11/8/2003 4:41 PM
1 Replies and 1658 Views exLiR - David Hopkins  1658  1 Started by  roselunekel best stuff i've come across in a long long time. his new solo songs are killing me. defo check him. www.davidhopkins.net some great free downloads will give you a reason to buy the album!
1 1658
11/6/2003 12:20 AM
13 Replies and 3567 Views Film Music  3567  13 Started by  flagman Alright, we have a favorite film thread, how's about a film music thread Here's just a few I love. You Only Live Twice (you know the one that knob Robbie sampled, great strings). The Mission, 'Gabrielle's Obo' Ennio Moriccone I think is the composer . Goodfellas, the piano bit at the end when it's all going wrong, I think it's a Derick and the Dominos tune. Unbreakable, I'm not sure if the music was written just for this film, it sounds familiar. Star Wars, Main theme and Imp...
13 3567
11/4/2003 12:47 PM
22 Replies and 4096 Views Kill Bill  4096  22 Started by  Dromed Hey. Going to see Kill Bill FINALLY this week...I hear it's the dogs. Wondered what yer all time favourite films of all time are
22 4096
11/4/2003 10:22 AM
5 Replies and 1365 Views GEORGIES GAF.  1365  5 Started by  dirtypropaganda this is an appeal to everybody and anybody that has ever been in georgies gaf...i have been issued with the task of making a short film for an individual project in college. one of the options im exploring is making a documentary about georgies gaf, the goings on that happen there at the weekend and the people who make them happen. im looking for feedback from anyone that uses the forum and who has been to georgies gaf and lived to tell the tale....i need the help of the people involved for this...
5 1365
11/2/2003 10:11 PM
5 Replies and 1686 Views Danny and Donna  1686  5 Started by  cosmic let down check out the version of im on fire,the great boss tune.Recorded by former front lady of hi rise donna and danny. let it flow
5 1686
11/2/2003 8:01 PM
0 Replies and 1453 Views Coldspoon Conspiracy album released this friday  1453  0 Started by  coldspoon conspiracy hey all, our first album 'Plays Well With Others' will be out from next Friday 7th November 2003. expect to find it in Road, Tower and City Discs initially, and hopefully more afterwards. it will be available to buy online at www.roadrecs.com or www.skinnywolvesdistro.cjb.net free 2 track album samplers are available from Road Records this week. The Coldspoon Conspiracy The Coldspoon Conspiracy release their first full length album ‘Plays Well With Others’ on November 7th 2003 throug...
0 1453
11/2/2003 3:51 PM
34 Replies and 5585 Views Babylon and house of israel  5585  34 Started by  watchmanofephraim from Damien Davis have written up these pages in order to let people know that the Jehovah's Witnesses are 'The House of Israel' by their own addmission, so this make's them fall under the judgement of same. And who, may you ask are the House of Israel They where the people that the Lord of Israel, in the time of Moses brought out from under the tight-fisted control of the their persecutor, Pharoh of Egypt. If they the watchtower are the House of Israel, due to the fact they have taken...
34 5585
11/2/2003 5:34 AM
0 Replies and 1539 Views LOCK IT HARD!!!!!  1539  0 Started by  willie the wild one LOCKING SUBJECTS NOW EH CENSORSHIP AND ALL THAT BORED ARE YA ITS FUNNY THAT YOU NEVER GET BORED OF SOME OF THE OTHER BULLs**t THAT LIVES A LONG AND HAPPY LIFE ON THIS WET TISSUE OF A WEBSITE FREEDOM OF SPEECH..JUST WATCH WHAT YOU SAY. NAZI IRELAND HAS ITS OWN WEBSITE NOW...BOO-HOO-HOO (incidentally im only moaning..you can lock what you want im sure well all still sleep soundliy at night)
0 1539
10/30/2003 7:00 PM
4 Replies and 1582 Views Settler: Hard Won, Hardwired  1582  4 Started by  snakybus Here's a bit of blurb about Settler's new album. The launch for this album is in the Lower Deck on November 13th. There will be freebies at the door. There will also be some special guests. Fairview House Recordings Hard Won, Hardwired Settler November 2003 Hard Won, Hardwired is the second album by Dublin band Settler. It is available now from Tower Records, Dublin, Road Records, Fade Street, Dublin, or online from www.roadrecs.com. Following the release and critical acclaim o...
4 1582
10/30/2003 10:40 AM
13 Replies and 3680 Views they call me willie the wild one  3680  13 Started by  willie the wild one I RIDE A MOTORCYCLE I RIDE BIRDS I CUT SCHOOL I CUT ANYONES THROAT THAT MESSES WITH ME MY HAIR IS LONG AND PURPLE IM TAKIN OVER THIS TOWN IM WILLIE THE f**kIN WILD ONE
13 3680
10/29/2003 2:42 PM
0 Replies and 1681 Views Glen Phillips  1681  0 Started by  Fifer Just wondered if any of you have ever heard of Glen Phillips He used to be with 'Toad the Wet Sprocket. ' He has an awesome new CD out called 'Live at Largo.' You can check it out www.glenphillips.com or www.awarestore.com Thanks!
0 1681
10/29/2003 12:36 AM
4 Replies and 1648 Views DEAF  1648  4 Started by  flagman Hello all, Anybody venture to DEAF, over the weekend at the Storehouse I went on Saturday night and have to say I didn't enjoy my €35 worth of entertainment. I missed Plaid first of all, they were on quite early and even though I was there since the start I was wandering around a bit, or trying at least. Which brings me to the security presence at the gig, it was very high profile. Men in black were constantly coming up to me to inform me that 'you can't stand here', couldn't walk th...
4 1648
10/28/2003 3:12 PM
19 Replies and 3139 Views xxxx  3139  19 Started by  megan
19 3139
10/28/2003 12:00 PM
17 Replies and 4299 Views What song's do you want to hear at indie discos?  4299  17 Started by  stroller How's the craic I've being DJing at a couple of indie disco's in Galway for just over a year and despite all the great music that's come out in that period of time I'm still getting plagued to play Smells Like Teen Spirit and Killing In The Name Of. Band's like The Libertines, Raveonettes, BRMC, Interpol, Hot Hot Heat, The Rapture and Yeah Yeah Yeah's still get a very mixed reaction and there seems to be a disturbing number of Guns N Roses fans out there. I was just wondering is it the same sto...
17 4299
10/26/2003 7:32 PM
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