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1 Replies and 1510 Views Get a load of this  1510  1 Started by  eddiesheridan http://www.politics.ie/modules.phpname=News&file=article&sid=3727 <--- bands looking to get on this gig might wanna get moving
1 1510
3/19/2004 8:46 PM
8 Replies and 2121 Views Lambchop or SFA?  2121  8 Started by  Karlito How do Well next sunday sees the gigs of both of the above brilliant bands. Simple quesiton: Which one would you perfer to see, Lambchop in the Gaeity or SFA in the Olympia
8 2121
3/19/2004 10:25 AM
7 Replies and 1942 Views MP3s by TheThings or The Chalets?  1942  7 Started by  stroller I've heard a fair bit of Hype about The Things but I still haven't heard any of their music. Does anybody know anywhere on the net where I can listen to a few of their tunes I'd also appreciate it if anyone could post some links to MP3s by The Chalets or any other domestic artists who are trying to provide a musical alternative to the current batch of mediocre Irish singer songwriters.
7 1942
3/18/2004 7:09 PM
13 Replies and 2921 Views Josh Ritter?  2921  13 Started by  QsySue I haven't heard any of his stuff, what's he like Here's my deal... He's playing here (Seattle) at a small tavern venue on Wed Mar 31 at 8pm. Another local band I want to see is playing the same night, but they'll probably go on later than he will, and the venue they're at is pretty close by, so I may try to catch both. The thing is, I'm seeing Damien Rice w/The Frames on Mon the 29th, and the night before that is another show, Brant Bjork (drummer from Kyuss and Fu Manchu, he does solo st...
13 2921
3/18/2004 4:25 PM
9 Replies and 1993 Views old ground - high prices for gigs in ireland  1993  9 Started by  damo101 Bob Dylan is 60 snots in galway plus the usual booking/handling/whatever else we can get away with charging fee. in spain 5 days later, tickets are 30 quid. how does that work the spanish venue has a 15,000 smaller capacity - http://my.execpc.com/~billp61/dates.html0627 so how do irish promoters get away with fleecing everyone every summer still can't figure it out after years of going to gigs.
9 1993
3/18/2004 2:57 PM
2 Replies and 1857 Views Saps....  1857  2 Started by  Karlito Hows it going.... I think this subject ws brough up before but anyway...last night I was at the Kila gig - bloody fabulous - I don't think Phil Spector could of got that sound. Anyway to the point, I was in the upper circle, you know the one that if someone stands up that your view is blocked, there was this girl there who looked locked but she kept standing up and playing with her hair and stuff and just annoying everyone, and when the bouncers asked her to sit down she didn't, and when p...
2 1857
3/18/2004 2:04 PM
0 Replies and 1860 Views more oxegen news  1860  0 Started by  eyeballkid wu tang clan and polly harvery have been added to the line up of oxegen. not sure what kind of line up the clan will have though. did anyone check out the raekwon gig in dublin last night
0 1860
3/18/2004 1:10 PM
4 Replies and 2048 Views Where to you buy?  2048  4 Started by  Vent My Spleen This is a topic touched on in another thread but is close to all of our hearts, where to buy cheap CDs With CDWow falling foul of the music industry, I really couldn't give a rats ass how I buy - second hand is fine by me even if it means that the artist gets sod all (if the industry are going to screw the consumer at every turn, then we should screw them back). I am a big fan of ebay.co.uk routinely picking up discs for less that 9 euro inclusing shipping (go UK as the shipping is usually ...
4 2048
3/18/2004 9:07 AM
0 Replies and 1227 Views Gig Anouncements  1227  0 Started by  Vent My Spleen Just a gentle reminder that gig anouncements posted to 'Soap Box' will me moved to theie rightful home on the 'Gig Anouncements' board. Thanks.
0 1227
3/18/2004 8:53 AM
0 Replies and 1525 Views Blue Monkey Studios  1525  0 Started by  czar Blue Monkey Studios is situated near Rosscarberry in West Cork. It's based in a large house overlooking the sea with room to accomodate 10-12 people during recording. So far, the bands that have taken it have moved in and used it as a live-in studio, meaning you can record at most times during the day and night at your leisure, using an experienced in-house engineer. The house can also be hired for writing purposes (ie w/o use of studio). Some of the artists to use the studio over th...
0 1525
3/17/2004 12:39 AM
45 Replies and 10522 Views Dublin Music Scene is Dead?  10522  45 Started by  Johnson Right i'm just gonna throw this one out there. Would anyone else agree with the contention that the Dublin music scene is dead. Now let me clarify exactly what i mean here before i'm stoned to death. Although i'm not denying that there is multitude of bands out there, many great, many not so great I believe that the opportunity for bands to get signed and actually progress their music in Dublin just isn't there anymore. Maybe it's the shortage of decent venues in Dublin or the fact that record c...
45 10522
3/15/2004 12:59 PM
1 Replies and 1384 Views anybody see mainline last nite?  1384  1 Started by  dirtyboots best dublin band ive ever seen. pure f**kin jesus an mary chain vibe goin on.from the time they got on stage til they finished there were no gaps just this big fuzzy drone. the sound in the hub was also quite impeccable. peter (the opiates)
1 1384
3/14/2004 9:34 PM
4 Replies and 1629 Views Paris venues.. Dublin venues  1629  4 Started by  duncan I just got back from paris...were i went to see Air in a venue called 'le Zenith'...i was amazed how organised and laid back the place was compared to our big venues like the point or vicar street...there were no spastic bouncers trying to force there authority on you..no half hour wait in the jax ready for your balls to burst..and what really amazed me was there attitued to drink... there was no que's at the bar..they had little trollies in the middle of the venue selling drink, so there was n...
4 1629
3/14/2004 2:35 PM
1 Replies and 1946 Views compactrisc news, march 2004  1946  1 Started by  compactrisc Hello from Compactrisc. We have lots to tell you. ---Herv: Snap Hands--- Snap Hands, the debut album by Herv, was co-released on CD by Compactrisc and Sinkorswim Records (http://www.sinkorswimrecords.com) at the start of the year. We think it's a fantastic album, and we reckon you should all run out and buy it. Other people have been very positive about it as well, so we've copied some reviews onto the end of this thread. Our favourite so far: 'a national Herv day would be a nice, humble...
1 1946
3/11/2004 10:31 AM
1 Replies and 1576 Views Has anybody heard?  1576  1 Started by  nancy ..........Has anybody heard the new Stand album 'In a happy place'.............I'm completely hooked!
1 1576
3/10/2004 7:28 PM
3 Replies and 1740 Views Boyzone reunion  1740  3 Started by  Brain of G Wouldn't it be great We could have someone like D-Side supporting them to really launch themselves on the Irish public.
3 1740
3/10/2004 5:25 PM
0 Replies and 1462 Views Fiach at the MEZZ - on the verge?  1462  0 Started by  markwhite anyone got a contact number for fiach - he organises open mic at the mezz on monday nights...
0 1462
3/10/2004 4:27 PM
5 Replies and 1834 Views A mission from god - josh ritter, glen hansard...  1834  5 Started by  h. monster this is the best comedy i've seen this week!! http://homepage.eircom.net/~amissionfromgod
5 1834
3/10/2004 4:18 PM
0 Replies and 1082 Views New Rehearsal Studio  1082  0 Started by  soundasylum EXERCISE YOUR RIGHT TO ROCK!!! Hello Musos There is a new rehearsal studio for bands called 'THe Sound Asylum' (yes, I know it's a dreadful name... I take full responsibility for it.) Bands can go and throw shapes to their hearts content. THere are two rooms and a lock up facility being put in. It's in Jervis Lane (behind Millets camping on Mary Street). For booking call 086-6075939 or e-mail thesoundasylumhotmail.com There is limited back-line at the moment. For those abou...
0 1082
3/10/2004 12:15 PM
8 Replies and 1678 Views Great gig at Dorans last Sunday!  1678  8 Started by  Bamboo Hi there Saw a band play the other night in Eamonn Dorans called Page27 and was wondering if any of you guys heard of them before because I thought they were absolutely fantastic and I'd love to get some info on the band. They're a three-piece and they play Radiohead kinda style. Cheers! Bamboo
8 1678
3/9/2004 7:50 PM
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