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5 Replies and 1439 Views new york dolls reunion gig in london.  1439  5 Started by  dirtypropaganda theres talk of the new york dolls surviving members getting together at the request of none other than morrisey to play the meltdown festival in london in june. best part is the late greats johnny thunders and jerry nolan will be replaced by izzy stradlin and gary powell of the libertines respectively. could you think of a more interestin gig to go to this summer. although looking at the way glasto sold out id say it will be hard to get tickets. im wondering if it does happen and they are pre...
5 1439
4/16/2004 1:53 PM
0 Replies and 1219 Views new music Reclaim  1219  0 Started by  leeb New Dublin band 'Reclaim' are completing their debut album check 'Reclaim' at www.reclaimmusic.com
0 1219
4/15/2004 11:34 PM
0 Replies and 1255 Views the cure to play oxygen!  1255  0 Started by  dirtyboots i'm sorry this post is completely pointless but i'm just so f**kin happy!!! peter (the opiates)
0 1255
4/15/2004 10:19 PM
4 Replies and 3562 Views Where to buy CDs cheaply?  3562  4 Started by  din0saur I'm new to the Cluas forums but just saw some interesting stuff on some of the boards that got me thinking. How do y'all get your hands on cheap music On my odd visit to the US I used love paying a visit to http://www.streetlightrecords.com// (a new & used place with great prices) - i would literally come home with a suitcase of CDs. Anyway I see The_Thin_Man mentioning picking up some great older irish cds on www.amazon.com for $1 or $2, eoghan talked about using www.ebay.co.uk and Qsy...
4 3562
4/14/2004 1:35 PM
10 Replies and 1286 Views Best Break Up Letter Ever  1286  10 Started by  eddiesheridan Message deleted by moderator as its content had abosultely NOTHING to do with music (also should point out that the decision to remove the posting had absolutely nothing to do with the fact that this moderator is a complete and utter prude). eoghan
10 1286
4/14/2004 1:54 AM
1 Replies and 1453 Views Do you want your Songs played on American radio?  1453  1 Started by  beast American Independent Radio Marketing We are launching our EU division of Pigboat Recordings ‘Get airplay’, College and independent radio promotion program. Currently, we work with a bit over 300 radio stations in America. In Brief, I was blown away by the amount of quality material coming from Ireland and England and, while back in Seattle, developed this program with radio marketers ‘Pigboat Recording’ (Seattle), website developers, music mastering extraordinaire ‘Alien syndicate’ (Chica...
1 1453
4/8/2004 7:10 PM
5 Replies and 1562 Views Is it wrong to honour Kurt's suicide?  1562  5 Started by  Brain of G Now don't get me wrong or anything, Nirvana are my favourite band ever and if they didn't have such an abrupt and tragic end maybe they could've stayed around and be recognised as the greatest band of all time. But, does anyone else here think it's wrong to have all these tributes to Kurt Cobain's death I mean does this mean suicide is acceptable Also, would we not be better off celebrating what he did in life not the fact that he shot himself. It p*sses me off that all these people who call ...
5 1562
4/8/2004 5:49 PM
2 Replies and 1587 Views Waiting Room review  1587  2 Started by  ilovehoovering the album is much better than the review says. i dunno...hmph...i love the way the second song just stops. and then it's onto something new...'laboured listen' my ass. oh and it's not their debut album as it says at the end.
2 1587
4/8/2004 5:03 PM
23 Replies and 4930 Views Any Wilco fans?  4930  23 Started by  stephen You can hear the new album here... http://wilco.c.topica.com/maab7ztaa5OfOa6Ut74e
23 4930
4/7/2004 10:37 AM
4 Replies and 1296 Views Wierd side effect of the no smoking ban I wonder  1296  4 Started by  klootfan This is all probably Bull, but ive been to 3 Gigs since the no smoking ban came in and ive noticed that the crowd was in extremely quiet in 2 of the 3 gigs. The third was relatively quiet. Halite in Eamonn Dorans and Iain Archer in whelans last night. Normally you would expect the usual banter throughout the gig, increasing in loudness during the intersong breaks. In dorans, Hopper was trying his damnnest to get a reaction from the crowd. He himself was wondering if it was a side effect o...
4 1296
4/7/2004 9:19 AM
10 Replies and 1689 Views HUMANZIE!!!  1689  10 Started by  humanzie Humanzie is coming to dublin soon....He is a human,chimp Hybrid... and he loves rock'n'roll... he is a solo artist but he also will be playing with a band..there will be a number of gigs announced so please support your local chimp... and please remember Humanzie loves you all, especially those of you at the end of the genetic lader... Respect......
10 1689
4/5/2004 9:30 PM
14 Replies and 1336 Views Kurt Cobain Anniversary tribute  1336  14 Started by  shineybootsofleather Kurt cobain tribute night in the TBMC Anyone know anything bout it
14 1336
4/3/2004 4:36 PM
8 Replies and 1529 Views Glastonbury  1529  8 Started by  Enricho Anyone else trying to get tickets for glastonbury I've been tryng to book some since they went on sale over 5 hours ago with no luck. This year only one website (aloud.com) is selling them and that site isn't working too well.
8 1529
4/2/2004 12:05 AM
25 Replies and 4643 Views The Things & Oxygen?  4643  25 Started by  Fernandez Who thinks that The Things should play Oxygen
25 4643
3/30/2004 10:03 AM
4 Replies and 1291 Views Libertines & Franz Ferdinand to Support Morrisey?  1291  4 Started by  stroller Has anyone else heard this rumour about the gig in Dublin Castle
4 1291
3/29/2004 9:20 PM
4 Replies and 1315 Views pics of the urges / immediate etc - TBMC  1315  4 Started by  segru check out http://www.distortionghost.com/static/noiseparty/ for pictures of noiseparty4 the music centre last friday 26th. happily there was no bottles thrown!
4 1315
3/29/2004 4:30 PM
8 Replies and 3797 Views Recording Material - Help!!  3797  8 Started by  Bamboo Hey. Could somebody out there advise me on the kind of laptop I need to buy if I want to use a programme such as Cubase (professional music recording) I know nothing about technical stuff in computers so if you have any idea or link or whatever, thanks for letting me know. Bamboo
8 3797
3/25/2004 9:08 PM
3 Replies and 1525 Views MTV squeezing indie labels  1525  3 Started by  eoghan On the BBC World service this morning they had a report on about how MTV are seeking to pay indie labels apprx 50 less royalties than they have been paying them up to now. They are not seeking to change the terms with the majors, apparently. A fella was on from Sanctuary records (The Strokes, Iron Maiden on their roster among others) was on and they are considering their options. Among which they have not excluded telling MTV to go shove it. To be honest, the escapade does not surpise me. ...
3 1525
3/25/2004 12:38 PM
43 Replies and 8682 Views The Best Irish albums EVER  8682  43 Started by  eoghan Right. Here's the deal. CLUAS will be 5 years old this coming May and as part of the celebrations we're gonna run a readers' poll (yes, another) to find the Top 50 Irish Albums of All Time . In preparation for this I recently invited the CLUAS writers to each nominate their top 5 albums. Check out the top fives that have been submitted to date by the writers (plus their unique and charismatic commentaries on each choice) on this page: http://www.cluas.com/bestalbums/ The polls, by the way, ...
43 8682
3/23/2004 9:20 AM
7 Replies and 1521 Views Madonna - WTF?  1521  7 Started by  Vent My Spleen The Sunday Times reports that Madonna is playing Slane this year. They also reckon tickets will be roughly 150 euro (based on the fact that gigs she is playing in England will be 100 sterling). Will it sell Discuss....
7 1521
3/22/2004 9:04 AM
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