15 Replies and 1346 Views
Being Ripped Off 1346 15
Started by Gar
NOt too sure if many or anyone will agree with this bust just throwing it out there. Noel Gallagher was interviewed after Glastonbury by Joe Whiley. He said that Oasis are trying to sort through about 50 songs they recently recorded and pick the best 10 for a new album. With Oasis gone for a good while, do they not owe their fans more than just ten songs
When Tom Waits hadn't recorded in a few years he came back with two brand new albums, 'Alice' and 'Blood Money', released on the same day. ...
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1346 |
6/29/2004 1:13 AM |
6 Replies and 1338 Views
Rocking blues 1338 6
Started by Archie
Ok, how about this one:
Is it possible to like rock music without liking or at least in some form identifying with blues music, as the former was pretty much based on the latter
Hopefully this will become interesting...
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1338 |
6/27/2004 8:13 PM |
18 Replies and 1538 Views
Film stuff 1538 18
Started by Archie
Discussion seems to be slowing down here a bit, so for the sake of an argument:
Best film music ever (single track or entire soundtrack)
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1538 |
6/27/2004 6:44 PM |
7 Replies and 1602 Views
Rock Stars in videogames 1602 7
Started by Binokular
Figured we hadn't had light hearted thread on the forum in a while, so I thought I'd start one, it being a friday and all.
Video may have killed the radio star, but it seems the video game and the rock star were made for each other. If ever there was a format for flashy, characters this is it and it seems rock (and hip hop) stars are popping up in video games all the time, the most recent being Iggy Pop playing a carjacking criminal in the new GTA style, driving/shooting game, Driv3r.
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1602 |
6/25/2004 9:54 AM |
22 Replies and 4596 Views
Bud Rising vs Oxegen 4596 22
Started by Karlito
Well Folks,
I have just been on the Bud Rising site looking at the line up. Even thought there are less bands than say Oxegen it looks like a pretty damn fine event.
What think you all of this compared to Oxegen. I think I'll be heading to some of the gigs at Rising - Primal Scream in the Red Box - Charlatans in Whelans - it's good to see these bands in such small venues.
What yis think
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4596 |
6/24/2004 11:14 AM |
7 Replies and 1545 Views
Demise of Another Irish Band 1545 7
Started by klootfan
Looks like TenSpeedRacer have called it a day.
An offical looking post on their messageboard says that its all over and that their last gig will be the TBMC gig on July 3rd.
What a pity. Great band. Some great tunes.
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1545 |
6/23/2004 9:16 AM |
4 Replies and 1526 Views
Sound in the Village 1526 4
Started by klootfan
Been meaning to mention this for a while. But has anyone been to a gig in the village in the last couple of months or so.
Ive seen the Future Kings of Spain, I Am Kloot and Jesse Malin there lately and the sound was pure quality every time. It really has improved. Can this be because of the sound desk move
What do you reckon
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1526 |
6/22/2004 1:38 PM |
23 Replies and 5106 Views
Is the CD single dead? 5106 23
Started by Binokular
The CD single is dead, well at least looking really unhealthy. Universal plan to ressurect the CD single using the 8mm format (those tiny CDs, that you come across occasionally)
If these CD Singles were sensibly priced, no more than say, about 3 Euro (or less ideally), would you buy CD singles again Can the CD single ever be resurrected even in the sort term or will the future for singles just be downloads.
Its easy to say downloads are the future, but there has always been someth...
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5106 |
6/21/2004 4:19 PM |
14 Replies and 1503 Views
Republic of Loose. 1503 14
Started by Dwight
Picked up the new album on Saturday. Listened to it on the way to work today. Fooking good. Dirty gritty catchy bluesy....
Anybody else have any opinions
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1503 |
6/21/2004 2:26 PM |
4 Replies and 1178 Views
Mogwai 1178 4
Started by Archie
Hey will someone please answer me a question that no one seems to know the answer to. i love mogwai they are genius etc. etc. (I really do) but where the hell did they get the name is it a made-up word or does it actually mean something
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1178 |
6/21/2004 9:44 AM |
2 Replies and 1473 Views
Oxegen Press Pass 1473 2
Started by Gar
Who won the press passes for Oxegen I'll buy one if they are for sale
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1473 |
6/19/2004 12:32 PM |
0 Replies and 1402 Views
Dave Couse 1402 0
Started by eoghan
Excuse me as I quite deliberately break one of the Discussion Board rules I usually insist upon - that is the publishing a gig announcement on the 'Soap Box' board and not on the 'Gig announcements' board. I fully expect (nay, insist!) that one of my other fellow moderators moves this message eventually to the Gigs board in due course. After a few people have viewed it, bien sur.
The gig announcement follows:
Dave Couse, who played a remarkable set at the CLUAS 5th birthday gig last month, i...
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1402 |
6/18/2004 5:52 AM |
17 Replies and 2027 Views
Vote NO 2027 17
Started by Duff_man
I got into work this morning and found out that The Urges are playing Oxegen.....
Now they're a good band but I don't think that they deserve a gig like that in any way.
Let me know if you think the same way or you think that they've worked hard enough for it.
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2027 |
6/17/2004 9:31 AM |
30 Replies and 8392 Views
The worst U2 songs in the world. Ever. 8392 30
Started by eoghan
I'm kicking this off as a counter-tonic to the 'best U2 songs' thread. Because – let’s not forget - the lads have released some corkers over the years. Here's a few to kick it off:
“The Refugee” from 1983’s War. I always completely hated this track. Sonically obnoxious. And the fact that it is the only song by U2 ever produced by Bill “Riverdance” Whelan is probably not a coincidence.
“Ocean” on their debut Boy. Sits ajar on their splintering debut. Which is quite likely the reason they pu...
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8392 |
6/17/2004 9:16 AM |
11 Replies and 4145 Views
Favourite Cover Artists (the other kind) 4145 11
Started by Binokular
Not to be confused with the other 'covers' thread running on the boards, this one is about actual physical record covers that keep your CDs/Vinyl safe and probably influenced your decision to buy the record in the first place.
So when comes to album covers who is your favourite artist/designer/photographer
Obviously for me being a New Order fan, Peter Saville springs to mind, but I've become quite a fan of Julian Opie having just discovered his website (http://www.julianopie.com/). He de...
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4145 |
6/15/2004 12:33 PM |
35 Replies and 4813 Views
Madge - hit or miss? 4813 35
Started by john@soundweb.ie
anyone arsed going to slane what price are tickets and why has this woman never bothered to play here before now
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4813 |
6/15/2004 11:51 AM |
6 Replies and 1639 Views
Anyone @ RCHP - Phoenix Park 1639 6
Started by Rev Jules
Yo Booyiie !
I went late to RCHP and caught the main event second half of Pixies.
What were the supports like - thrills / flowers / armada
Answers on a postcard y'all
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1639 |
6/14/2004 5:27 PM |
22 Replies and 10832 Views
Best Cover Songs 10832 22
Started by Gar
Just wondering what people on this board regard as the best cover songs out there. I think that Johnny Cash is the main man for the amount of covers he did so well, with Loudon Wainwright III 'The Man Who Couldn't Cry' and Nick Cave's 'Mercy Seat' standing out.
Other great cover tunes are 'The Man Who Sold The World' by Nirvana, 'Breathe' by Roesy, 'Stand By Me' by John Lennon, 'I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry' by Ryan Adams and 'Let's Get It On' by Jack Black.
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10832 |
6/10/2004 1:45 PM |
14 Replies and 5458 Views
Your favorite U2 song 5458 14
Started by QsySue
Come on, there's got to be at least one you like! haha.
Mine is 'A Sort of Homecoming.'
A close number two is 'One.'
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5458 |
6/10/2004 1:46 AM |
10 Replies and 3185 Views
Bouncers at the Temple Bar Music Centre 3185 10
Started by Bugger1
After being barred from the T.B.M.C. last month for no reason, I have heard that is not unusual. The place has a reputation for that over the last few yew years. I would be interested to know if people have had the same misfortunes.
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3185 |
6/8/2004 8:57 PM |