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28 Replies and 6721 Views WORST COVER VERSION EVER  6721  28 Started by  Rev Jules Well, I was sitting on the couch nursing a bad cold on Saturday morning (aww diddums) so I decided to turn on CD:UK and guess what, horror of horrors, I saw. Will Young performing 'Hey Ya' (OutKast) as if it was one of those ghastly little, piano led torch songs that those four bald ****s sing every week on the Jonathon Ross show. AARRRRGHHHH ! Ok, what are your worst cover versions
28 6721
7/12/2004 4:15 PM
13 Replies and 2796 Views Verdicts on Oxegen  2796  13 Started by  Gar Just in the door, what a weekend. So many great performances but few let downs aswell like Dogs Die In Hot Cars and The Darkness. Can't wait for next year now. Full report on the way!!!! Who was the best in other people's opinion Mine was Republic Of Loose
13 2796
7/12/2004 1:27 PM
1 Replies and 1037 Views Pinback Gig - Urgent, please read  1037  1 Started by  dudley Due to a work permit cock up beyond the bands control they weren't able to enter the UK from Europe today and were sent back to France this afternoon. Every effort is being made to get them to Dublin in time for tomorrow nights show, but there is a possibility the show will be postponed until Tuesday night. I hope this doesn't inconvenience too many people and I will post more info the second I have it.
1 1037
7/11/2004 10:36 PM
0 Replies and 1147 Views oxegen saturday ticket needed  1147  0 Started by  elscifo i know this is a long shot but if anyone out there has an oxegen ticket for saturday/weekend they need rid of. reply to this post or send a mail to elscifo yahoo . com or call 086 3563259. ta, Shane
0 1147
7/9/2004 10:20 PM
2 Replies and 1119 Views BOWIE UNDERGOES EMERGENCY HEART SURGERY  1119  2 Started by  Rev Jules The True reason why Bowie cancelled his appearance at this years Oxegen has become clear. David Bowie has undergone an emergency heart operation for an acutely blocked artery. The 57-year-old rock star fell ill after playing the Hurricane Festival in Sheesen, Germany, on June 25, his spokesman said, and and had had an angioplasty procedure at a German hospital. The spokesman said that Bowie had sought treatment for a pinched nerve in his shoulder but discovered the blocked artery. 'Bowie, w...
2 1119
7/9/2004 4:40 PM
5 Replies and 1121 Views Timetable for Oxegen ?  1121  5 Started by  John Doe Anyone know where I can get a timetable for Oxegen Hot Press published one last year but I don't know if the latest issue has one.
5 1121
7/9/2004 9:20 AM
0 Replies and 1418 Views Ticket Exchange  1418  0 Started by  Mush Lads n Lassies! My camping ticket was ACCIDENTLY sold this morning and i have a 2 day pass now instead. However as Im on crutches I need a camping ticket to be with my buddies! I will pay the extra for the camping ticket. please contact me at mushypea007yahoo.co.uk or 087-9956519
0 1418
7/8/2004 3:25 PM
6 Replies and 1353 Views Movie Section  1353  6 Started by  Gar How come no-one ever writes film reviews for this site anymore The dreadful Paycheck has been there for months. If there are many regular American visitors here maybe they could write a review of films out there that won't be due in Ireland for a little longer. Just a suggestion to keep cluas.com a cool place to visit and to read up to date reviews!!!
6 1353
7/8/2004 10:21 AM
25 Replies and 6280 Views The Worst Song Lyric In The World  6280  25 Started by  Rev Jules Recent discussions on Cluas have touched on the sometimes purple poetry of our dear own Bono. The various remarks submitted made me wonder...what are the worst, stupidest, most inane lyrics in popular music If Bob Dylan represents the pinnacle of excellence in modern lyrics, who represents the bottom end Over to y'all
25 6280
7/6/2004 3:18 PM
14 Replies and 1575 Views Piracy Article  1575  14 Started by  Lucera http://www.ifpi.org/site-content/press/20040701.html saw this when I was supposed to be working, interesting stuff. Well, to an idiot like me it is. ooh look somethig shiney!
14 1575
7/5/2004 7:02 PM
9 Replies and 2411 Views Metallica's San Quentin Blues  2411  9 Started by  Rev Jules Advance word on 'Some Kind of Monster' the acclaimed rockumentary which depicts the music leviathan Metallica in therapy, is that it is a riot, 'Spinal Tap' as remade by Woody Allen. One of the comedic highlights of this film, which delighted audiences at the Sundance Film Festival, is a scene where James Hetfield goes to San Quentin Prison to lecture the notorious jail's hardened criminals on the subject of 'getting in touch with their rage'. The response from the inmates is a less than adu...
9 2411
7/5/2004 10:38 AM
0 Replies and 1344 Views Downloading  1344  0 Started by  steviesnes Hi there, My name is Steve and I am currently undertaking research into the effect of illegal (not for payment, thereby infringing copyright) downloading of MP3's on the music industry and other areas, such the new legal alternatives. Below is a link to my survey that I would be very grateful if you could complete. (The survey is totally anonymous and untraceable.) If you have strong opinions on these issues I am particularly keen to hear from you. (You may have to enable cooki...
0 1344
7/1/2004 10:33 PM
1 Replies and 1581 Views glastonbury highlights ?  1581  1 Started by  karlvin Just wondering was what people thought , I was lucky enough to get tickets and my highlights were in no particular order 1 - Macca , a living legend , fireworks and all 2 - Damien Rice , brought a band very heavy and cool in parts. 3 - Starsailor - even though I'm not a fan 4 - Ben Harper !
1 1581
7/1/2004 2:18 PM
10 Replies and 2257 Views When Are You Too Old To Rock 'n' Roll ?  2257  10 Started by  Rev Jules My recent worrying that, in my thirties, I am too old to rock (see 'Did Metallica Phone It In RDS' thread) has made me consider the question, when are you too old to rock My musings have also been prompted by two recent newspaper articles. The first, in last week's Sunday Tribune about Republic of Loose ('Pretty Fly For White Guys) posits that you are over the hill at 30. The second, in last week's London Times, featured an interview with Bonnie Raitt where she said that she didn't come into...
10 2257
7/1/2004 12:00 PM
13 Replies and 1666 Views OXEGEN  1666  13 Started by  Lucera Generally, a good line up eh Anyone notice the lack of big american acts...pity I'm sure we're all looking forward to eating the lovely burgers and chips, anyone got tips as to best not well known act to check out, Mine for starters, though I reckon most readers to this site know already, is the Republic of Loose, they should draw a crowd... Who should replace Bowie, Darkness or Muse (I'm sitting on the fence, I cant decide)
13 1666
6/30/2004 7:25 PM
1 Replies and 1323 Views any band not going to oxegen?  1323  1 Started by  trevradiator if there's any band not going to oxegen give me a bell 0863908829
1 1323
6/30/2004 6:36 PM
1 Replies and 1173 Views Bowie out of Oxegen  1173  1 Started by  klootfan NME are claiming that bowie has cancelled all his remaining tour including all festivals.....
1 1173
6/30/2004 10:30 AM
0 Replies and 1305 Views help  1305  0 Started by  trevradiator does any1 have the number for young dublin band the lymphatics0863908829
0 1305
6/29/2004 8:57 PM
10 Replies and 4325 Views BBC / BPI Launches New Download Singles Chart  4325  10 Started by  Rev Jules The London Times today (29/6/04) revealed that in September 2004, BBC Radio 1 will broadcast Britain's first download chart. The BPI has authorised the chart based entirely on 'paid for' downloads from legal sites such as I-Tunes. The Top Ten are, according to The Times. 1) Pixies 'Bam Thwok' 2) Maroon 5 'This Love' 3) OutKast 'Hey Ya' 4) Anastascia 'Left Outside Alone' 5) Mario Winans 'I Don't Wanna Know' 6) Corrs 'Summer Sunshine' 7) Rasmus 'In The Shadows' 8) Keane 'Everybody's C...
10 4325
6/29/2004 4:09 PM
4 Replies and 1485 Views Danzig  1485  4 Started by  The Mole WE Should All Obay The D a n z i g
4 1485
6/29/2004 12:18 PM
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