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2 Replies and 983 Views New Reviews  983  2 Started by  Gar What does everyone think of the new reviews up on the site Any stand out The pics from the Oxegen are quite good.
2 983
7/26/2004 10:44 AM
3 Replies and 1197 Views Worst gig you have ever sat all the way through?  1197  3 Started by  Binokular This thread was inspired by a truly awful gig I was at in Cyprus Avenue in Cork on saturday night (which was probably made to appear even worse due to the fact that I had just seen Gillian Welch play a fantastic gig the previous night). Some friends asked me to come with them to see some local bands, which in fairness is always a gamble. Anyway, all three bands turned out to be angsty nu-metal types - eek! In fairness the second band, Levelhead were actually not bad. I don't like new metal but t...
3 1197
7/26/2004 10:38 AM
1 Replies and 1522 Views Clubs in Middlesbrough  1522  1 Started by  Darcy hi I have no idea if anyone on here is from up north-ish in the UK and knows of any good clubs in M'brough not dance clubs or anything though! Thought it was worth a try putting a post on to check it out!! Hugs and squeezies! Darcy xxxxxxxxx
1 1522
7/23/2004 4:55 PM
1 Replies and 1632 Views Ladyfest Dublin Scavenger Hunt! 2nd August 2004  1632  1 Started by  Ladyfest Ladyfest Dublin Scavenger Hunt! Bank Holiday Monday, 2nd August 2004. Meet upstairs in the Oval Pub (78 Middle Abbey St) from 2:30pm. Hunt begins at 3pm! Arr! This is a photographic scavenger hunt! Your mission is to take photographs of your team with particular items, at particular locations or engaged in particular (legal!) acts around Dublin's city centre. Each task on the list carries a number of points, depending on how difficult it is. The team back within two hours with the most ...
1 1632
7/23/2004 2:38 PM
12 Replies and 5800 Views Open mic nights in dublin  5800  12 Started by  El Duderino What is the opinion of the Cluas members on these nights that are run in venues around town I try to get into town to play these nights as often as possible, which ain't easy when you live as far outside town as I do. These gigs never seem to be very well attended though. I know they can be a bit one dimensional sometimes but there are some excellent acts playing at them alot of the times. Well, over to y'all. What think you.....
12 5800
7/22/2004 2:50 PM
22 Replies and 4422 Views Musician Cameo's  4422  22 Started by  Gar With Springsteen popping up in High Fidelity with some advice and Tom Waits currently playing piano in Shrek 2. I wondered what are the most notable cameo's by musicians in films. Anyone know of any good one's
22 4422
7/22/2004 2:22 PM
7 Replies and 1576 Views Looking for a good club tomorrow  1576  7 Started by  wellspring Hey, I'm looking for a good Indie/Alternative club to go to tomorrow and/or Saturday. Sick to the teeth of Whelan's. Any other suggestions
7 1576
7/22/2004 1:28 PM
16 Replies and 2652 Views Mercury Music Prize  2652  16 Started by  Gar Just wondering if anyone ever follows these yearly nominations. I've discovered alot of good artists through this including Ed Harcourt, Gemma Hayes, PJ Harvey, Gomez. They just released the nominations this morning with Snow Patrol, Franz Ferdinand, Belle & Sebastian, Amy Winehouse, Joss Stone, Keane, The Streets, Basement Jaxx, Jamelia, Ty, Robert Wyatt and The Zutons all involoved. I'm sure Franz Ferdinand will be favourites but I think that The Zutons should win it. Does anyone know of ot...
16 2652
7/20/2004 12:47 PM
6 Replies and 1785 Views Anyone see DR.John last night  1785  6 Started by  Wicker I got to see Dr.John last night and was blown away. Pure funky would put put James Brown to shame
6 1785
7/20/2004 12:02 PM
3 Replies and 2074 Views New Musicans for Sessions on 98FM  2074  3 Started by  john 98fm latenighttalk New and upcoming musicians are being sought to appear on Late Night Talk on 98FM, if you are interested in appearing in the acoustic sessions from 12.30 each night Monday to Thursday or if you are an Irish speaker contact us regarding appearing on Thar Focal Agus Ceoil, the Irish Contemporary Music & Irish Language Programme broadcasting from 9pm to 10pm on Sunday evenings, send demo/cd to The Malthouse, Grand Canal Quay, Dublin 2, email john.odonovan98fm.ie or call 087 6444162, Regards, ...
3 2074
7/20/2004 3:36 AM
0 Replies and 1826 Views Swap Cork Gigs  1826  0 Started by  three16 If any band is interested in playing some swap gigs down in Cork, my band The Fallen are looking to get some gigs together around the country but don't really want to be playing to just the barstaff. So if any band is interested, can you post a reply to this or e-amil me: thefallengighotmail.com Not to be cheeky or anything but we don't really want to packing stuff into the van and driving up the country to be playing to a handful of people, so this is really only for bands who are ...
0 1826
7/19/2004 1:24 PM
56 Replies and 11510 Views Best lyric ever...volume one  11510  56 Started by  Brain of G What do ye think deserves to be called the best song lyric ever and why I reckon it's got to be the final lines in 'Black' by Pearl Jam: 'I know some day you'll have a beautiful life I know you'll be a star But why, why can't it be mine' Powerful stuff, like
56 11510
7/19/2004 11:38 AM
0 Replies and 1368 Views Mexican Pets/Pat Clafferty  1368  0 Started by  klootfan Any mexican pets fans out there. Well Pat Clafferty from the pets has released a solo album. Ive listened to some samples from his website www.patclafferty.com and it sounds good. He is playing the hub this friday. Cant make it myself what with the charlies in whelans...but id recommed it to anyone with time to spare on sat
0 1368
7/19/2004 10:23 AM
73 Replies and 12784 Views Best Upcoming Band  12784  73 Started by  Gar Just thought I'd see who other people regard as the best upcoming band. There are a few floating about who deserve a shout, like The Things. But are there others who people think will make a big impact. Another few might be The Urges, Dead 60s, Acidtone, Mighty Stef, Guggenheim Grotto.
73 12784
7/19/2004 9:58 AM
4 Replies and 4185 Views Gary Lightbody  4185  4 Started by  Darcy Hi, How AMAZING were Snow Patrol at T in the park, holy freaking B-jesus!! They were worth the four hour drive for sure. Anyway what i wanted to ask is does anyone know if he has a girlfriend He writes such heartfelt lyrics about his relationships and i was wondering! Darcy xx
4 4185
7/17/2004 12:52 PM
1 Replies and 1428 Views Kristin Hersh's new band 50 Foot Wave gig  1428  1 Started by  niamh Kristin Hersh of Throwing Muses has a new band called 50 Foot Wave and they're playing the Village on September 27th. They sound rather fantastic, so I thought I would let you all know :)
1 1428
7/16/2004 1:16 PM
6 Replies and 1470 Views websites  1470  6 Started by  cheesy Which artist you think has best website Was looking around but doesnt seem to be any good ones They have no real consistancy in them
6 1470
7/16/2004 12:17 PM
13 Replies and 2239 Views U2s new album stolen/missing?  2239  13 Started by  Binokular Early this morning, I was listening to the usual breakfast radio drivel while getting up and in my half asleep state I heard something about a copy of U2s forthcoming album 'Vertigo' (working title) going missing while they were on a publicity photoshoot. Apparently they are worried that it will end up being distributed on the net (its almost guaranteed to be out there already if it has been stolen). Anyone know anything about this story
13 2239
7/16/2004 7:56 AM
9 Replies and 1735 Views The Urges@Oxegen  1735  9 Started by  Psycolicker Did anyone catch The Urges at the New Band Tent Sunday morning Caught the last 15 minutes of their set and thought they were brilliant. Over 1,000 people there which is very impressive considering they were first on.
9 1735
7/14/2004 11:51 PM
8 Replies and 1490 Views Kings of Leon in the TBMC !!  1490  8 Started by  klootfan On sale now folks...hurry to get them Tuesday 27th of july as part of the bud rising festival
8 1490
7/14/2004 2:25 PM
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