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2 Replies and 1045 Views V Good Review of Sharon Tandy  1045  2 Started by  Rev Jules Credit where credit is due Doc. That excellent & funny review of Shazza's work not only made me want to hear her stuff but also to try out your patented method of rating a record. Right, I'm off to buy some Lego
2 1045
9/3/2004 10:35 AM
3 Replies and 1544 Views Jet & MTV awards drivel  1544  3 Started by  john@soundweb.ie now don't ask me what 'awards' ceremony this was, one of MTV's numerous editions but its on constant rotation at the moment (see 'telly is gone crap' thread) and i happened to catch this part while channel surfing the other night. in between the obligatory bling-bling s**te they introduced 3 rock acts to share a set from 3 different stages - which was kinda cool idea i must say. its was aussie band 'jet' and two american bands whose name i didnt bother to remember. Jet were on first and t...
3 1544
9/3/2004 9:32 AM
7 Replies and 1912 Views Want to be the next Louis Walsh ?  1912  7 Started by  Rev Jules This just through on my email so I thought I'd share it with y'all MIX (Music Industry Xplained) O4 Announcing the fourth series of the MIX (Music Industry Xplained) course. MIX 04 is a 12-week series of lectures (one each week) by top professional exponents from the Irish and International music industry. MIX 04 is aimed at those seeking careers in the music industry. The practical workings of the industry will be explained by key figures who have worked with artists as successf...
7 1912
9/1/2004 8:15 PM
21 Replies and 4232 Views The Thrills backlash starts HERE !!  4232  21 Started by  John Doe It was with much glee that I read the Q review of the new Thrills album. At last, somebody in the music press seems to have copped on to the fact that they're crap. After a nicely sardonic summary of their 'career' to date ( i.e. their amazing run of luck in convincing just about everybody that they're actually good ), the review concludes: 'The accompanying press release makes a big play for Let's Bottle Bohemia - dreadful title - being darker, edgier, a bold step on etc. It's not. It sounds...
21 4232
9/1/2004 5:42 PM
20 Replies and 4815 Views Damien Rice Review  4815  20 Started by  Jaker Is it just me or is that review completely inaccurate, claiming that the B-sides cd is being pimped as 'full album price' It is €10 as I understand it, does anyone is this a mistake
20 4815
9/1/2004 2:17 PM
5 Replies and 1704 Views Madonna milked it  1704  5 Started by  Brain of G Would anyone else agree with the following theory: It took Madonna 20 years to play a gig in Ireland even though she has always had a fairly large fanbase here. I believe this is because she never believed these fans were worth throwing a show for before but her marketing people probably sat down together in recent times and said 'hey, Irish people are suckers, they pay huge money to see almost anybody in concert so lets go get our moneys worth out of them'. Fans should not have gone to se...
5 1704
8/31/2004 2:46 PM
4 Replies and 1181 Views Republic of Loose Review  1181  4 Started by  klootfan Gar, Just finished reading your review of the Loose gig in the village, and its pretty good. However, i was just wondering why you didnt mention the crazy amount of talking that went on during the gig. Now im not an absolutist on this. There are times when you want to exchange words with a mate beside you during the gig. Big deal. Keep it low and keep it short. However, on sat night it was different. People were talking louder so that they could hear themselves over the band, and for ...
4 1181
8/31/2004 1:17 PM
30 Replies and 3839 Views Smoking Ban In Gigs  3839  30 Started by  Gar During the recent Republic Of Loose gig, a few mindless idiots sparked up and started smoking. Am I being like a grumpy old man for being annonyed about this Considering that the smoke was blowing in my face, alot of the people smoking were barely legal and acted like kids throughout the gig, and many people paid decent money to see the gig who maybe wanted to enjoy it in a smoke-free enviroment. A bouncer circled the crowd but they distingushed their cigarettes before proudly sticking their ch...
30 3839
8/31/2004 12:17 PM
0 Replies and 1257 Views Bangin Night In Galway  1257  0 Started by  Skell Thanks to everyone who made it down to an pucan last friday for the first Suite Mentale night with bass junkie, noid the droid, john kavanagh and vendillin on the visuals. Turned out to be a great night great fun had by all except the people who didnt get in cause of that fat w**ker of a bouncer who tried to stop everyone from comin in. so we will never go back to the pucan. As soon as we get a date we will post it here
0 1257
8/29/2004 5:38 PM
6 Replies and 1082 Views JACK WHITE MESSES UP LORETTA LYNN  1082  6 Started by  Rev Jules Well, it looks like the bloom is finally coming off Jack White's rose as the RIAA releases figures which show that Loretta Lynn's latest album 'Van Lear Rose'(produced by Jack White) has been one of the worst received country records of 2004, selling a lousy 215,000 units since its release on April 27 2004. Touted by all the old farts, insert the name of your favourite 'hip' disc jockey here, as a 'career best', it still sounded like the mewling of the neighbour's cat as recorded in a toilet ...
6 1082
8/27/2004 5:10 PM
16 Replies and 1326 Views THE WORST GIG YOU EVER PLAYED  1326  16 Started by  Rev Jules Here is one for the musicians amoungst us. What is the worst gig you ever played Please describe in bone shuddering detail.
16 1326
8/27/2004 10:25 AM
2 Replies and 933 Views coolest MP3 player ever!  933  2 Started by  Binokular I found this link on newscientist.com of all places (see its not all particle physics and quantum theory) Anyway someone has built an MP3 player into the magazine of a Kalishnakov rifle magazine. Apparently its some kind of anti-war protest. Whatever... anyway, heres the link: http://www.audiobooksforfree.com/kalashnikov/ak-mp3.asp
2 933
8/27/2004 9:24 AM
0 Replies and 1077 Views band needed for sunday  1077  0 Started by  eddiesheridan An outdoor gig this sunday in Oliver bond street Flats has had a cancellation so there is a spot available for a band thats interested. This is a mini street festival and theres feck all money involved, backline is provided - its being covered by the evening herald/independant as well a some glossy womans mag my number is 086 3837051
0 1077
8/26/2004 9:31 PM
6 Replies and 1249 Views What's With Niall Stokes?  1249  6 Started by  Gar Is the editor of Hotpress (verb deleted by Moderator) one of the girls from Saucy Monkey Did anyone else read his review of their new album in Hotpress today I think he is being overly/strangely biased. Should editors be allowed write such long reviews, especially about a newish band like Saucy Monkey (there review must be three times the size of the review of the new Nick Cave album).
6 1249
8/26/2004 12:22 PM
19 Replies and 2837 Views New Frames Album  2837  19 Started by  Gar For those of you who are looking forward to the new Frames album, here is a quick inisght provided by Hotpress writer Stuart Clark. It’s been a four-year wait, but The Frames’ vast fanbase can lick their chops at the prospect of the band’s fifth studio album. hotpress.com has been taking a pre-release listen to The Frames’ eagerly awaited new album, Burn The Maps, which is due through Plateau on September 17. Arguably the most important record in their 15-year-career, the tracks st...
19 2837
8/25/2004 8:12 PM
13 Replies and 1803 Views American Short List  1803  13 Started by  Karlito What thinky'all of the Long Short List: AC Newman ‘The Slow Wonder’ (Matador) Air ‘Talkie Walkie’ (Astralwerks) Amel Larrieux ‘Bravebird’ (Bliss Life) Bad Acid Trip ‘Lynch The Weirdo’ (Serjical Strike/RED INK) Bebel Gilberto ‘Bebl Gilberto’ (Six Degrees) Belle & Sebastian ‘Dear Catastrophe Witness’ (Sanctuary) Blanche ‘If We Can't Trust The Doctors’ (Cass) Blonde Redhead ‘Misery Is A Butterfly’ (4AD/Beggars Banquet) Bob Schneider ‘I'm Good Now’ (Shockorama/Vanguard) Buckethe...
13 1803
8/25/2004 2:56 PM
20 Replies and 4118 Views telly is gone crap  4118  20 Started by  john@soundweb.ie Barry Norman was on the right hook recently talking about the 'dumbing down' of TV and he is sooooo right. everything is soundbyte-size sting ads and flashy graphics telling you whats brill, brilliant and brillianter. in the process you forget you are watching repetitive vacant drivel. can't remember the last time i switched on, surfed channels and happened across a decent documentary or whatever. granted, i have chorus so choice is limited by comparison but even so. what are we payi...
20 4118
8/25/2004 2:54 PM
15 Replies and 1349 Views Wearing Your National flag  1349  15 Started by  klootfan Its been common practice for a while now i suppose that people bring their national flag to festivals and the like. However, is it just me, or does anyone else get really annoyed when you see people at a concert, with the flag either drapping off their back and being dragged along the ground. Or being used as a hood when it rains, or worse still being used as something to sit on. Does this annoy anyone else, or am i just being an old Nark. Should it not be held with more respect
15 1349
8/24/2004 4:04 PM
3 Replies and 1126 Views Worlds first ring tone only album..  1126  3 Started by  Binokular These kids and their mobile phones eh http://www.mi2n.com/press.php3press_nb=70196
3 1126
8/24/2004 3:54 PM
0 Replies and 1123 Views Fatih No More - a long shot  1123  0 Started by  mutch I realise most people here dont like 'metal' or whatever, but I am wondering if anyone knows anything about a Faith No More tribute act that were supposed to play with Metal-itia (you know what that is) in TBMC in may but didnt show up (a great night nonetheless). I'm a huge Patton fan (guests on Bjorks new album) as I reckon he's the best singer since Mercury and a crackin frontman to boot so naturally I was eagerly anticipating the tribute show. This has been buggin me since May, so its ...
0 1123
8/24/2004 12:06 PM
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