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0 Replies and 1100 Views Glast. next year  1100  0 Started by  mutch http://www.glastonburyfestivals.co.uk/feature/unsignedbandscom-1/ not really a discussion topic, but no artists that visit cluas will complain! best of luck
0 1100
9/28/2004 4:34 PM
0 Replies and 1395 Views MARDI GRAS ON EYEBALLKID.COM  1395  0 Started by  mardigras colm larkin rewiew mardi gras.... cheers http://www.eyeballkid.com/thirdeye.htm www.mardigrasmusic.it
0 1395
9/28/2004 3:03 PM
68 Replies and 8968 Views PROPOSED NEW PUB AND CLUB CLOSING TIMES  8968  68 Started by  Dabullets EVERYTHING TO SHUT AT 1:30am!!! As most of you are probably aware by now, the Gardai are planning to shut down every pub and club in the country at 1:30 am in a bid to curb alcohol related crimes. Senior Gardai have been holding secret talks for a number of weeks now and the way they intend to do this by opposing the renewals of all bar/club extensions in court this Wednesday. The very slightly staggered closing hours we currently have in Dublin slightly eases the problem of having everyb...
68 8968
9/28/2004 11:12 AM
21 Replies and 3997 Views Sticking with the High Fidelity theme  3997  21 Started by  Optimus Morbid this 'un but.... What 3 songs would you want played at your funeral Mine are, in no particular order: Moonriver - Dean Martin Forever Autumn - Justin Hayward Dont Cry - Guns N' Roses Well what did you expect 'Trigger Inside' by Therapy 'The Transformers' theme IT'S A FRICKIN' FUNERAL! What're your choices
21 3997
9/28/2004 8:15 AM
2 Replies and 1124 Views U2 at Croker next June  1124  2 Started by  mutch i'm not the biggest fan, but this is gonna be some great show, the 26th and 27th June apparently, possibly an additional date if sales go well. All I've to say is thats 4 dubs that'll get into croke park next year anyway!!! should be great. hope theve good supoprt acts.
2 1124
9/27/2004 4:31 PM
9 Replies and 1440 Views sorry to be stupid but..  1440  9 Started by  caps lock why does everyone hate Tom Dunne He's not a bad man y'know!
9 1440
9/27/2004 2:18 PM
17 Replies and 1472 Views Mix Tapes....  1472  17 Started by  Gar I read somewhere that Gary Lightbody (Snow Patrol) is going to be selling some mix tapes that he compiled. This got me thinking, as a person who makes alot of mix cd's for friends, what would the Cluas members put on theirs Basically, if you are compiling your best mix tape/cd....what three songs would you defintely have to put on there What would be the 'hook' tune What would you name the mix And what song would you sign off with
17 1472
9/27/2004 10:37 AM
0 Replies and 1431 Views MARDI GRAS on CAMPUS.IE  1431  0 Started by  mardigras http://www.campus.ie/usercmd=item-detail&itemid=20110 www.mardigrasmusic.it
0 1431
9/24/2004 6:44 PM
23 Replies and 3785 Views Top 5 Desert Island Records  3785  23 Started by  Optimus The rules: 5 records. NO ALTERNATIVES. Double Albums are allowed. Mine Are: Blue Oyster Cult Greatest Hits The Empire Strikes Back Soundtrack Jeff Waynes War of the Worlds Duran Durans Greatest Hits Guns N' Roses - Appetite For Destruction Somehow, somewhere, I feel like I'm setting up for a right ripping!
23 3785
9/24/2004 2:01 PM
13 Replies and 1399 Views Vertigo - views?  1399  13 Started by  bonzo How good is the new U2 single Its like they put their last 10 albums into a computer and that song popped out which is actually what they probably did do!
13 1399
9/24/2004 11:04 AM
19 Replies and 2451 Views Rap Will Shoot Itself  2451  19 Started by  Rev Jules A couple of decades ago, a young canadian film maker by the name of Rob Reiner, eager to make his name as a director after a sucessful period as a sitcom actor, had the bright idea of taking the mick out of the poodle haired hard rock bands then dominating the charts. The result was 'Spinal Tap' and the permanent death (is there any other kind ) of that forward thinking musical genre -spandex/poodlehaired/hard rock/metal. Many claim that metal is alive and well but the truth is, Metallica notwi...
19 2451
9/23/2004 6:36 PM
39 Replies and 4180 Views Last record(s) you bought  4180  39 Started by  Unicron In one go The Frames - Burn the Maps Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds - Abattoir Blues / The Lyre Of Orpheus Bob Dylan - Love and Theft Wilco - Yankee Hotel Foxtrot
39 4180
9/23/2004 1:22 PM
42 Replies and 5525 Views The Poor Mans....  5525  42 Started by  Optimus For you to get the jist of this game.... Crazytown are the VERY poor mans Red Hot Chilli Peppers. L.A. Guns are the poor mans Guns N' Roses etc...
42 5525
9/23/2004 1:04 PM
1 Replies and 1485 Views Stolen equipment  1485  1 Started by  herbie Saw this on thumped. Anyone can help. Hi If anyone comes accross or might be offered any of the following equipment that was stolen on Monday 20th of September in Inchicore, can they please contact us on or email outonalimbrecordshotmail.com or pm us 087 9732589 GUITARS/BASSES faded red gibson sg special and hardcase black american teleand hardcase travis bean and hardcase serial number 509 worn green tanglewood warrior bass AMPS fender stage 100 amp combo fender deluxe am...
1 1485
9/22/2004 11:46 AM
21 Replies and 3994 Views First record you ever bought?  3994  21 Started by  Optimus As far as I can remember it was Alice in Chains 'Dirt'. What about you
21 3994
9/22/2004 11:26 AM
0 Replies and 1385 Views Andy Rourke (The Smiths) replaces Mani  1385  0 Started by  cpu check out this link for the news! http://www.cpu.ie/modules/news/article.phpstoryid=187
0 1385
9/21/2004 11:41 PM
17 Replies and 1814 Views Best Name for a Cover Band  1814  17 Started by  klootfan Im just off the Ticketmaster site and there are quite alot of cover bands listed. Some include: The Beautiful Southmartins The Bootleg Beetles Complete Stone Roses Gunz 'N' Roses The Meatloaf Story Nimrods Son And my favourite ...The Rollin Clones anyone come across any great names for cover bands
17 1814
9/21/2004 12:58 PM
29 Replies and 4202 Views Are the Frames any good?  4202  29 Started by  bonzo Just thought Id put that out there.
29 4202
9/21/2004 12:23 PM
4 Replies and 1197 Views Other Review Sites  1197  4 Started by  Gar Does anybody know of other review sites other than Cluas I like www.pitchforkmedia.com alot and www.unbarred.co.uk is ok. Then www.irismagazine.net used to be good. But what other one's is there Or even underground/independent magazines
4 1197
9/21/2004 11:20 AM
12 Replies and 1491 Views Best Sporting Anthem/Song  1491  12 Started by  cheesy I think you'll never walk alone
12 1491
9/20/2004 6:46 PM
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