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11 Replies and 1567 Views Unsigned bands preselling tickets  1567  11 Started by  mutch i need answers people. i've noticed this alot in dublin and it makes no sense to me at all. you need a decent logistics operation to carry this off to its full potential, but anyone thats unsigned doesnt have this to hand, right wouldnt it be easier to just take cash at the door(like most unsigned acts seem to do) surely the demand levels for unsigned bands is not such that tickets have to be issued. a manager of a local unsigned band encourages this. im curious to know the reasons f...
11 1567
10/6/2004 10:15 AM
6 Replies and 1127 Views Morris Day and the Times  1127  6 Started by  Optimus I'm having difficulty trying to get any of their records and I'm not net-bound at home so I cant download 'em. Does anyone know where I can get any of the Morris Day & the Times stuff
6 1127
10/6/2004 10:03 AM
17 Replies and 1188 Views Movie Soundtracks  1188  17 Started by  Optimus I dont know about anyone else on this board but I've always loved a good soundtrack. There's nothing that stirs you emotionally or mentally like a good soundtrack. The Empire Strikes Back, for example, has an inspired soundtrack. Something with themes, sweeping tones. It captures the essence of the movie in so many ways, and almost overshadows it. The other side of the OST coin is something like A Life Less Ordinary or Fight Clubs soundtracks. Again, they are the ready and willing sidekic...
17 1188
10/6/2004 10:01 AM
1 Replies and 1263 Views MP3 sites  1263  1 Started by  cheesy I know this has probably been done before But what are the best free MP3 sites around I have one or two but they have hundreds of bloody popups and dont have all the songs i want
1 1263
10/6/2004 9:45 AM
7 Replies and 1115 Views Band Management - Good or bad thing?  1115  7 Started by  bonzo Do most bands/acts have a manager these days Would bands out there reccommend it
7 1115
10/5/2004 7:16 PM
0 Replies and 1107 Views gigging in america  1107  0 Started by  Barrington Fox Good afternoon cluas As a totally independent 'musician', I have recorded an album and want to try to sell a few copies at gigs etc. I really want to do a small tour on the east coast of the states playing wherever I can, for a few weeks maybe next year, I don't have a visa or greencard etc. how do irish artists generally do this type of thing Has anyone any advice/experience on gigging in the states cheers.
0 1107
10/5/2004 4:22 PM
0 Replies and 967 Views What ever happened to Pelvis?  967  0 Started by  Optimus Have they broken up Got a new record out I've only got 'Who are you today' and I had to buy that over here in Manchester. Does anyone know if they're still going
0 967
10/5/2004 4:17 PM
10 Replies and 1449 Views be vigilant(mix tapes/cd's)  1449  10 Started by  bear i was just reading that mix tape thread and thought that i'd like to share this with everyone. that yo la tengo song 'let's save tony orlando's house' is f**kingincredible. i had sorta forgotten about it, but when i read the post it made me think of when i first heard it. i used to just listen to it over and over.... i don't do that often. ,do you do it has anyone had this experience: where you make a mix tape for your girlfriend or something and she finds a song she likes and only li...
10 1449
10/5/2004 1:44 PM
3 Replies and 1005 Views Sony abandons copy-protected CDs  1005  3 Started by  klootfan Check out the following link regarding sonys plans to drop its copy protected cds http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/entertainment/3712662.stm Apparently the claim it is because their message on piracy is sinking in!!! Does this mean i can exchange my copy protected cds for non copy protected versions..not likely
3 1005
10/5/2004 11:39 AM
14 Replies and 1242 Views What song/record made u want to become a musician?  1242  14 Started by  Optimus Anyone who's a musician will tell you that one band or one record/song made them wanna become what they are. Just wanna see what inspired the musicians on here to learn how to play whatever instruments they play be it guitar, bass, drums, violin, triangle, whatever... For me, it was Alice in Chains 'Dirt', Guns N' Roses 'Appetite for Destruction' and Metallica's 'Load'....
14 1242
10/5/2004 8:42 AM
6 Replies and 1796 Views Best Band T-Shirt  1796  6 Started by  mutch not much exlpaining this one really. metal provides most of my favorites cos they are mostly hillarious. some random death metal acts t-shirt at ozzfest a few years ago read: 'When I'm God, Everybody dies!' which is uplifting in that at least the act couldnt be accused of favoritism or racism. my actual favorite metal t-shirt is the metallica one with 'birth, school. metallica, death' on the back. hillarious stuff. non metal wise theres a few, the pixies had the coolest t-shirts around t...
6 1796
10/4/2004 3:25 PM
5 Replies and 1463 Views CPU RECORDS HACKED  1463  5 Started by  cpu On Sunday evening CPU Records was maliciously hacked. The culprit entered using a webmasters password and proceeded to methodically delete all of CPU's administration modules. This was all done just before our system backed itself up. Once this was done it meant that our system backed up with a deleted site! For the past few days we have been endeavouring to recover as much of the deleted information as possible. Unfortuneatly this is the damage that was done... ...All forum posts have b...
5 1463
10/2/2004 11:02 AM
7 Replies and 1200 Views The Internet and unsigned bands  1200  7 Started by  bonzo This site is fantastic. Bands having websites is good, you get to learn more about them, see their picture etc. But it strikes me that no band has ever broken on the internet. Bands are screaming in space on the internet. I think websites for unsigned bands give a false impression, take away from the music. What do you think
7 1200
10/1/2004 1:56 PM
11 Replies and 1230 Views Irish Bands Reunited  1230  11 Started by  Rev Jules I have been griped to VH1 over the last few weeks as the presenter of Bands Reunited has acted as a kind of music version of the Truth and Reconciliation commission and has brought pop bands like Haircut 100, ABC and Flock of Seagulls back together and, in some kinds, healed familial splits that would have continued to simmer indefinately. My question therefore is, what Irish bands would you like this Kofi Annan of the goggle box to reunite
11 1230
10/1/2004 11:48 AM
6 Replies and 1572 Views ****The Green Lizard****HELP please!!  1572  6 Started by  three16 I've been trying to contact the green Lizard for the past few days about booking a gig, but I can't get through. I'm guessing the place is still open as there giveamanakicka and the vaz are playing there tonight, and I've seen nothing on their sites to say it's been cancelled. I've tried ringing the venue at 01-4545-421, but no luck and i've tried a couple of websites (green-lizard.tk & greenlizardvenue.com) and nothing. So if anyone has played there, or knows any band that have played the...
6 1572
10/1/2004 11:48 AM
15 Replies and 1211 Views Was the 80's really THAT bad?  1211  15 Started by  Optimus See now, I was born in 1980. Kicking and screaming, dragged into a world if extra terrestrials either getting stranded on Earth or hunting large men in a jungle and Empire's stiking back... But was the 80's really that bad We had musical evolutionary steps courtesy of New Order and Duran Duran. We had the King of Pop in his golden days before he went, y'know, odd. Yes we had strange fashion periods but I hardly think that this is relevant in the grand history of music/talent. Who c...
15 1211
10/1/2004 10:57 AM
8 Replies and 1285 Views Snow Patrol RDS tickets -  1285  8 Started by  jojoy Hey. Check out Snow Patrols website - you can get tickets early for RDS from today until Friday! Got mine. All find and dandy!!
8 1285
9/30/2004 2:42 PM
1 Replies and 1062 Views BONO AT LABOUR PARTY CONFERENCE  1062  1 Started by  Rev Jules For those of you who missed it, here is Bono's speech in full Wednesday 29 September 2004 A chance for real change in Africa Speech by Bono, Labour Party Annual Conference, Brighton Centre 'Thank you. My name is Bono and I'm a rock star. Brighton - rock - star. Excuse me if I appear a little nervous. I'm not used to appearing before crowds of less than 80,000 people. I heard the word party - obviously got the wrong idea. ...
1 1062
9/30/2004 12:08 AM
0 Replies and 1449 Views Contact Number for VINYL  1449  0 Started by  Dabullets Does anyone have a contact number for Jimmy (or any member), the drummer in Vinyl. If so could you please mail it to me at nkavanaghaccidentgeneral.ie Cheers
0 1449
9/29/2004 9:02 AM
11 Replies and 1222 Views The KB Band Album review on Cluas  1222  11 Started by  thekbband If you've got a spare minute, go to the album review section and check out the review of 'The Dancer Who Stole Your Shoes'. Thanks alot. www.thekbband.com - download some sample mp3's infothekbband.com
11 1222
9/28/2004 6:13 PM
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