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4 Replies and 1367 Views Dream Band  1367  4 Started by  Optimus Vocals: Scott Weiland Lead Guitar: Slash Rythem Guitar: Adam Jones Bass: John Duff Drums: Sean Kinney And the Bond orchestra in the background. Or Micheal Kamen conducting any orchestra. Mmmmmmmmmmm...Nice.
4 1367
10/20/2004 7:17 PM
11 Replies and 1158 Views William Shatner  1158  11 Started by  vandala http://www.williamshatner.co.uk Have any of you lovely people heard about this Okay, there's a large helping of irony attached, but having said that...produced by Ben Folds, contributions from Rollins, Aimee Mann, Nick Hornby, etc. I downloaded the version of Common People - extraordinary; sounds like the Strokes, seguing into the end of the Stones' You Can't Always Get What You Want, with Shatner being...well, Shatner. I also downloaded the title track which features the man himself dissing...
11 1158
10/20/2004 10:51 AM
9 Replies and 1527 Views whats your favourite lyric?  1527  9 Started by  thethirdplace So simple but just always found it effective and behind that riff.... the shiver down the spine!! 'libraries gave us power'.... Manic Street Preachers Design for Life. Thats mine... whats yours
9 1527
10/20/2004 12:56 AM
4 Replies and 1281 Views Irish Venues  1281  4 Started by  Gar With a good few people posting on this board from around the country, I was wondering what venue people regarded as the best. I've heard good reports about Spirit Store, Half Moon, Roisin Dubh...could someone set the record straight about which is the best and why. And what do people think is the best Dublin venue I would probably cast my vote on Vicar Street. But I also like The Village and The Ambassador has potential.
4 1281
10/19/2004 4:22 PM
22 Replies and 3914 Views What To Watch Out For....  3914  22 Started by  Gar ...Any good albums soon to be released that people are anxious to get Maybe the new U2 or Kings Of Leon records. Any others
22 3914
10/18/2004 1:57 PM
2 Replies and 1995 Views Red Tape Studio now Open  1995  2 Started by  teamdresch New site and studio open - www.redtapeaudio.com Crazy midweek opening deals!
2 1995
10/18/2004 12:42 AM
27 Replies and 4333 Views an audio/visual experience  4333  27 Started by  retards To all the kids bored with music… The (retards) debut album ‘sex is a weapon’ is out now on abomination records. It’s an enhanced, fifteen track pink cd-r that comes lovingly packaged in a clear clamshell with a lyrics booklet. €5 postage paid to retardseircom.net. Ill keep you updated with where else it’s on sale. Video: http://www.maths.tcd.ie/~aron/video_tmp/retards_high.wmv “He put something in my drink” (wmv ~5MB) Audio: http://homepage.eircom.net/~retards/(retards)-Track3.mp3 ...
27 4333
10/17/2004 3:20 PM
0 Replies and 1232 Views Are you a singer/ songwriter?  1232  0 Started by  whistler Are you a singer/ songwriter Then Whistlers Singer/Songwriter Competition Cork is for you! Starting 27th Oct with FREE competition entry & a Grand Prize of professional recording time Blue Monkey Studios. Spaces are limited so call now! 087 2051499 whistlers_corkhotmail.com
0 1232
10/16/2004 3:41 PM
19 Replies and 1874 Views Favourite Front Man Ever  1874  19 Started by  Brain of G I got this idea from the Curse of Superman topic where Mutch stated that Mike Patton was his favourite front man. Mine would have to be Robert Plant. He had such a great voice and charisma in the good ol' days of Led Zeppelin. Don't know if we'll see his like again. Who's ye'r fave and why
19 1874
10/15/2004 10:49 AM
0 Replies and 1430 Views Missing person  1430  0 Started by  cormac http://irishsurfer.com/specials/matt.html
0 1430
10/14/2004 5:34 PM
6 Replies and 1234 Views New Batch Of Reviews  1234  6 Started by  Gar I think this is the first week since I started writing for Cluas that I haven't had anything published. Due to trips to London, Paris, Belgium and a constant Ryanair headache. But it's interesting to have more time to read new reviews by fellow Cluas writers. Of the new batch, I was quite impressed with Ken's 'American Music Club' live review (to which I might buy their album) and Anthony's 'The Blue Nile' album review. But it was the honesty and wording of Brian's 'Frames' live review that inte...
6 1234
10/14/2004 2:06 PM
0 Replies and 1538 Views New Music Webzine looking for writers/reviewers  1538  0 Started by  saltym Hello my names Sally Webb and i write for Stereohead New Music Webzine http://www.stereohead.co.ukwe are looking for writers/reviewers, for live gigs/CD reviews etc if you think you have a talent for writing, send an article to chrisstereohead.co.uk In the most recent edition of http://www.stereohead.co.uk we had - Something Corporate - North............CD Review The Boxer Rebellion, Echelon, The Paddingtons........Live Review Biffly Clyro............Interview Million Dead............
0 1538
10/14/2004 9:23 AM
5 Replies and 1034 Views Tom Waits  1034  5 Started by  Archie Hi Tom Waits fans, I'm looking for the name of a song of his. Some lyrics: damn now I can't remember! ok chorus/refrain line is something about rain (cooling, or cleaning or something like that) And the last verse is about a 15 yr old girl wanting to go to the sea and getting in some strangers' van and going missing. Sorry not much to go on but can anybody help
5 1034
10/13/2004 6:00 PM
14 Replies and 1239 Views ROCK THE VOTE - CLUAS STYLE  1239  14 Started by  Rev Jules Well, Bruce and the gang are out on the road with Rock the Vote now, thanks to The Guardian, y'all have a chance to take part too. See the following hyperlink. http://guardian.assets.digivault.co.uk/clark_county/
14 1239
10/13/2004 11:24 AM
15 Replies and 1859 Views songs/albums that just hit you  1859  15 Started by  An Fear Just bought damien dempsey's previous album and was blown away...seize the day also meant something special to me..it is strange the way someone from a totally contrasting background,set of morals etc.. can really hit you hard..it is wonderful..this thing we call music..the lyrics combined with the atmosphere of each song reaaly does it for me..plain and simple...anyone else feel this way about any artist or song
15 1859
10/12/2004 9:22 PM
47 Replies and 5986 Views Support an Irish Rock band night  5986  47 Started by  Carlsberg Hi all In early 2005, a fast rising, powerful & ambitious Irish band will play the Olympia. The meaning behind it is two fold. Firstly, to move outside the grasp of the monolopy of music promoters who do so little to assist hard working Irish bands & take something on themselves. Secondly & most importantly, to include 2 bands with them as support & open punters eyes to the talent which truly exists within the current crop of brilliant new Irish bands. We all know how hard you have to work to...
47 5986
10/11/2004 7:10 PM
11 Replies and 1578 Views The Curse of Superman  1578  11 Started by  Optimus I know this is a music website but it's the only forum I go on and I just wanted to let you know that Christopher Reeve, the worlds only true Superman, died over the weekend.
11 1578
10/11/2004 9:39 AM
9 Replies and 1603 Views from NME.com - pop/politics  1603  9 Started by  mutch BUSTED GO BLUE BUSTED have revealed that they are TORY supporters. Charlie Simpson admitted the trio were Conservatives in a magazine interview. 'I don’t really like politics but I’ve always grown up with their view – the Tories' way of doing things. I just prefer it,' he told Tatler. The confession comes in a week when the Conservatives have revealed their interest in pop. Tory co-chairman Liam Fox recently admitted that he was a Scissor Sisters fan while defence secretary ...
9 1603
10/7/2004 5:52 PM
21 Replies and 5468 Views Cluas Opinion  5468  21 Started by  Pilchard I browse Cluas regularly but this is the 1st time I've felt the urge to regiser and post. The piece by Aidan Curran (http://www.cluas.com/opinion/great_irish_musicians.htm) is fantastic - a real breath of fresh air to read something provocative, original and thought-provoking. I disagree with a few things he says, but that made me happy because it made me think about my own opinions and why I hold them dear. Looking fwd already to the next piece p
21 5468
10/7/2004 10:44 AM
2 Replies and 1483 Views Stolen equipment  1483  2 Started by  Myfriendharvey Hi, If anyone comes accross or might be offered any of the following equipment that was stolen on Monday 20th of September in Inchicore, can they please contact outonalimbrecordshotmail.com or phone 087 9732589. GUITARS/BASSES faded red gibson sg special and hardcase black american teleand hardcase travis bean and hardcase serial number 509 worn green tanglewood warrior bass AMPS fender stage 100 amp combo fender deluxe amp laney bass head (the one with eqs) PEDALS boss tune...
2 1483
10/6/2004 11:14 AM
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