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7 Replies and 1821 Views Flaming Lips Cover 7 Nation Army  1821  7 Started by  stroller There's a 100 copies of the single doing the rounds at the moment. The album from which it is taken will be released next month. In the mean time you can hear a one minute sample of the tune here; http://www.azulishop.com/full-details/s=505a79139489eeb6858da4031dbdfb2a&id=537&category=1 What do you make of it
7 1821
2/3/2005 3:40 AM
17 Replies and 10424 Views A rejected gig review submission  10424  17 Started by  eoghan I just had to share this with y'all. It is a review that was submitted today for the site and it was also the first ever submission by this writer. The review was of a recent gig by a new band in one of the venues in Dublin. It however won't be published on CLUAS (as we have a policy of not publishing reviews of new acts by new writers, more details on this policy here http://www.cluas.com/forms/new_writer_policy.htm), Anyway, the review submitted is provided below for your enjoyment. I hav...
17 10424
2/2/2005 11:13 PM
0 Replies and 2167 Views What would Charlie Parker say?...  2167  0 Started by  The_Thin_Man It's official...jazz and folk put you to sleep.. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/4228707.stm
0 2167
2/2/2005 1:33 PM
31 Replies and 4732 Views Racism In Ireland  4732  31 Started by  Gar Ok, I don't want to start a big hate breeding assault here but just get a few opinions from whoever wants to contribute. I was watching the Arsenal vs Man Utd match (cracking game but not the result I was hoping for) and all the players were sporting new badges on their kits. It was the logo of 'Stand Up Speak Up', the new Anti Racism Campaign fronted by Nike. Anyway, a mate of mine text me after the match and noted that this was a very good idea and maybe more awareness should be in place. He s...
31 4732
2/2/2005 11:40 AM
3 Replies and 1267 Views Spare kerbdog Ticket going...  1267  3 Started by  klootfan My mate has a spare kerbdog ticket for the sat night in the TBMC. He is just asking for the cost price of the ticket which is 17.50. Anyone interested.
3 1267
2/2/2005 10:06 AM
9 Replies and 1809 Views joan of arse  1809  9 Started by  dope fiend does anyone Know what the story is with them. are they still going In my opinion thay are one of the best irish bands . thier web site just contains information that fuels my curiosity.
9 1809
2/1/2005 3:58 PM
13 Replies and 1690 Views Paperback writers  1690  13 Started by  The_Thin_Man As I was idling through a (by now well thumbed) copy of Dylan's Chronicles I got to thinking of the dearth of songwriters who've transferred their lyrical skills into the world of full-length fiction. (Bob's book being embellished fact, I'm argue). The only one of note I can recall is Nick Cave's And the Ass Saw the Angel. But I'm sure there has to be many more more. Is there
13 1690
2/1/2005 8:37 AM
44 Replies and 5840 Views U2 Ticket Prices  5840  44 Started by  stephen Guys and gals, I'm a happy man to have my mits on 4 U2 tix for the Twickenham gigs in the summer. But... why does a band like U2 need to charge £60 quid for the cheapest ticket in a 70,000 seater stadium The band are wealthy beyond their dreams and they know the gig will see out. As many of my friends have pointed out, the new album feels like a retread and the ticket prices feel like a rip off... Do we have a right to expect more from the band
44 5840
1/31/2005 10:36 PM
9 Replies and 5720 Views Why do I buy Hot Press every Fortnight?  5720  9 Started by  stroller There are two main reasons why I never miss an issue; 1. To read the writings of Barry O' Donoghue & Richard Brophy. While the majority of individuals who review records for Hot Press are chancing their arms these two guys really know their stuff. They are consistent, knowledgeable and they constantly push excellent music. They choose to highlight records, labels and artists that are musically relevant as opposed to merely fashionable. They'll give a quality record a quality review regardles...
9 5720
1/31/2005 7:36 PM
4 Replies and 1159 Views Anyone for kerbdog on sat  1159  4 Started by  klootfan Anyone here off the Kerbdog on sat. Im really looking forward to this one, there is a group of about 10 of us heading along. I wonder will there be some wilt mixed in, i say that because alot of what formed wilts first album, was previously new kerbdog material, and they used to play it at the kerbdog gigs. anyway, i should be interesting. A mate was saying that the sunday times did a spread on them yesterday, but i missed it
4 1159
1/31/2005 10:19 AM
31 Replies and 4402 Views New Reviews  4402  31 Started by  Gar I'm always going on about how the reviews on this site are never discussed in the forum as much as maybe they deserve to. This is not me trying to gloat but for Cluas regulars and whoever might read this ite to appreciate the effort that the voluntary writers put into writing about the gigs they attended and albums they bought. Some of the writing is good enough, and better at times, to be in national publications. This has also been evident in some of the interesting interviews, opinion article...
31 4402
1/30/2005 10:59 PM
0 Replies and 1148 Views Latest CLUAS gigs of the forntight  1148  0 Started by  eoghan The latest CLUAS 'gigs of the fortnight' have been published to the site. Covers the period 31 Jan to 13 Feb. Gig of fortnight is Green Day (which is Monday night, Jan 31st). Note as well that the Soviet Filter gig is also imminent, it too taking place on Monday night, Jan 31st. Check out the full list of gigs of the fortnight at: http://www.cluas.com/gigs_of_fortnight/jan31-Feb13.html eoghan
0 1148
1/30/2005 5:10 PM
8 Replies and 1143 Views Milking The Market  1143  8 Started by  Gar What do people think of bands who release numerous albums in the one year I know that The Coral complained from the very start that the record companies just couldn't keep up with the band's pace, hence two albums and a mini album for a relatively new band. Bright Eyes has just released two albums today. I think that The Frames are working on another album too. So maybe its good that the artists we want to pay money to see and have their songs release more tunes. I get annonyed waiting s...
8 1143
1/29/2005 12:13 AM
8 Replies and 988 Views iTunes Rocks !  988  8 Started by  Rev Jules Well guys, I logged onto the iTunes store the other day and came away with ten tracks which I have long wanted, but couldn't be pushed to buy the albums they were from. I surprised meself in some of me guilty pleasures. For example, I got 'Guitar Man' by JJ Cale but also 'Dancehall Days' by Wang CHung, a song that has mythic proportions. There are entire websites devoted to that tune. Anyway, a new way in music and I like it.
8 988
1/28/2005 4:40 PM
4 Replies and 1085 Views Help - Q ??!!  1085  4 Started by  Dromed Can any one tell me if the rehersal space off Wexford St. (beside Carnival) is called the Asylum
4 1085
1/28/2005 3:06 PM
6 Replies and 1127 Views Chance to ask the Irish Son some questions!  1127  6 Started by  bonzo http://www.bbc.co.uk/cbbc/chat/ Any suggestions what one could ask
6 1127
1/28/2005 2:23 PM
2 Replies and 1773 Views Trash Can Sinatras  1773  2 Started by  The_Thin_Man Just read the interview with them...good stuff.Can anyone suggest an essential TCS purchase
2 1773
1/28/2005 1:04 PM
9 Replies and 1491 Views anyone know anyone?  1491  9 Started by  davejames Hey y'all i'm looking for a record company guy/girl to answers some questions about what they do/see/want in Dublin. If any of you have one hidden away or know of one willing to answer a few questions could you let me know. Cheers
9 1491
1/27/2005 3:33 PM
10 Replies and 1573 Views iPod/mp3palyer question  1573  10 Started by  Ruby Is it possible to play an iPod/shuffle/mini/ or any mp3 player for that matter through a hi-fi system (that has no tape deck) Cause I know you can buy a cassette contraption that allows u to play it through ur car radio.
10 1573
1/27/2005 12:41 PM
16 Replies and 1092 Views U2 Presale  1092  16 Started by  bonzo Anyone participating in the U2 presale on Monday i.e. did anyone join the U2 fan club
16 1092
1/27/2005 12:10 PM
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