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8 Replies and 1081 Views I NEED your help and support (stupid typos)  1081  8 Started by  Unicron Just heard the new Stereophonics single 'Dakota' I think it's called. A actually think it's REALLY good. I feel dirty.
8 1081
2/8/2005 8:24 PM
7 Replies and 1333 Views David kitts covers album  1333  7 Started by  Bez Light year Is it any good hav'nt heard it
7 1333
2/8/2005 5:41 PM
11 Replies and 1043 Views sideways  1043  11 Started by  sweetie Have to recommend this new movie directed by Alexander Payne who also did the quite good movie 'election' and over-rated movie 'About Schmidt.' It is a sort of road movie without the drugs, just booze, specifically fine wine. Paul Giamatti is excellent again (similar to his turn in american splendor) as a failed writer and divorcee on a weeklong stag with his college room-mate, a has-been actor looking to get laid one last time before his wedding. It has some great lines and scenes and is my mov...
11 1043
2/8/2005 4:31 PM
7 Replies and 1541 Views Dorset Street Party  1541  7 Started by  Dabullets Just wanted to say a big thank you to anyone who came along to the party on Saturday night. It was a much bigger crowd than expected but thanks to everyones good attitude and no troublemakers the night went off without a hitch and there might be another one in the near future. Cheers N.
7 1541
2/8/2005 9:37 AM
4 Replies and 1091 Views New U2 Covers Album  1091  4 Started by  Mully Taken from Bellx1's Studio Diary. We recorded a song for a forthcoming compilation record, Even Better than the Real Thing Vol 3, which will go on sale to raise money for the victims of the Asian Earthquake. It will be a record of covers of U2 songs, and we recorded the song Heartland.
4 1091
2/7/2005 2:49 PM
13 Replies and 1776 Views Nelly and Tim McGraw  1776  13 Started by  kierry personally i hate blatent marketing decisons like this one: Country music 'legend' Tim McGraw and Rnb 'Artiste' Nelly joining forces with their new single. over and over again. its a terrible song. its like boyzone singing in 'spanglish', westlife and Mariah, and that sort of thing. such a bad mood of a monday.
13 1776
2/7/2005 2:38 PM
7 Replies and 1132 Views Website for album sales???  1132  7 Started by  stroller I'm wondering if anyone knows of a website that offers world wide sales for albums
7 1132
2/7/2005 1:11 PM
7 Replies and 1058 Views Ordinary Boys  1058  7 Started by  bonzo Anyone else going to this gig Love the album - just thinking over the weekend; are the production values so good that they won't be great live Stephen Street is a genius.
7 1058
2/7/2005 9:19 AM
3 Replies and 1503 Views Recent thoughts on Cluas  1503  3 Started by  flipperstired There are a number of things i have noticed on this site in recent weeks & Dope Fiend, who is as guilty as the rest of us are, has posted a good thread titled 'feedback' which should make interesting reading over the next few days. Nevertheless, my thoughts on the following past weeks talking amongst members here is as follows: (1) We DONT like feedback - People who like/support/follow a particular group and who hear negative things about the group in question respond with arguments supportin...
3 1503
2/6/2005 5:05 PM
4 Replies and 1402 Views tragic lack of taste  1402  4 Started by  roseanne barrs armpit just been reading the readers/writers poll. muck. where are all the good albums bit of a tasteless majority that paroles these here parts. not a mention of some of the truly great albums to come out last year. well thats my two cents.
4 1402
2/6/2005 4:22 PM
19 Replies and 1675 Views feedback  1675  19 Started by  dope fiend do we like it
19 1675
2/6/2005 12:20 AM
13 Replies and 1326 Views Glen says ouch as he gets stabbed by a pitchfork  1326  13 Started by  Unicron Well their hopes of finding an American audience with this one just took a hit. http://www.pitchforkmedia.com/record-reviews/f/frames/burn-the-maps.shtml On their well-received 2001 LP--the Steve Albini-recorded For the Birds-- Ireland's the Frames got miles of melodrama out of only a couple of guitar chords. Unfortunately, on their latest release, Burn the Maps, they're far more ambitious. The tracks here frequently sounds as intimate as those on For the Birds, but don't stay that way f...
13 1326
2/5/2005 11:28 PM
1 Replies and 1219 Views converting .wma files to .mp3 files  1219  1 Started by  An Fear anyone any ideas where i could get a decent convertor on the web or otherwise cheers (vertigo, Shmertigo)
1 1219
2/5/2005 10:48 PM
9 Replies and 1750 Views CLUAS Opinion - Michael Jackson  1750  9 Started by  eoghan Post your comments here on the latest CLUAS Opinion piece in which CLUAS writer Aidan casts an eye on Michael Jackson and his fall from grace. Check it out here: http://www.cluas.com/opinion/michael_jackson.htm Post your comments on it back here. eoghan
9 1750
2/3/2005 10:25 PM
1 Replies and 1494 Views Calling All AC/DC - Bluegrass Fans  1494  1 Started by  Rev Jules If y'all like both the bluegrass twangs of Bill Munroe AND the rawk of AC/DC then y'all should bootscoot on down to The Village this Sunday for Hayseed Dixie. Y'all won't find me there. They may be good musicians but they sound a little 'novelty' for me. If y'all want to get a sample of what you might hear, click on the following link. http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B00005CCB0/qid=1107467647/sr=2-1/ref=pd_ka_b_2_1/102-1755183-3174526
1 1494
2/3/2005 9:36 PM
9 Replies and 1755 Views Come on admit it  1755  9 Started by  curling is great I know i know its wrong, but i gave Bryan McFaddens Album a listen the other day and its actaully not too bad. He has some nice melodies and i think he will get better as he gets more experience in the studio. Maybe we should give him a chance
9 1755
2/3/2005 7:13 PM
29 Replies and 4728 Views 66e  4728  29 Started by  illyad contrary to the gig review on the Cluas homepage I think 66e played an excellent gig in Whelans last Saturday. It was so obvious that the guys were really enjoying themselves and the music. And the audience shared this enjoyment. They're a very hardworking band and they haven't had an easy year of it so it's great that their luck is changing- the album sounds amazing! I reckon this was my favourite gig of theirs-it was so charged with energy and the sound was great. And you've got to love the tr...
29 4728
2/3/2005 5:36 PM
9 Replies and 1772 Views Anyone Up For A Road Trip????  1772  9 Started by  Gar If I had the cash and knew enough people were heading over, this is where I'd go: The SXSW 2005 Festival In March Lineup is..... Aesop Rock, the Album Leaf, American Analog Set, American Music Club, Ariel Pink, Ash, Jon Auer, Lou Barlow, bedbug, Bloc Party, Bloodthirsty Lovers, the Bravery, Breather Resist, Brightblack, Chris Brokaw, Calexico, Castanets, Centro-matic, Clem Snide, Elvis Costello and the Imposters, Graham Coxon, Crooked Fingers, Dalek, Damon & Naomi, Darediablo, Dead Meadow...
9 1772
2/3/2005 3:35 PM
33 Replies and 4587 Views keane  4587  33 Started by  dope fiend why are they so s**te that they might me want to cut off my ears. and the new athlete stuff frightens me with its blandness please i need help
33 4587
2/3/2005 2:19 PM
15 Replies and 1812 Views Eminem for slane  1812  15 Started by  klootfan Apparently the tabloids have Eminem marked down to headline slane in September this year.. Id have no interest myself, but I reckon it would sell out pretty fast all the same.
15 1812
2/3/2005 10:18 AM
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