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4 Replies and 1037 Views McFadden: Enough is Enough  1037  4 Started by  bonzo I know I've put a few posts up here about Brian but really this takes the biscuit: http://uk.news.yahoo.com/050215/140/fchxx.html 'Sometimes I wish I wasn't so successful, so it wouldn't be as bad.' That can so easily be arranged. He got booed at the Louis Walsh Childline gig - goes to show that you can't fool the kids.
4 1037
2/15/2005 10:24 AM
0 Replies and 1455 Views All things in Moderation  1455  0 Started by  Vent My Spleen My, aren't the Moderator's popular round here all of a sudden! Whilst we try to keep intervention to a minimum, sometimes needs must. So, while we are in the limelight, a few quick words on another matter pertaining to the integrity of this board. For the record, as with all such websites, posts are tracked by IP, browser type even down to screen resolution. As a result we can see where y'all come from. 99.9 of the time, this info is of zero interest to us, but it has become apparent in re...
0 1455
2/15/2005 8:57 AM
9 Replies and 1382 Views Response to Rev Jules  1382  9 Started by  flipperstired hi Moderators (sorry meant original post for Rev jules) I fully expect and hope this will be a locked topic after you read this. Just with to regard to Rev Jules who in the 'are moderators taking control' topic mentioned me as someone who has spoken out at Cluas. I was not talking out against the moderators and I think i made that perfectly clear in the piece. I was referring to a number of things which had gone on recently and using my 'freedom of speech' in this room to highlight them. I...
9 1382
2/14/2005 11:21 PM
13 Replies and 1161 Views Ticket Monster  1161  13 Started by  Gar I know alot of people in Ireland get very fustrated about the Tickemaster service so maybe this article would interest you: TicketLord has announced its intention to challenge Ticketmaster's supremacy in the Irish gig market. Set up in 2002 by Dubliner Hugh O'Morain, TicketLord has mainly dealt up till now in non-music events like Funderland, Toys 4 Big Boys and Mondello Park. 'In order to expand the business,' O'Morain says, 'TicketLord has entered into a strategic alliance with Intercal...
13 1161
2/14/2005 6:28 PM
7 Replies and 974 Views GRAMMY WINNERS - WHADDYA THINK ?  974  7 Started by  Rev Jules Ok, the Grammys were announced the other night and anybody thinking of 'An English Invasion' had better thing again as the Academy handed them their heads back on a plate. A quick scan of the winners list shows that America's patriotic fevour has spread to the voting of the Grammys, since practically all the winners were American including the biggest winner of all, Ray Charles whose monster winning album 'Genius Loves Company' should be retitled 'Grammy Loves Ray'. Tough for the British, bu...
7 974
2/14/2005 5:33 PM
5 Replies and 959 Views Sin e  959  5 Started by  Vent My Spleen Anyone been here yet Verdict
5 959
2/14/2005 3:55 PM
4 Replies and 912 Views Josh Rouse - Nashville  912  4 Started by  Eoin anyone else got this yet f**king brilliant imho !!!
4 912
2/13/2005 7:10 PM
0 Replies and 853 Views Video for Jive County by Automata  853  0 Started by  stroller I love this tune but I'd never seen the video before, You can see it along with loads of other cool ones at this site here; http://www.xfm.co.uk//Sectional.aspb=multimedia&id=3252 I also reccommend checking out the videos by The Knife and Husky Rescue while you're at it.
0 853
2/12/2005 3:25 AM
2 Replies and 898 Views benacassim  898  2 Started by  emu its a festival in spain . I just wanted to know has anybody been is it easy to get to what are the facilitys like. and would you reccomend it if not any other festivals on the mainland that you would recomend.
2 898
2/11/2005 9:33 PM
7 Replies and 882 Views does anyone know anything about the postal service  882  7 Started by  emu hey i just heard them on a subpop compilation and i just wanted to find out where to get there cd and stuff like that also could anybody recomend any good gigs this weekend preferably saturday
7 882
2/11/2005 9:20 PM
5 Replies and 1108 Views are moderators taking control  1108  5 Started by  emu hey i cant believe my post just got blocked because apparently its meaningless to talk about the music industrys movers and shakers ps if the moderator thinks its meaningless why did he reply
5 1108
2/11/2005 7:45 PM
18 Replies and 2162 Views Contemporary Irish bands.  2162  18 Started by  stroller As a result of living outside the capital I don't get an opportunity to see gigs by an awful lot of the Irish bands that are discussed on this site. Since the majority of the record shops that I buy from, radio stations that I listen to and magazines that I read are based outside of the country most contemporary Irish music bypasses me totally. So I was just wondering if the users of this site wouldn't mind constructing a bluffers guide to the contemporary music scene. If people could just throw...
18 2162
2/11/2005 7:25 PM
2 Replies and 1386 Views New New Order Single - Krafty  1386  2 Started by  space cheeks Hey So what does everyone think of the New Order single - Krafty In my opinion its very New Order with a hint of Joy division in there If you havent heard it you can get a listen here http://www.worldinmotion.net/ (scroll to Jan 15th news) Fingers crossed we may get a gig over here !
2 1386
2/11/2005 5:05 PM
21 Replies and 2025 Views whos the biggest w**ker in the industry  2025  21 Started by  emu come everybody i want to hear your views on the biggest and best w**kers in the music industry. i will get the ball rolling i think the lead singer out of keane is the biggest w**ker you cant look at his face without wanting to hit him and dont get me started on that posh english accent.
21 2025
2/11/2005 12:50 PM
13 Replies and 1124 Views The Brits  1124  13 Started by  bonzo What a waste of time. Robbie Williams 'Angels' the best song of the last 25 years!! Are you joking me. Its not even the best Robbie Williams song of the last 25 years!
13 1124
2/11/2005 12:11 PM
7 Replies and 1335 Views buns in the oven  1335  7 Started by  dope fiend who are your favourite of the freshly steaming bands
7 1335
2/11/2005 12:03 AM
0 Replies and 965 Views Belfast Reviewers  965  0 Started by  roadhousemag Hi, Just looking for people in Belfast who want to do a review of our gig in Auntie Annie's on February 20th. Red Sirus, Channel One, Panda Kopanda, The Rags and The Mighty Stef will all be in attendance for your musical pleasure but it wouldn't be nice if we reviewed ourselved would it So anyone who can spell (or has a spell checker!) and fancies having some of their musical spleen vented please drop us a line at www.roadhousemag.com Thanks Dec
0 965
2/10/2005 5:21 PM
0 Replies and 1170 Views THANKS A MILLION! From THE CHRISTIAN BROTHERS!  1170  0 Started by  Bryan Thanks to all who turned up to our Irish launch gig. With 724 people (exactly!) there it was a good night. €6,365 was also raised for the South East Asia Fund as well so muchos thanks. Thanks to all who bought our EP 'Benediction'. We're now back stateside, (NYC) but should be back in May, for some smaller dates, then the festivals. Later.
0 1170
2/10/2005 3:41 PM
15 Replies and 1004 Views Do you know the way to Burning Man?  1004  15 Started by  Dromed Howya....looking to chat to anyone that has made the trip to the Burning Man Festival in Nevada before in regards to transport from Reno etc.....anyone
15 1004
2/10/2005 12:56 PM
4 Replies and 980 Views MP3  980  4 Started by  Punchbowl Hi Guys, Anyone know of a resource that lists bands who offer free MP3 from their official sites Every Google I do brings back all the usual Mp3.com and the like. There's tons of bands who offer MP3's on their own sites ( See Ponyclub.tv , Davecouse.com for example ) but I don't fancy searching every one I know!
4 980
2/9/2005 4:40 PM
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