17 Replies and 1159 Views
James Brown for Oxegen? 1159 17
Started by stroller
According to NME and Hot Press he's confirmed but there's no mention of him playing on the official site.
I checked out The T In The Park's (Oxegen's Scottish sister festival) website and the omens don't look good for this year. These bands are all confirmed to play at T In The Park and as a result they're all likely to play at Oxegen too;
Audioslave (Sh*t)
Beautiful South (Past it)
James Brown (Genius, Legend etc etc)
Embrace (Sh*t)
Foo Fighters (Couple of good tunes but a lot of middli...
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1159 |
2/21/2005 4:46 PM |
16 Replies and 1283 Views
Ideal Interviewee 1283 16
Started by Gar
Who would you love to interview, currently living Or just sit around and chat with
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1283 |
2/21/2005 1:16 PM |
15 Replies and 1492 Views
Gonzo Journalism Suffers Again 1492 15
Started by Gar
No matter what your opinion is on the so-called gonzo journalists (eg. Lester Bangs), one thing is for certain, they broadened the limitations of fictional/factual writing. So today brings about a sad blow to this form of journalism, to the writers themselves and the mass population who read their work.
Acclaimed American writer Hunter S. Thompson has died in Colorado from a self-inflicted gunshot wound
Tragic news from Colorado where it emerged last night that legendary journalist-cum-aut...
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1492 |
2/21/2005 1:11 PM |
8 Replies and 1069 Views
Fun with I-Tunes (part 17) 1069 8
Started by Rev Jules
What do Carly Simon, Rufus Wainwright, Johnny Cash, Don Walser, Des O'Connor, Elvis Presley, Slim Whitman and Harry Belafonte have in common They have all recorded versions of 'Danny Boy'.
How do I know this Simple. I have just discovered the joys of the song search function on I-Tunes which coughs back out all available versions of a track you search for (although not all recorded versions since i-tunes only has access to its own library of songs which is not a complete record). So, Jac...
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1069 |
2/19/2005 4:23 PM |
3 Replies and 1517 Views
Aussie open mic nights 1517 3
Started by El Duderino
This is a long shot I know, but would any of the cluas members know about any open mic nights worth checking out around Sydney. I've drawn a bit of a blank so far so if any other travelling musicians could help me out it would be much appreciated. Cheers
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1517 |
2/19/2005 2:59 AM |
0 Replies and 1098 Views
A quick reminder 1098 0
Started by roadhousemag
Just reminding anyone interested that Red Sirus, Channel One, The Rags, The Mighty Stef and Panda Kopanda are all playing in Auntie Annie's in Belfast this Sunday night. This RoadHouseMag.com's first outing in Belfast and promises to be a stormer. More gigs in Dublin and Belfast to follow. Check the site for details!
Also, see the big up we got on the BBC http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio1/alt/nireland/
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1098 |
2/18/2005 5:15 PM |
27 Replies and 2518 Views
NME awards did they pic the right winners . 2518 27
Started by emu
In my opinion i think this years awards results where pretty good but what do you think here are the results:
Best British Band – The Libertines
Godlike Genius Award – New Order
Best Album – Franz Ferdinand’s ‘Franz Ferdinand’
Best Event – Paul McCartney/Glastonbury 2004
Best Live Band – Muse
Best New Band – Razorlight
Best Solo Artist – Graham Coxon
Best Track – Franz Ferdinand’s ‘Take Me Out’
Best International Band – The Killers
The Phillip Hall Radar Award – Kaiser Chief...
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2518 |
2/18/2005 3:26 PM |
28 Replies and 4951 Views
Who is going to this Olympia gig on the 19th? 4951 28
Started by flipperstired
Just heard that Jenny Lindfors has been added to the Jove gig in the Olympia. This is just a personal view on my musical taste but am starting to become more then a little impressed at the line up. A mate has also said that its being watched with caution from various industry heads to see if it will work in order to perhaps have future 'unsigned acts' shows.
so who is tagging along can it work
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4951 |
2/18/2005 11:59 AM |
16 Replies and 1360 Views
Album Covers 1360 16
Started by Gar
What does everyone rate as the best album covers around And why
I was talking to a mate about this yesterday. And he informed me that the System Of A Down album which just had 'STEAL THIS ALBUM' on it was pulled off the shelves of some shops. Is this true Any other album covers that have caused a stir through the years
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1360 |
2/17/2005 1:42 PM |
4 Replies and 1532 Views
Some Kind of Monster 1532 4
Started by Vent My Spleen
Got a lend of Metalica's DVD diary of making this record. Truly essential viewing! I never would have believed that guys with some much money and and so little to worry about in the world could descend into such self-absorbed analysis and psychobabble. It is almost Spinal Tap in places. I even started to feel sorry for Lars Ulrich in places (despite being an anti file sharing mouthpiece).
Seriously, go treat yourselves.
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1532 |
2/17/2005 11:21 AM |
15 Replies and 1600 Views
gig momentos 1600 15
Started by dope fiend
enter stage right grinning.I have a beer bottle signed by the lead singer from lambchop. what cool stuff do you guys have
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1600 |
2/16/2005 9:24 PM |
22 Replies and 2000 Views
Country Music 2000 22
Started by bonzo
I know there are a few fans of this genre on here. If I was going to start listening to country music where should I start. Listening to Johnny Cash over the last few weeks has me enthused.
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2000 |
2/16/2005 3:41 PM |
10 Replies and 1509 Views
alter egos 1509 10
Started by dope fiend
im not schizophrenic other people use my computer i am not emu he is a blood relation ive only coped this now that youse might think i was him. harshness
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1509 |
2/16/2005 3:30 PM |
16 Replies and 1881 Views
A note to the fellow members: 1881 16
Started by Optimus
I've not been on this site for a while as I've been snowed under at work. And oh how I wish I had been here when the 'Are Moderators taking control', or whatever the hell it was called, thread was posted.
I am disgusted at how the mod's have been attacked. Calling them 'facist swines' is completely out of order, if not redundantly childish that you feel the need to use a cliché to express your 'feelings'. Just because they may seem like a faceless entity on that 'controls' the site, doesnt me...
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1881 |
2/16/2005 12:33 PM |
12 Replies and 1627 Views
Erin McKeown gig review 1627 12
Started by eoghan
I've just pulbished the lowest scoring review yet to make it on CLUAS. Yes, check out Jules review of Erin McKeown's recent gig in The Village. He scores her 1 out of 10. Check the review out here:
Anybody at the gig If so do you agree with Jules' take on her performance
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1627 |
2/15/2005 9:36 PM |
0 Replies and 1284 Views
Spin Session 1284 0
Started by Eva Stack
I didn't get a chance to post and give advance warning about the last few sessions so...
This week on the Irish Alternative Joe Chester will be in to talk about his album A Murder of Crows which will be released on the 25th Feb and also to hopefully play a few tunes!
If you're up bright and early Sunday morning listen in!
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1284 |
2/15/2005 4:17 PM |
1 Replies and 940 Views
wow 940 1
Started by emu
who knew one article which was stupid would get so much interest really if i hurt the moderators feelings they should grow up.
So does anyone actually know if brendan benson is supporting mercury rev . because i am not the biggest fan of them but i am of him.
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940 |
2/15/2005 3:53 PM |
22 Replies and 2185 Views
Once Neglected But Now Adored 2185 22
Started by Gar
Ever buy an album out of hype or a review that you read and then ignore it after one, maybe two listens Then whenever that album is brought into a conversation, you frown at its inability to entertain or grab you. While it gathers dust in the darkened corner of your colelction, you eventually give it another chance. For some odd reason, you become charitable and allow the cd one last chance. And without you expecting it, it hits you like a thunderbolt. The quality of the album hooks you and you...
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2185 |
2/15/2005 2:54 PM |
1 Replies and 1378 Views
Coke give away 1378 1
Started by Eric
Has anyone tried the coke promotion, where you get a free song to download with every can purchased. I have to say its one of the better promotions I've seen from a company in a long time.
I have been trying to work the site all morning but I can't get past the 'Get down loading' button - its jammed on that page. Has anyone used the site succesfully
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1378 |
2/15/2005 1:27 PM |
18 Replies and 1718 Views
Hardcore-emo-- love it? hate it? Don't know? 1718 18
Started by Ianofthedead
Just to set the scene indie music is very much my first love, radiohead, jeff buckley, interpol, Doves etc etc. However recently some of my american friends have been really pushing this hardcore emo stuff on me. Bands like Hopesfall, Poison the well, In Pieces, Alexisonfire, the bled, dillenger escape plan. It's taken a while (mainly due to difficulty understanding what they're screaming about) but it's actually startin to grow on me. Think its quite different and somewhat interesting.......Am ...
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1718 |
2/15/2005 1:00 PM |