6 Replies and 1054 Views
Are we retreated to an iWorld ? 1054 6
Started by admin
Any iPod / iRiver wielding technophiles out there might want to read this article. It's by Andrew Sullivan who, through his regular enough (and mostly political) column in the Sunday Times, has never failed in extracting (from me at least) reactions ranging from utter rage to considerable respect. An often intriguing character, he was an unapologetic Bush-supporter for the first years of the Dubya's first term and then he went and endorsed Kerry. Anyway his latest column steers clear for once of...
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1054 |
2/28/2005 8:49 AM |
0 Replies and 960 Views
CLUAS Gigs of the fortnight 960 0
Started by admin
CLUAS Gigs of the fortnight for the period Feb 28th to March 13 is now live on the site. Check it out at:
Gig of the forntight is Low (Feb 28th in Vicar Street).
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960 |
2/27/2005 11:10 PM |
0 Replies and 1213 Views
A and R emails address 1213 0
Started by ClairWitch
Any one know where I can get a full list of a and r email addresses Ireland and the uk
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1213 |
2/27/2005 2:51 PM |
19 Replies and 1383 Views
Rice Watch 1383 19
Started by Rev Jules
Rice Cakes has been at it again.
This time, he is rumoured to be dating Renee Zellweger.
'Renee and Damien have been seeing each other for a while and they`re both really happy,' an insider has revealed. 'They share a mutual love of music and both are very deep thinkers. Renée is pretty intense and Damien is something of a poet so they`re the perfect match.'
Well, in my opinion, only one of them loves music. Guess who
As for poetry, can someone please tell me what, 'Stones taught ...
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1383 |
2/26/2005 6:44 PM |
3 Replies and 911 Views
Cheap US indie CDs 911 3
Started by stroller
I just got my limit extended on my credit card so I thought I'd do a little bit of shopping on an American site called www.alternativemusic.com (Although I actually placed the order through www.musicstack.com). Look what I managed to pick up for less than €200;
Yo La Tengo - And Then Nothing Turned Itself Inside Out CD
sufjan Stevens - Greetings From Michigan CD
The Unicorns - Who Will Cut Our Hair When We're Gone CD
Simple Kid - 1 CD
The Shins - Oh, Inverted World CD
William Shatner - ...
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911 |
2/26/2005 1:52 AM |
1 Replies and 1008 Views
Radio shows - interviews with Mark Geary, Roesy... 1008 1
Started by MACgirl
Listen in if you can...
Griff FM 99.5FM
'Green Room' - 8-9pm Saturday (26th Feb & 5th March) - Interviews with Mark Geary, Roesy and Republic of Loose, music from the likes of The Frames, Kerbdog, BellX1, The Hitchers, Cathy Davey...
'Last Exit' 10-12 Sunday night (27th Feb & 6th March) - Live acoustic sessions with Prison Love (Bluegrass band), Henry Sails, Stillroom, music from Tom Waits, Razorlight, Kasabian, Elliot Smith, Ryan Adams, Belle and Sebastian, Modest Mouse, Interpol, Oxegen...
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1008 |
2/25/2005 2:42 PM |
2 Replies and 945 Views
McFly 945 2
Started by bonzo
There new song is really good. Its all about you. Couldn't believe when I heard it this morning and then the DJ goes 'thats the latest offering from McFly.'
Not good.
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945 |
2/25/2005 1:43 PM |
23 Replies and 1997 Views
Whats your favourite music related tshirt 1997 23
Started by klootfan
As a regular gig goer you tend to pick up tshirts here and there at gigs...
So folks... what is your favourite music related tshirt and why
For me, My mic Christopher tshirt holds special meaning for me, and i rarely ware it to preserve it.
My final straw snow patrol tshirt is a fav as well. Bought on the night of the album launch for about 12 yoyos. These days the band are charging about 25/30 for tshirts but that is largely out of their control and they have in the past apologised ...
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1997 |
2/25/2005 10:56 AM |
17 Replies and 1617 Views
BRAVE NEW STAGE ‘05 1617 17
Started by admin
Just got this in in a press release. Comment way on it at your leisure.
Dublin’s Premier Live Venue
Whelans Presents
Whelans of Wexford Street to host a showcase the new wave of Irish music.
Are you serious about your music Brave New Stage ’05 presents a unique challenge for bands and artists from around the country to fire up their music careers. Brave New Stage ’05 paves an alternative road towards getting to the next stage. Not just a “battle of the b...
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1617 |
2/24/2005 10:22 PM |
3 Replies and 1195 Views
New Reviews. 1195 3
Started by Unicron
Just wanted to say in my opinion the reviews of Joanna Newsome and Arcade Fire are spot on, well done to the reviewers.
I think Gar was slightly harsh on the Bright Eyes album, it's a little bit better than that in my opinion but I'd agree in the most part with what he wrote.
Are The Frames the most reviewed band on Cluas
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1195 |
2/24/2005 6:54 PM |
9 Replies and 1686 Views
Strange trends... 1686 9
Started by kierry
Ok, so i need guidance.
i heard the new green day album and i don't hate it. in fact, apart from bollixard of broken dreams, i kinda like it.
does this make me a bad person
i also have been listening to Nora Jones and Bic Runga.
god help me.
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1686 |
2/24/2005 1:04 PM |
5 Replies and 2108 Views
sour puss 2108 5
Started by roseanne barrs armpit
well sorry chaps for ruining your week. i hope everything is back to normal and my idle remarks forgotton. so whats the hot jizz on the irish scene right now has anyone heard the risc records comp would it be worth an online purchase also anyone hear any rumours on the line up for mor
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2108 |
2/24/2005 12:32 PM |
38 Replies and 4193 Views
Embarrasing music tastes of co-workers 4193 38
Started by klootfan
Im fortunate to work in an industry where i can listen to music while in work. These days i use my mp3 player, but in the past it wouldnt have been strange to see a stack of cd's on my desk in work.
Anyway, my co-workers are the same, and of course, having an interest in music, i tend to look through other peoples collections from time to time.
Anyway, have any of the rest of you experienced similar work scenarios and if so, how embarrasing are their collections.
For instance, one of ou...
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4193 |
2/24/2005 10:39 AM |
24 Replies and 2415 Views
Grief in work for music tastes 2415 24
Started by klootfan
I duno about the rest of you but I always get a lot of hassle/friendly banter in work for being the guy who:
Is always going to gigs
Always follows bands who 'no-one else has ever heard of, so they must be crap'
Wears tshirts of bands who 'no-one has ever heard of'
Follows irish bands who will 'never be as big as u2'
Does anyone else get this grief in work
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2415 |
2/24/2005 10:31 AM |
36 Replies and 5036 Views
Bands Breaking Out Of Ireland 5036 36
Started by Norman Schwarzkopf
A very broad topic I know, but Im interested in different opinions on why so few Irish bands manage to get anywhere outside this country.
My fairly ill-informed guess is that
a) there's next to no media outlet (TV & radio)
b) a lack of drive in many cases where bands & artists seem content to be local celebrities
c) no Irish equivalent of NME hyping new bands, for better or worse.
I'm pondering a project and I need opinions.
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5036 |
2/23/2005 5:48 PM |
26 Replies and 3294 Views
Top current guitarists 3294 26
Started by Ianofthedead
Any guitarists playing in current bands that really float your boat
Heres mine........
Jonny Greenwood- Radiohead (when he picks one up he's still the standard)
Omar Rodriguez-lopez - Mars Volta, At the drive-in (fast, load, amazing)
Russell Lissack - bloc party (new kid on the block)
Josh Homme - Queens of the stone age, Kyuss (heavy, original, cool)
Nick Zinner - Yeah yeah yeahs
and yours are...........
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3294 |
2/23/2005 12:51 PM |
3 Replies and 1883 Views
Rome gig guide 1883 3
Started by Vent My Spleen
Quick one, does anyone know a listing site or equivalent of TicketBastard for Rome
I've tried Google and all I get are opera or bleddy rugby!
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1883 |
2/22/2005 5:07 PM |
2 Replies and 2029 Views
eirecore on thumped 2029 2
Started by bear
this is the punk / eirecore subsection on thumped.com. the thread 'worst irish punk band ever' is comedy gold and deserves to be read, i think.
i also thought it was relevant to cluas, with this sites recent-ish discussions on moderatorship and habit of closing down nasty threads.look at the fun these guys get to have.
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2029 |
2/22/2005 1:46 PM |
3 Replies and 1059 Views
Brian Wilson in Vicar Street - sold out 1059 3
Started by admin
Dunno about the rest of yiz but I heard nada about Brian Wilson playing Vicar Street in June. It's already sold out according to the ticketmaster.ie website (tix were orignally priced 75-95 Euros). Does anyone know of anany press / radio / web coverage announcing the sale of these tix I heard nothing...
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1059 |
2/22/2005 11:41 AM |
13 Replies and 1693 Views
New Colour Soul nominated for Meteor Music Award. 1693 13
Started by jenko
Monday, 21 February 2005. For immediate release…
Following a year of unprecedented independent success, Dublin band new colour soul have been honoured by the music industry with a nomination for 'Best Irish Newcomer' in this years Meteor music awards. The awards, which take place in the Point Theatre on the 24th February are among the most prestigious in the music industry calendar, and will see the funksters rubbing shoulders with Snoop Dogg, REM, U2 and a host of other stars. The best newcom...
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1693 |
2/21/2005 7:27 PM |