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0 Replies and 1292 Views COUNTRY HEARTLAND RETURNS TO RTE  1292  0 Started by  Rev Jules Yes folks out there in Radioland, Niall Toner is back on RTE Radio One for a six-week series of Country Heartland. From the mid-eighties to the late nineties, Niall's Country show broadcast on both 2FM and RTE Radio One, and was instrumental in bringing all styles of American Country and Roots music to a wider audience. Now he's back for a short run with that same ecletcic mix, broadcasting live from the RTE studios in Waterford on Friday nights from 10pm. 'till 11.20pm., beginning on Friday ...
0 1292
3/15/2005 4:55 PM
4 Replies and 1451 Views Irish Music Webzine  1451  4 Started by  Gar Here's another webzine (www.ire-eye.com) that I came across recently. It has alot of potential I think. I think you have to buy the issues to view them but here's a link to read the last issue in PDF format www.ire-eye.com/web2.pdf What are the views on this one
4 1451
3/14/2005 9:43 PM
5 Replies and 3812 Views RADIOHEAD AND JAZZ  3812  5 Started by  Rev Jules I have been watching recent discussions which touch on Radiohead and thought I would mention/ask why of all the major bands of the last decade they have been singled out by a new generation of jazz musicians looking for material to cover. For example: Brad Meldhu - Paranoid Android, Everthing In Its Right Place Jamie Cullum - High and Dry Christopher O'Riley - Two albums of the stuff Why them...and by the way, original & intelligent answers please and not just, 'cos they are the best ba...
5 3812
3/14/2005 8:43 PM
21 Replies and 2641 Views Acceptable Music For The Bus  2641  21 Started by  Gar Ever get the feeling that someone on the bus is judging your music taste through the snippets of sounds that mumur from your headphones Ever feel embrassed to turn it down a little Ever feel the need to blast it up On the bus this morning, this fella on his way to school tapped me on the shoulder. 'Here buddy, whats that s**t ur listenin to' he grumbled. I just replied 'You wouldn't know of them'. Then he informed me that rap was the stuff that I should have on. He rapped a little with h...
21 2641
3/14/2005 4:32 PM
8 Replies and 1596 Views 2 quality new irish albums  1596  8 Started by  klootfan In the last week ive bought Joe Chesters new album and Damien Dempseys new album and i have to say that in my opinion, the quality of both is just execellent. I was always a big fan of TSR, but that aside, joes album is just so good to listen to that ive to stop myself from playing it ( dont want to burn it out ). Some really catchy pop songs. I hope one of the Cluas reviewers have it on their list (im not the reviewing type myself). Damos album came out friday, on first listen i was worri...
8 1596
3/14/2005 4:16 PM
5 Replies and 1615 Views Click link .................... and rejoice  1615  5 Started by  flipperstired www.evolutioneire.com Is this the festival which, could, in time, rival MCD! It's great to see it give it a go and will be there even if the Tellytubbies are the main act. Am also headling along to Loud and Clear next saturday night and see that Hot Press didnt even list the gig.... too many monopolies in this country. Down with nasty MCD and Hot Press
5 1615
3/11/2005 11:16 AM
5 Replies and 1399 Views mp3 players  1399  5 Started by  sweetie I was reading an interesting thread on www.drownedinsound.com about mp3 players and ipods in particular. Some survey in the uk says that the average user only fills 5 of their player and the general consensus is that these are only fashion accessories and people want to be seen with the white earphones and even if you do fill your player will you ever listen to everything. Personally, I love my ipod and use it every day. Its got over 20 gigs on it and even though I haven't listened to lots o...
5 1399
3/11/2005 10:27 AM
1 Replies and 1406 Views Dancing At The Crossroads  1406  1 Started by  indiecater well not exactly but if you want a reminder of how good Irish bands can be tune in here (if only for the week that's in it) http://indiecater.com/radio.html
1 1406
3/10/2005 10:04 PM
0 Replies and 1984 Views Republic of Loose, 100 Bullets, The Mighty Stef...  1984  0 Started by  roadhousemag and Duke Special all come under www.roadhousemag.com 's scrutiny this week - all feedback is welcome in the comment field below each review. Also, check back through the archives for reviews of The Urges, Channel One, H*llyw**d, Jaded Sun, Fair Verona and 66e to name but a few, plus a host of acts from the Belfast scene. Thanks Dec
0 1984
3/10/2005 9:18 PM
5 Replies and 1478 Views RAY LA MONTAGNE CANCELLED  1478  5 Started by  Rev Jules *NB: (Moderator's Note. The following is an email sent to me with regard to the ticket I purchased for Ray La Montagne. I am specifically posting in two section of the forum to ensure that those who might have tickets for Ray la Montagne but do not have email alerts from Tickemaster see them) 10th March 2005 - sent from Ticketmaster Dear Customer Ticketmaster regret to inform you that Ray Lamontagne concert in Whelans this Saturday night has been cancelled due to illness.Please note...
5 1478
3/10/2005 6:25 PM
17 Replies and 4179 Views Polar on the move  4179  17 Started by  bonzo Just been on the polar website as I regularly do. Seems as if the lads are off to London, turning the back on the Irish scene in order to see how they get on abroad. What do people think about this Personally think its great - although, one problem if you can't make it here the British industry isn't going to want to know you. Buy maybe, just maybe they might do it. Good luck to them.
17 4179
3/10/2005 4:33 PM
3 Replies and 1601 Views mercury rev  1601  3 Started by  Una anyone at the gigs Monday night was brilliant - good crowd too. Loving the new record. Missed Brendan Benson though, hopefully catch him Whelans in April
3 1601
3/10/2005 1:33 PM
29 Replies and 4789 Views GIRLS WITH GUITARS  4789  29 Started by  Rev Jules Last friday, the Guardian Review published an article about female guitar bands entitled, 'What no pillow fights ' http://www.guardian.co.uk/arts/fridayreview/story/0,12102,1429411,00.html The article asked the question, 'has the female rock revolution finally arrived ' This came as a bit of a suprise to me since I was a teenage fan of Suzi Quatro - who ended up swapping her electric guitar for a 12 gauge shotgun (she went into competative clay pigeon shooting) and an admirer of Sher...
29 4789
3/9/2005 11:44 AM
27 Replies and 2920 Views Good Night Spots in Dublin  2920  27 Started by  Daragh just wondering where people go of an evening for a few pints, a chat and whatever else happens to be your pleasure, I'm talking about just regular places, not specifically for a gig, and not necessarily a nite club, (too expensive), a good pub i suppose. Myself, i've gotten to like Doyle's a good bit, decent music, free in and tis fair lively, really like Karma for a few pints before heading on (3 euro a guinness) anyone else i gotsta broaden the horizons
27 2920
3/8/2005 8:00 PM
35 Replies and 5140 Views 2005 heralds the rise of New Romantic revisionism  5140  35 Started by  john@soundweb.ie wow, sounds like a thesis title doesn't it. anyway, thats what i think and its going to be f**king hilarious by all accounts, faux army uniforms the lot... adam ant would make a killing if he hadn't already tried that with a starter pistol. what next, return of breakdance-burglars robbing kitchens of their lino don't laugh, that happened in donaghmede circa 1986.
35 5140
3/8/2005 4:15 PM
3 Replies and 1753 Views song lyrics  1753  3 Started by  caps lock Hey y'all, just wondering if any of you have ever sang a song a million times and then suddenly one day really listened to the words and realised the real meaning. To give an example, I'm just after listening to 'I'm so Excited' the old chestnut that's always played whenever there's any event/celebration on tv. I always thought the song was about being genuinely excited about a happy event but on further inspection have come to the conclusion its about really hot sex!this song is played a ki...
3 1753
3/8/2005 1:15 PM
7 Replies and 1398 Views private messaging?  1398  7 Started by  jmc105 just wondering if there's any way to send pm's to members on the forum i've been trying to get in touch with rev jules for about a week now, to no avail...
7 1398
3/8/2005 12:53 PM
30 Replies and 4629 Views Best Music Dvd  4629  30 Started by  Gar Scuttling through the racks recently, hoping to find a really good music dvd, I couldn't really find one. I have alot at home of more classic rock type musicians and I have two Jools Holland one's and The Last Waltz. But is there a lack of good dvds coming from modern bands What are the best one's out there
30 4629
3/8/2005 11:49 AM
5 Replies and 1708 Views Slint  1708  5 Started by  Mammon did anyone manage to get to the gig i dont want to sound too cliche, but it was very intense. the silence between songs. . . f**king amazing. i felt on edge for the entire gig, like something terrible was about to happen. very odd indeed. dont think ive ever been at a gig like it.
5 1708
3/7/2005 11:44 PM
14 Replies and 2099 Views Ferghal Mckee, Dave Couse, etc..  2099  14 Started by  Punchbowl Hi Guys, I've been off sick so I did a bit of MP3 surfing through official sites and found some stuff that it would be positively criminal not to download : Firstly, Former Whipping Boy Ferghal McKee ( www.ferghalmckee.com ). Anyone who's never heard 'Heartworm' has missed out. Most message boards about music are peppered with references to the album so it's time to start re-living the hype. Go buy the album in your local record store and then come home and download the aboves new single from...
14 2099
3/7/2005 3:20 PM
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