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0 Replies and 1455 Views Berkeley tour dates!    1455  0 Started by  memaeve Hey, For anyone that's interested these are the confirmed dates for the Berkeley tour: > Oct 14th - Casbah, Letterkenny > Oct 15th - Hard Working Class Heroes festival, Spirit Nightclub, Abbey St., Dublin (Weekend tickets €25 from Ticketmaster - see www.hwch.net for full line-up). > Oct 15th - Tower Records Instore, Wicklow St., Dublin, 4pm. > Oct 17th - Cuba, Eyre Square, Galway. > Oct 21st - The Waiting Room, Dicey Rileys, Strabane. > Oct 27th - D...
0 1455
10/12/2006 10:58 PM
0 Replies and 1325 Views Rodrigo y Gabriela    1325  0 Started by  musicchik000 Rodrigo and Gabriela will be touring Ireland on the following dates: DECEMBER 4-7TH -- DUBLIN, IE VICAR ST DECEMBER 10-11TH -- CORK, IE SAVOY REVIEW 'To the unattuned ear, flamenco can seem jarring, discordant and depressing, an unnerving combination of guitar in staccato mode and voices given over to sudden spasms of passion. As an upbeat, ultra-accessible alternative, Rodrigo and Gabriela play a melodious riff-based sound influenced by the lamentations of southern Spain but n...
0 1325
10/12/2006 6:36 PM
0 Replies and 1474 Views PANDAmonium! Tonight!    1474  0 Started by  Mammon PANDAmonium!!! The Hub, Temple Bar With Djs: Eamon Sweeney (Swench) Loreana 11pm FREEEEE IN!! www.myspace.com/pandamoniumclub
0 1474
10/12/2006 12:19 PM
0 Replies and 1468 Views Canadian band (HWCH) looking for Oct 17 & Oct 20    1468  0 Started by  MarkBee Hi there, we had a cancellation for Oct 17 so we're hoping to fill that somewhere in Ireland, and we're still looking for Oct 20. If anyone has any bills happening with room for a canadian band please email me at infomarkbragg.com Thanks! My schedule right now is this... Oct 14 - Spirit (Showcase) Oct 16 - The Mezz (Dublin) Oct 18 - Pravda (Dublin) Oct 19 - Club Head BangBang (Tralee) Oct 21 - Roisin Dubh (Galway) We're really hoping to get shows outside of Dublin to see Irelan...
0 1468
10/11/2006 7:09 PM
3 Replies and 1490 Views Ballroom 57 - Hallow'een Party - Friday 27th Oct    1490  3 Started by  Al Ballroom 57 - A Hallow'een Party, fancy dress even! Friday 27th of Oct The Lower Deck, Portobello Doors 9pm, €8, free CD-r to the first 100 Medea Medea is a Dublin based three-piece comprising of Edel Coffey (guitar and vocals), Mary Carton (bass and vocals) and Lynn Millar (drums). Since they formed in 2003 they have developed a sparse, melodic sound which has been likened to bands such as Joy Division, The Breeders and Sleater-Kinney. On the night they will be revealing a super doope...
3 1490
10/11/2006 6:49 PM
0 Replies and 1359 Views KILL CITY DEFECTORS @ HWCH    1359  0 Started by  defector Kill City Defectors play the rock room spirit as part of the HWCH festival this sat 8:40. Come and check us out. Also check out our brand new video for our single 'Messed up' by visiting www.killcitydefectors.com or http://www.myspace.com/letsgetdefected See yis there for a can of dutch
0 1359
10/11/2006 4:09 PM
1 Replies and 1472 Views Ohm Sweet Ohm - Thursday 19th Oct. @ Thomas House    1472  1 Started by  Ohm Sweet Ohm Thursday 27th October Thomas House, Thomas Street, D8 from 8 to 12 free admission OHM SWEET OHM music by guest DJ Stan Bowles & host DJ Jaakko movies on the wall New&No wave/Punk/Indie/Electro/Kraut/Psych Beats/Latin Well ok, no Latin... Get friendly with us: http://www.myspace.com/ohmsweetmusic
1 1472
10/11/2006 3:35 PM
0 Replies and 1504 Views Pilotlight...    1504  0 Started by  mick we'll be back in dublin for the ol hwch, opening on the saturday in spirit if anyones about... mick www.pilotlightmusic.com
0 1504
10/10/2006 11:59 PM
0 Replies and 1275 Views mighty stef 2moro night @ Antics    1275  0 Started by  Antics The legent that is Stef will be making his first appearance on the Antics stage. I'm sure you all know him well at this stage, not to be missed!! We've also got free guestlist passes to the Long Blondes in Crawdaddy on Thursday, send us an email with ur names and mates names. antics_crawdaddyyahoo.co.uk www.myspace.com/antics_crawdaddy NICE ONE
0 1275
10/10/2006 6:20 PM
0 Replies and 1552 Views My Corduroy - HWCH festival - 13th Oct    1552  0 Started by  scullster My Corduroy are returning to Dublin to play in this years HWCH festival. We are due on stage at 8:45 on Friday. The gig itself is on in the Rockroom in Spirit. Check out our new video trailer http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfmfuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=1104257820 and see if you like our sound, and hopefully ye can kick off your festival weekend with us in the rockroom in Spirit.
0 1552
10/10/2006 2:46 PM
0 Replies and 1305 Views Ruby Tailights oct 21st upstairs in conways    1305  0 Started by  magic switch The Ruby Tailights Sat OCT 21st in The Boom Boom Room - (Upstairs in Conways Pub opposite the Rotunda Hospital!) BE THERE AT 8:30 -- Support from 'The Hollows' - they're great!!! Really Really! Check Out the new video on youtube ! http://www.youtube.com/watchv=rr5j8SyD3rI
0 1305
10/10/2006 12:04 PM
2 Replies and 1152 Views Death Via Satellite 04, w/ Kopek, Mendoza    1152  2 Started by  death via satellite Death Via Satellite is a rocktacular, electro/new wave, indie night that will be holding court once a month in Eamonn Dorans, Dublin. Bringing the best bands to you with minimum fuss and maximum noise, check out our bands tracks above to see whats in store at the next show... ***The next show takes place on Tuesday October 17th in Eamonn Dorans where we promise an unrivalled line up, DJ's til late and e3.50 for any drink, just cos we're that nice... This shows features performances by Kopek,...
2 1152
10/9/2006 10:40 PM
0 Replies and 1432 Views Jape and Cap Pas Cap at Psychotic Reaction 14/10    1432  0 Started by  Repo man Psychotic Reaction presents JAPE CAP PAS CAP w/ THE THINGS Dj Set Sat 14th October 2006 Pogo liveCrawdaddy, Harcourt St. Dublin 2 €12/10 11pm till late www.myspace.com/clubpsychoticreaction www.psychoticreaction.moonfruit.com Next PR's Sat 11th Nov Klaxons The Cobbs The Leather Girls Sat 2nd Dec tbc... www.myspace.com/richiejape www.myspace.com/cappascap
0 1432
10/9/2006 10:38 AM
0 Replies and 1152 Views SALMONELLA DUB LIVE THIS THURS OCT 12TH @ TBMC....    1152  0 Started by  arveene Salmonella Dub kicks off European tour in Ireland, October 12th - 16th The Tikki Lounge presents..... SALMONELLA DUB www.salmonelladub.com Tour kicks off: Thursday 12th October - Temple Bar Music Centre Tickets are 17.50e presale, 20e on the door www.tbmc.ie www.tickets.ie Friday 13th October - Roisin Dubh (please check their web site for details, www.roisindubh.net) Saturday 14th October - Cyprus Avenue www.tickets.ie, www.cyprusavenue.ie (tickets already selling...
0 1152
10/8/2006 10:46 PM
3 Replies and 1501 Views the Gorgeous Colours @ Crawdaddy Fri 13th    1501  3 Started by  bandfactory www.myspace.com/thegorgeouscolours With support from the Liam Duffy Band www.myspace.com/theliamduffyband Doors 8pm €10/€8 with flyer Debut single 'Burning' out OCTOBER 28th 'Aided by the magnetic charm of each member, it would take a person with a corpse-like stiffness not to be drawn into their triumphant performance...And The Colours clearly go well together: already theyre the object of international A&R affection, thanks to their quirky American desert-sounding tunes that Spi...
3 1501
10/8/2006 4:02 PM
7 Replies and 1289 Views Foggy Notions presents The Essex Green, Oct 19    1289  7 Started by  Foggy Foggy Notions presents... The Essex Green & very special guests Whelan’s, Dublin October 19. Tickets: WAV , City Discs & Road Records Foggy Notions is pleased as punch to present one of the mightiest forces in indie-pop today, The Essex Green. Listening to The Essex Green’s third long player, Cannibal Sea, is like leafing through a songbook of classic pop. These 12 songs blend the old with the new, incorporating the country rock mood of The Byrds, the Greenwich balladry of Fre...
7 1289
10/6/2006 4:02 PM
0 Replies and 1377 Views The PRESETS & CAP PAS CAP - TONIGHT - TCD - FREE    1377  0 Started by  skinny wolves The PRESETS (australia, modular records) W/ Cap Pas Cap Buttery Bar, Trinity College, Dublin Friday 6th October, 8pm www.myspace.com/thepresets www.thepresets.com www.modularpeople.com/03/preset/preset.htm www.myspace.com/cappascap ////////////////////// This is FREE! Trinity students can sign in 3 non students...
0 1377
10/6/2006 9:59 AM
0 Replies and 1874 Views Arthur Baker /Oliver T Cunningham II@Odeon    1874  0 Started by  Punchbowl Here's the blurb... This Saturday sees the LEgEnD AUTHOR BAKER in The Odeon Bar (upstairs suite) on Harcourt street from 9.30pm. This is gonna be a special nite from the man who knows how to make a party...and tickets are at 1986 pricing of 10 Euro !!!! Come down and listen to the Master Mister Baker who once famously stated ' I didn't get a good reaction on a record, I'd just rip it off, break it up and throw it on the dancefloor.' ..................people its gonna be some nite. Speci...
0 1874
10/5/2006 4:09 PM
0 1370
10/5/2006 2:50 PM
0 Replies and 1410 Views ROCKTOBER gigs    1410  0 Started by  TheMontanes WEDNESDAY 18 OCTOBER, Hard Rock Cafe, Temple Bar, 8.30pm: The Ultra Montanes are proud to play as part of the Hard Rock Cafe's series of Rocktober gigs. The event is supposed to be televised, so bring along yourselves and your friends! There won't be a cover charge, but the organisers warn that tickets will be limited on the night, so get your tickets in advance at the Hard Rock Cafe in Dublin's Temple Bar!! _____________________ WEDENESDAY 25 OCTOBER, Radio City, Store Street, 8pm The Ro...
0 1410
10/5/2006 11:56 AM
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