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0 Replies and 1684 Views Unplugged finals    1684  0 Started by  mr.boyd featuring James Guilmartin,David Lodge, Damien Rice,Finger Mouse amoungst others. adm £5:50 drs7:30. don't miss out!
0 1684
11/25/2001 5:13 PM
1 Replies and 1675 Views polar, weds 5th of december in dorans    1675  1 Started by  mick polar are playing in dorans on the 5th of december and should be onstage at 8.30pm. we were playing dorans with nixon and babelfish last night and it went really well for all the bands, a goodnight was had. on the 5th its a gig city gig so there'll be another two bands but i'm not sure just yet who they are. mick... http://www.polarofficial.com
1 1675
11/24/2001 2:40 PM
0 Replies and 1791 Views James Guilmartin : International bar : Gigsmart    1791  0 Started by  Jupiter Saturday night at the International, James Guilmartin is playing as part of the Gigsmart weekly slot for songwriters. show up....its a good night of music. http://www.jamesguilmartin.vze.com
0 1791
11/24/2001 2:09 AM
12 Replies and 2147 Views Jimmy Cake Live TBMC Dec 13th    2147  12 Started by  Osimono There you have it. With support from the fabulous Connect Four Orchestra, this is a fully seated show, £6, starting 8pm. Si and Vin from the Cake dj-ing afterwards, all manner of nonsense guaranteed to come from the speakers. Looks like there'll be a few guest musicians for the night, as if 9 weren't enough....as well as lots of new tracks from the forthcoming second album. Hope to see ye all there...
12 2147
11/23/2001 2:55 PM
0 Replies and 1743 Views STOAT at Blast    1743  0 Started by  cormac Stoat play at Blast tomorrow in the Temple Bar Music Centre. All ages. Onstage 2pm. Turn are headlining
0 1743
11/23/2001 2:33 PM
0 Replies and 2096 Views Zero 51 Gig plus Free Zero51 CD's    2096  0 Started by  gerry k from zero51 Zero 51 play Murphy's Pub in Waterford 30th of November Zero 51 are a new ORIGINAL Rock Band in Waterford and are playing in the new Murphy's pub (formerly the Hogs Head) on the 30th of november. now of course we're gonna play a few cover songs to keep the locals happy but we put blood, sweat, tears and everything we have into writing some very very good and fine Rock songs, Now I promise you we'll deliver, and seeing us play when we are on top form is a sight to remember because you're ...
0 2096
11/23/2001 12:11 PM
0 Replies and 1911 Views quick reminder!    1911  0 Started by  mick just that babelfish, nixon and polar are playing dorans this friday evening. it should be an eventful night so try and come along mick... http://www.polarofficial.com
0 1911
11/22/2001 1:12 AM
0 Replies and 2012 Views Settler EP launch Isaac Butt, 29 Nov    2012  0 Started by  snakybus Settler launches its debut EP on Mango Music in Isaac Butt (or is that THE Isaac Butt, I never know) on Thursday the 29th of November. Doors open 8.30ish, it's 3.50 in, and guest bands are Dust and Reynardine.
0 2012
11/21/2001 1:16 PM
0 Replies and 2199 Views POPSTAR!!!    2199  0 Started by  AquaBat THE DICKIES PARANOID VISIONS POPSTAR The Shelter on Vicar street 1st December 2001 7:30pm CORRUPTED POPSTAR PIN ATOMIC DROP The Shelter on Vicar street 2nd December 2001 1pm ALL AGES!!!!!
0 2199
11/21/2001 12:32 PM
0 Replies and 1908 Views CLUAS.com presents the Walls in Whelan's    1908  0 Started by  eoghan Right. Next Thursday Nov 29th CLUAS.com presents the Walls live in Whelan's. The gig - first in a new series on monthly gigs arranged by CLUAS - will be broadcast live on the internet as well. Support comes from Babelfish. Tickets availabe from Road Records of Fade Street and cost £10.50. For further details read the press blurb here - http://www.cluas.com/cluasgigs.htm The club after the gig will be Phantasm. I won't go stating the obvious by saying how deadly the night will be. So see yiz ther...
0 1908
11/21/2001 7:17 AM
0 Replies and 2141 Views VOTE FOR ALBUM OF THE YEAR    2141  0 Started by  fatso Vote for album of the year on: http://www.wheresthecraic.com Only the good die young!
0 2141
11/20/2001 3:45 PM
0 Replies and 1953 Views Adrian Crowley Jeff Martin Bone    1953  0 Started by  Ace e There has been a change to the bill for Adrian Crowley's album launch at The Shelter this Wednesday 21st. Steve Fanagan will not in fact be supporting, instead Jeff Martin will be doing a set.
0 1953
11/19/2001 10:43 PM
0 Replies and 2005 Views FULLTILT! direct from London now here in Dublin    2005  0 Started by  stigma FULL TILT DIRECT FROM THE ELECTRIC BALLROOM LONDON THE AMBASSADOR THEATRE FRI 23-NOV-01 11:30PM goth/punk/Industrial/techno/metal! http://www.ticketmaster.ie/cgi/asp_events/byid.aspevent_id=1800335EC55EC08A > &category=CONCERTS sOME BACKGROUND ON fulltilt IN cAMDEN! sHOULD BE AGREAT NIGHT HERE! Full Tilt is probably London's longest running and most successful alternative club night and is in it's 17th year. Taking place every Friday night, Full Tilt plays host to over...
0 2005
11/19/2001 9:21 PM
0 Replies and 2179 Views estel / tracer amc gig - fri 23th nov - isaac butt    2179  0 Started by  jamie hey Estel play in isaac butts on friday the 23th of november with help from belfast band Tracer Amc, if anyone wants to come along. and there is that indie club 'supremo' afterwards til half two, which HAS to be better than whelans..... so yeah please come along, last estel gig before uk tour and then you have to wait til january.. thanks for reading anyway, jamie Estel: http://www.thumped.com/estel Tracer Amc: http://listen.to/tracer ps: here is some stuff about tracer amc.. ...
0 2179
11/19/2001 3:53 PM
0 Replies and 2176 Views Zero 51 Play Murphy's Pub in Waterford    2176  0 Started by  gerry k from zero51 Zero 51 are a new ORIGINAL Rock Band in Waterford and are playing in the new Murphy's pub (formerly the Hogs Head) on the 30th of november. now of course we're gonna play a few cover songs to keep the locals happy but we put blood, sweat, tears and everything we have into writing some very very good and fine Rock songs, Now I promise you we'll deliver, and seeing us play when we are on top form is a sight to remember because you're gonna want more and more.. i know it!! influenses include ...
0 2176
11/18/2001 9:16 PM
0 Replies and 1902 Views babelfish, nixon and polar dorans next friday    1902  0 Started by  mick Babelfish play eamonn dorans next friday evening (23rd)with nixon and ,the band i'm in, polar in support. doors at about 8.00pm and i'm not sure how much it is in. mick... http://www.polarofficial.com
0 1902
11/17/2001 3:37 PM
2 Replies and 1919 Views unplugged finals    1919  2 Started by  mr.boyd the tallaght unplugged finals are on 28th November Temple Bar Music Centre. Performances include Fingermouse and James Guilmartin amoungst others.Drs 7:30pm Adm £6. /.....a promising night.
2 1919
11/16/2001 5:32 PM
0 Replies and 2252 Views Adrian Crowley Album Launch    2252  0 Started by  Ace e I've just been sticking posters all around town which generally stay up and uncovered for about 3.4 milliseconds.Today I caught a guy red -handed ripping one down. So without further ado here goes, Adrian Crowley (Album Launch) guests steve fanagan & bone. The Shelter vicar street, Wednesday November 21st doors 8pm This is the official launch of 'when you are here you are family' which was recently recorded in chicago with one Steve Albini.
0 2252
11/16/2001 2:43 PM
1 2146
11/16/2001 11:32 AM
3 Replies and 2275 Views Free acoustic night 17 Nov International    2275  3 Started by  Trev M Hi all , GIGSMART Ireland(Musician Co-Op) present an acoustic night on Saturday 17th of November in the International Bar. James Guilmartin David Lodge Andrew OBrien Andrew Handrick Free addmission, please come along and support the local scene, its not about money its about music so if you want to meet people who are sick of the in your face promoter contrived bull and are trying to do something about it, this is the place for you. Trev Coming soon- www.gigsmartireland.com ...
3 2275
11/16/2001 8:47 AM
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