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0 Replies and 1168 Views The Look - - New Date    1168  0 Started by  Buzz *** please note rescheduled date - Friday 14th June *** Mcd.ie presents.... The Look Temple Bar Music Centre Friday 14th June €27.70 (fully Seated) THE LOOK goes live Words/fashion/performances/DJs 'The best book yet about post war fashion' – Mojo “No crease is left un-ironed” – Vanity Fair “So a good book” - Heat The acclaimed pop fashion bible The Look goes live this spring with a unique multimedia explosion featuring stunning imagery, inspirational readings from author ...
0 1168
4/18/2002 3:27 PM
0 Replies and 1282 Views EVAN DANDO    1282  0 Started by  Buzz Heineken Green Energy Presents EVAN DANDO (Midnight Show) Sat 04 May Olympia €20.50 - €22.50 Special guests to be announced. Doors: 11.15pm EVAN DANDO/THE LEMONHEADS: A FEW FACTS <sum> 1967 Evan Griffith Dando born. <sum> 1985 Evan forms the Whelps (in Boston, Massachusetts) which mutate into the Lemonheads, with Jesse Peretz on bass, Dando and Ben Deily on guitar and drums. <sum> 1986 Release “Laughing All The Way To The Cleaners’ EP on the Taang! Label...
0 1282
4/18/2002 3:25 PM
0 Replies and 1222 Views Heineken Green Energy Presents......    1222  0 Started by  Buzz Heineken Green Energy Presents...... Ikara Colt / The Parkinsons Whelans, Wexford St. Monday 6th May 8pm / €12.50  Ikara Colt A quick history: -The Band met at art college in London & vaguely formed the band at the very end of ’99. -They spent a lot of time doing nothing! -In the Spring of 2001 they record a demo which they send off to the usual suspects. -Steve Lamacq see the band at the glamorous Dublin Castle playing their fourth ever gig. -They record their debut...
0 1222
4/18/2002 3:24 PM
0 Replies and 1192 Views SUPERSKIN TONIGHT!!!    1192  0 Started by  madouva SUPERSKIN play TBMC tonight, 7.30pm. Support from EYES CLOSED and SKYJACK. €8 in, free into club afterwards. Sweet...
0 1192
4/17/2002 11:09 AM
0 Replies and 1294 Views berkeley Irish Tour Dates    1294  0 Started by  winonaboy berkeley release their 'New Star' e.p. on Friday 3rd May. To coincide with this they play two Dublin shows. Friday 3rd May, Witnness Lounge, Tower Records, Wicklow St, Dublin 2. 6pm (free) Saturday 4th May, Whelans, 25 Wexford St, Dublin 2. All-ages afternoon show, doors 2pm admission (euro 6/4 with flyer) with special guests Richard Egan ( a solo show from The Redneck Manifesto man) http://wwww.redneckmanifesto.com or http://japed.cjb.net and Kidd Dynamo http://www.kidddynamo....
0 1294
4/16/2002 11:13 PM
0 Replies and 1407 Views Acoustic Gig of the Year - Not to be missed    1407  0 Started by  zodiac_lounge Turn - the current Mac Daddys of the scene team up with Melaton, the teenage rockers for a night of acoustic bliss. Throw in Pony Club & Colm Quearney and it makes for a cocktail that is to be one of those gigs where in years to come you will tell your mates I was there. This Wednesday 17th of April The ZODIAC LOUNGE Tomato Night Club, Harcourt St, Dublin 2 Proudly Presents An Evening of Acoustic Enchantment With TURN MELATON Pony Club Colm Quearney Doors Open 8:30pm...
0 1407
4/16/2002 2:57 PM
0 Replies and 1396 Views TURN, Melaton, Pony Club & Colm Quearney    1396  0 Started by  zodiac_lounge This Wednesday 17th of April The ZODIAC LOUNGE Tomato Night Club, Harcourt St, Dublin 2 Proudly Presents An Evening of Acoustic Enchantment With TURN MELATON Pony Club Colm Quearney Doors Open 8:30pm (arrive early as capacity is limited) Admission €8 For ticket reservation email: zodiacloungeyahoo.co.uk The Zodiac Lounge Each Wednesday the back lounge of Tomato Night Club on Harcourt St is transformed into the Zodiac Lounge. Inspired by the vibes of the “DA Club”...
0 1396
4/16/2002 2:48 PM
3 Replies and 1385 Views Great gig in Eamonn Dorans    1385  3 Started by  Jim Eamonn Dorans Wednesday 17/04/2002 The one the only 'JimNasty' are ever increasing in popularity, known for their energetic rocked up live preformances. Not to be missed. Also playing on the bill are: >Fissure >Pseudocreme THESE GUYS SURE DO ROCK!
3 1385
4/15/2002 10:32 AM
1 Replies and 1398 Views Super Team, Vicar St, Thursday 2nd May    1398  1 Started by  alpharelish Alpha Relish Presents: ‘Super Team’ Super Team: A group of friends in rock bands and animation gangs who hang out together have decided to get on a school tour bus and keep going until we’ve played in all the places around the country we’ve always wanted to. Our first stop is Vicar Street on the 2nd of May followed by Connolly’s of Leap in West Cork on Saturday the 11th of May. More dates around the country will be announced soon. The line-ups will vary but the aim will remain the same. The ai...
1 1398
4/10/2002 12:37 PM
0 Replies and 1374 Views ZEPPO @ Whelans 16th    1374  0 Started by  Kenneth Zeppo Whelans Tuesday 16th April support by Blue Sun . www.zeppomusic.com for more information. KVK
0 1374
4/10/2002 10:07 AM
0 Replies and 1400 Views www.mundy.ie    1400  0 Started by  chimevault Hello everyone.Mundys new album '24 star hotel' is being released in Ireland April 19th.It will be in all outlets around Ireland.Instore in tower records,wicklow st,Dublin,on day of release.May 6th Dublin Castle with the Frames,Damien Rice,Bell x 1 and Lift to Experience.Headline in Vicar st,June 6th.Thanks.
0 1400
4/8/2002 10:32 PM
0 1368
4/4/2002 3:52 PM
0 Replies and 1230 Views a lethal double-header...    1230  0 Started by  madouva Colm Quearney & Margaret Healy join forces for a lethal double-header next Wednesday night (10th) at the Music Centre. Doors open at 7.30pm, admission is €10.
0 1230
4/3/2002 11:24 AM
0 Replies and 1468 Views ZEPPO    1468  0 Started by  turner ZEPPO headline another Turner event.... date: THUR 25TH APRIL venue: TONERS PUB (UPSTAIRS), BAGGOT STREET. ZEPPO THE DUDLEY CORPORATION LISTO admission:€6 info:turnercluas.com
0 1468
4/2/2002 3:32 PM
0 Replies and 1311 Views Dave Nelligan, Dave Ferriter, Absttract Graffiti..    1311  0 Started by  durandel hey, all of the above are playing in Fredz, Cork on April 6th. Doors 8pm. Be there or else...... hate your enemies save your friends find your place speak the truth
0 1311
3/28/2002 10:46 PM
0 Replies and 1360 Views Invite to Zodiac Launch Night - Subrosa & Mundy    1360  0 Started by  zodiac_lounge We are delighted to invite Cluas members to the launch of the Zodiac Lounge at Tomato Night Club, Harcourt St, Dublin 2. Launch Night, 9:30pm this Wednesday March 27th 2002. Subrosa & Mundy What is the Zodiac Lounge The Zodiac Lounge is Dublin’s newest acoustic venue that takes place every Wednesday night at Tomato. Each week some of Dublin’s finest acts will be un-plugged from 9:30pm for two hours and this will be followed by Spark an Indie DJ set with Andy Colbert on the decks unt...
0 1360
3/27/2002 2:46 PM
0 Replies and 1246 Views Invite for Zodiac Launch Night - Subrosa & Mundy    1246  0 Started by  zodiac_lounge We are delighted to invite Cluas members to the launch of the Zodiac Lounge at Tomato Night Club, Harcourt St, Dublin 2. Launch Night, 9:30pm this Wednesday March 27th 2002. Subrosa & Mundy What is the Zodiac Lounge The Zodiac Lounge is Dublin’s newest acoustic venue that takes place every Wednesday night at Tomato. Each week some of Dublin’s finest acts will be un-plugged from 9:30pm for two hours and this will be followed by Spark an Indie DJ set with Andy Colbert on the decks unt...
0 1246
3/27/2002 2:44 PM
3 Replies and 1425 Views Renko Play Mono for One Night Only!    1425  3 Started by  darrenflynn One of the Hottest New Bands on the Planet, Renko, bring their own brand of wilfull destruction to Mono for what is sure to be one of the best gigs this year on Saturday April 13th. Anyone who misses this gig will be missing a piece of Rock n' Roll history in the making. Doors at 7.00 PM. first band at 7.30PM, Renko taking the stage whenever the fuck they feel like it, but probably around 9.00PM. Admission 7 euro, 6 with flyer. for further info check out Renkomusic.com Daz.
3 1425
3/27/2002 12:30 PM
0 Replies and 1438 Views EMPIRE (ex ROLLERSKATE SKINNY)    1438  0 Started by  Treasure Founding member of ROLLERSKATE SKINNY Stephen M brings his new band EMPIRE to The Temple Bar Music Ctre. 28th march (8pm) as guests of ten Speed racer expectlots of guitars/samples/Vocals and Visuals the band features Annie(CHICKS) Mark Dennehy (Johnny Pyro) and Terry Cullen (Ten Speed Racer)
0 1438
3/27/2002 11:11 AM
0 Replies and 1482 Views Strokes After-Show: Chicks on Decks    1482  0 Started by  solex Strokes After-Show Party Thomas House, 86 Thomas St. Sunday, March 31st With Chicks on Decks - JJ Foxx, DJ Shellac, Shayney Falkon,and special guest Peepee Bar til 2am, hey! Doors from 8pm FREE
0 1482
3/27/2002 9:34 AM
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