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0 Replies and 1077 Views CHICKS ON DECKS DA2    1077  0 Started by  JJFoxx CHICKS ON DECKS Shayney Falkon...DJ Shellac...JJ Foxx... Thursday, 18th July DA2, Wexford Street, Dublin 2 10:30-2:00 Admission free Opening night of weekly residency, promises to be a good one. Get your asses down there for a bloody riot. www.chicksondecks.com infochicksondecks.com
0 1077
7/17/2002 2:49 PM
0 Replies and 1243 Views Ronan Stone @ The Cobblestone Wed 24th July    1243  0 Started by  Ms. W. Rose Ronan Stone and his backing band the Mervyn Love Gods are playing in the Cobblestone in Smithfield, Dublin on next Wednesday the 24th July. The music consists of original, catchy and funky songs written and arranged by Ronan Stone. The band are Cork-based and this in their first Dublin headline gig. Line-up: Ronan Stone on vocals, electric and acoustic guitars and harmonica Billy Marnane on drums, harmony vocals and rapping Mervyn Love on bass and backing vocals Donal Power on lead guitar...
0 1243
7/17/2002 12:02 PM
0 Replies and 1065 Views Quincey - Da2 - Wed 17th Aug    1065  0 Started by  stiritup Quincey play with Rudy tonite in Da2. Admission 6euro. Come along!
0 1065
7/17/2002 7:43 AM
0 Replies and 1105 Views oh my god! thats amazing!    1105  0 Started by  john@soundweb.ie well, to be more exact..... not bad. Stephen Walker (one fifth-Nude formerly) takes to the stage to support THE WAILERS in Killarney this FRIDAY and then cycles back overnight to the big smoke to support LISTO in Vooooooodoooooooo Lounge ( i added the extra oooo's meself for effect) on saturday night. I think. Look out for him anyways, he is superb. well... quite good anyway. www.soundweb.ie
0 1105
7/16/2002 1:17 PM
3 Replies and 1271 Views Singer Songwriter Nite this Wed. in The Plough!    1271  3 Started by  karen Hey! Remember if you're looking for a really nice nite out come to The Singer Songwriter nite upstairs in The Plough this Wednesday the 17th of July. Last week went really well and with each week it keeps getting better and better. So come along and check it out! It's 4 euro in & doors open at 8.45. Hope to see you there, Karen
3 1271
7/15/2002 8:45 PM
0 Replies and 1184 Views Wanted Showcase every Thursday - Bands Wanted    1184  0 Started by  wanted2002 'The Music Room' on Abbey St.is now running Original Band Showcase nights called 'Wanted' on Thursday nights. It is being set up to give new bands an opportunity to play as well as to earn some money. A band does not have to pay any money up front or pre sell any tickets. For more information phone 086 8137 668 or email wanted2002elvis.com
0 1184
7/15/2002 3:41 PM
2 Replies and 1130 Views The Ballroom of Romance presents...    1130  2 Started by  Al THE BALLROOM OF ROMANCE PRESENTS: The Coldspoon Conspiracy Holy Ghost Fathers Steerage Yakuza Live at the Lower Deck, Portobello, Dublin, Friday 26th of July. 4 bands for $5. Doors 8.30pm. Bands 9pm sharp. Free CD-R with tracks from all bands for the first 100 in. The Coldspoon Conspiracy The Coldspoon's regroup with a new line-up to plug their excellent 'Hopelessly Niave' 7'. http://www.iolfree.ie/~thecoldspoonconspiracy Holy Ghost Fathers Holy Ghos...
2 1130
7/15/2002 3:02 PM
0 Replies and 1258 Views eX-girl    1258  0 Started by  the snitch eX-girl send a big 'THANK YOU' to everybody who came to see them on friday night. they really enjoyed themselves and will definitley make a return trip from planet kero kero. keep an eye on other bands that ex-tractor promotions may lure over for your delectation on our website: www.extractorpromotions.co.uk
0 1258
7/15/2002 10:10 AM
0 Replies and 1109 Views vibrator - monday 15th july    1109  0 Started by  meta dan watson dj daihatsu rob fox visuals: peter maybury SWIFT - 12 short films based on found images vibrator_aehotmail.com http://www.smilingmadeeasy.com/vibrator
0 1109
7/15/2002 9:52 AM
0 Replies and 1296 Views JULIUS GEEZER: Omelette Single Launch    1296  0 Started by  omo Omelette release their debut single on Julius Geezer Records with a very special unplugged gig in ROAD RECORDS Fade st, Dublin. On Thurs 18th July, doors 7:30. Adm FREE. The 7' single will be available on the night... Churs omo giz a job
0 1296
7/13/2002 2:24 PM
0 Replies and 1110 Views Bands and Performers wanted    1110  0 Started by  soundroom If you are interested in details of a showcase night for those talented people we call musicians, please drop a line to soundroomcluas.com This will hopefully be a night with a difference running upstairs in Da2, once a month. So if you are interested in more info, want to be put on the mailing list or have some interesting ideas you want to share, feel free to email too... Cheers!
0 1110
7/10/2002 4:55 PM
0 Replies and 1056 Views Bands and Performers wanted    1056  0 Started by  soundroom If you are interested in details of a showcase night for those talented people we call musicians, please drop a line to soundroomcluas.com This will hopefully be a night with a difference running upstairs in Da2, once a month. So if you are interested in more info, want to be put on the mailing list or have some interesting ideas you want to share, feel free to email too... Cheers!
0 1056
7/10/2002 4:54 PM
0 Replies and 1298 Views Sigur Rós tickets...?    1298  0 Started by  Emile Hi there Just wondering if anyone knows of any spare Sigur Rós tickets floating around End of this month - Galway Arts Festival. If you can help, please reply. Cheers! Emile
0 1298
7/10/2002 1:11 PM
0 Replies and 1361 Views IrishUnsigned gigs    1361  0 Started by  irishunsigned The Forum, Waterford. Sat 20th July 2002: Irish Unsigned presents Penfold, Taft, Wunderland and guests. €8 incl Nightclub. Local boys Penfold join with another local band (or two) to play host to Taft and Wunderland, making the trip down from the big smoke. Continuing with Shakedown nightclub, this could be a damn good night for music. Mono, beside Whelan's, Dublin. 26th July 2002: Irish Unsigned presents another showcase of talent. Lineup includes Sutras and Louise Byrne (tbc). Adm e...
0 1361
7/10/2002 10:58 AM
0 Replies and 1289 Views ZEPPO EP launch    1289  0 Started by  Kenneth ZEPPO EP launch: Saturday 13 July at Voodoo Lounge. Admission €6 www.zeppomusic.com KVK
0 1289
7/10/2002 6:59 AM
3 Replies and 1342 Views Singer Songwriter Nite in the Plough every Wed.    1342  3 Started by  karen Hi everyone! Just wanna tell ya that there's a singer songwriter nite in The Plough every Wednesday. The next one is the 10th of july, which is tomorrow. Colm Querney(ex Lir) is coming down to play a few tunes among many others. Doors open 8.45 & addmission is 4 euro. Hope to see you there, Karen
3 1342
7/9/2002 8:17 PM
1 Replies and 1052 Views XFM Benefit Night    1052  1 Started by  dudley XFM Benefit Night XFM recently had their transmitter nicked, so to help get some cash together the following has been arranged. Temple Bar Music Centre Sunday July 21st Joan of Arse The Dudley Corporation Large Mound The Chalets Old Man Polka Deputy Fuzz with more tba and XFM dj's til 2am. Tickets are 8 euro from Road Records. buy sci labs
1 1052
7/8/2002 6:16 PM
0 Replies and 1192 Views Support slot available next Saturday, July 13    1192  0 Started by  samhealy Hi, Zeppo are releasing their debut EP in the Voodoo Lounge on Saturday July 13 (Witnness, I know). Their original support band has had to pull out, so there's a space available for a good band to play a 30- to 45-minute slot (at around 9:30pm). The backline will be there, and there are no strings attached. The only requirement is to bring a decent amount of people along. If you're interested, phone me on 087 2820201, email sam_healyhotmail.com, or post a reply here with your contact i...
0 1192
7/8/2002 1:30 PM
1 Replies and 1125 Views the strangleberries,the serotones,after the party    1125  1 Started by  joedolan play a WANTED! gig in the music room (above the plough,abbey st.) on thursday 11th july.this new venue is reputedly lovely and a rocking good time will be had by all. doors:9:00 in the pm. 7.50 or 6.50 with a flyer. wanted2002elvis.com
1 1125
7/5/2002 9:02 PM
0 Replies and 1340 Views open mic    1340  0 Started by  bennett12 PRESS RELEASE U INVOLVED IN IMPLICATIONS Canadian acting coach John Dawson will be responsible for the presentation & production of an Evening of Improvisation Theatre with his Troupe in association with Black Box Theatre Company battleoftheaxe.com Ha’ Penny Bridge Inn (up stairs), Temple Bar, D.2 this Tuesday coming 9th July 2002 9.30pm for one nite only. John draws on his eclectic background in writing, painting, performance and direction. He has studied, written and acted with n...
0 1340
7/4/2002 9:37 PM
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