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0 Replies and 1249 Views COBBLESTONES    1249  0 Started by  alicex TESSA PERRY from Bristol with her cool trad/jazzy backing band are playin the Cobbles on 18th October.Adm is reasonably cheap and the tunes are always great. Support comes from James GUilmartin. drs 9pm
0 1249
10/2/2002 6:15 PM
0 Replies and 1099 Views LISTO THiS FRI@ J.Js    1099  0 Started by  duncan Doors open at 8.30 Admin:fuck all Place;jj.s (rumble club)Just beside camden street
0 1099
10/2/2002 12:09 PM
0 Replies and 1391 Views Quincey Voodoo Lounge Sat 5th Oct    1391  0 Started by  stiritup Quincey Voodoo Lounge Sat 5th Oct Admission: 5 Euro Doors: 7.30pm Support: De Clueso www.quincey-r-us.com
0 1391
10/2/2002 8:46 AM
1 Replies and 1316 Views NOTHING / PROJECT / OCTOBER 45    1316  1 Started by  thewub NOTHING The Dublin Fringe Festival presents twelve hours of music over two nights in Dublin's Project Arts Centre, featuring an eclectic cross-section of electronica, free improvisation and perfect pop, inhabiting the Centre's Cube and Gallery spaces and then spilling over into the Bar with DJs till late. Friday 4th October - BAD LUNATIC - THE CHALETS ...
1 1316
9/30/2002 1:46 PM
0 Replies and 1123 Views THE FEAR play VIBRATOR ae    1123  0 Started by  meta 'THE FEAR' play 'VIBRATOR ae' MONDAY 30th september thomas house thomas st 8PM til LATE FREE ENTRY !! 'THE FEAR': 'VIBRATOR ae' are proud to announce that the collective known as 'the fear' which be playing a (FREE !)live set on monday 30th sept. The line up for the night will be 'DROID'N SLUG' , 'D.C' (dave cleary) and 'TROUBLED SOUL'. The show follows the recent release of the brillant 'fear 001' which featured tracks by AMBULANCE, DROID'N SLUG and D.C and is a flawles...
0 1123
9/30/2002 12:28 PM
3 Replies and 1409 Views Vinyl, Polar & Little Ghetto Boys    1409  3 Started by  soundroom Soundroom3 presents another ecclectic line up: Wednesday 2nd October The Da2, Upstairs. Wexford street, D2 VINYL/POLAR/LITTLE GHETTO BOYS Admission: €5 Doors: 8.30 www.soundweb.ie
3 1409
9/27/2002 9:46 AM
0 Replies and 1276 Views Juxtaposition in October    1276  0 Started by  Sam S Juxtaposition are chuffed to bits to have the chance to visit Ireland in October. They'll be supporting Niall Connolly at the Cobblestone in Dublin on the 24th and at the Lobby in Cork on the 25th. There's also a special lunchtime session at UCC on the 25th. www.juxt.co.uk
0 1276
9/24/2002 1:20 PM
0 Replies and 1198 Views slipknot tribute band    1198  0 Started by  karl slipknot will play live in fibbers, dublin on the 1st of november with support from cliterus..be there early to ensure entrance to the clit
0 1198
9/22/2002 2:23 PM
0 Replies and 1213 Views slipknot tribute band    1213  0 Started by  karl slipknot will play live in fibbers, dublin on the 1st of november with support from cliterus..be there early to ensure entrance to the clit
0 1213
9/22/2002 2:23 PM
0 Replies and 1187 Views slipknot tribute band    1187  0 Started by  karl slipknot will play live in fibbers, dublin on the 1st of november with support from cliterus..be there early to ensure entrance to the clit
0 1187
9/22/2002 2:22 PM
2 Replies and 968 Views Tower Records Fri 20th Sept @1.30pm    968  2 Started by  The Doctor The Prescriptions will be doing an In Store Appearance today (friday) 1.30pm to launch their debut Single 'Simple Pleasures'. So if you are around town drop in. They will also be in Whelans on Monday the 23rd Sept. Adm €8
2 968
9/20/2002 10:04 AM
0 Replies and 952 Views Hi.Rise - Ambassador 9th Nov.    952  0 Started by  Dromed Those ever-ready bunnies, Hi.Rise, play support to The Walls in the Ambassador Theatre, Saturday 9th Novemeber. http://hirise.moonfruit.com
0 952
9/19/2002 2:02 PM
0 Replies and 1265 Views Kid Icarus E.P. Launch (copy of CD with admission)    1265  0 Started by  patrickbateman Kid Icarus launch their new E.P. 'Kodak Colour Moment' this Saturday 21st september in the Shelter. Admission is 9 euro and includes a copy of the E.P.. Support is from the excellent Ely & Bluescreen and the bands will be followed by a set from DJ Thayl. 3 bands, a CD & a DJ for 9 euro on a saturday night - not too shabby! ;-) Doors are 8pm and more information is available from http://www.kidicarus.net
0 1265
9/19/2002 11:03 AM
0 Replies and 1161 Views Chicks=Scream=Whelans    1161  0 Started by  Great Craic Hurrah and hoo-hah to ye Dj Chicks Great Craic, Sound, and Nice One doin' the Scream, Temple Bar Music Centre, tonight, 11pm-2am. 'Twill be twiggy. Dj sister-Chicks Shellac, Falkon, and Foxx, Whelans, Wexford St, Saturday, 11pm-3am. Should be riotous, raucous, humourous, and vigorous..if not a great big hoot of craic and liquorice allsorts. 1st 50 payers get to take their knees out. Cheers, Messiah G.C www.chicksondecks.com
0 1161
9/19/2002 10:10 AM
0 Replies and 1265 Views VINYL the mainline live@the isaac butt    1265  0 Started by  c.a.r.o.l VINYL PLAY THE ISAAC BUTT THIS SATURDAY 21ST SEPTEMBER SUPPORT COMES FROM THE MAINLINE carol Edited by - c.a.r.o.l on 19 Sep 2002 00:27:01
0 1265
9/19/2002 12:21 AM
1 Replies and 1302 Views vinyl the mainline live@the isaac butt    1302  1 Started by  c.a.r.o.l VINYL PLAY THE ISAAC BUTT THIS SATURDAY 21ST SEPTEMBER, DOORS OPEN AROUND 8 SUPPORT COMES FROMTHE MAINLINE carol
1 1302
9/19/2002 12:07 AM
0 Replies and 1065 Views Ballroom 4    1065  0 Started by  Al The Ballroom of Romance presents: Ballroom 4 Fri 27th of Sept The Lower Deck Portobello. €5 inc. free CD-r for the first 100 in. Doors 9pm A night of live alternative music and comedy featuring The Warlords of Pez: Dublin's favourite bunch of intergalactic rock gods. who recently brought their brand of deconstructed rock comedy to Witnness http://www.warlordsofpez.com The Evangelists: Hailing from Muff Co. Donegal, the Evangelists have compared to Captain Beefh...
0 1065
9/18/2002 6:34 PM
0 Replies and 1078 Views vibrator - ambient electronica    1078  0 Started by  meta vibrator - ambient electronica thomas house, thomas street, dublin 8. 8 till late FREE ENTRY 16-09-09: dan watson, daihatsu (gregor57), rob 23-09-09: dan watson, daihatsu (gregor57), rob 30-09-09: THE FEAR vibrator djs vibrator_aehotmail.com http://www.vibrator-ae.com
0 1078
9/16/2002 12:34 PM
0 Replies and 1254 Views doris DA2 friday 4th oct.    1254  0 Started by  chris doris play DA2 on friday the 4th oct, wallmark will be special guests on the night. addmission €7, €5 with flyer. chris
0 1254
9/12/2002 3:41 PM
1 Replies and 1043 Views Stoat gigs around Ireland (and beyond)    1043  1 Started by  cormac Fri Sept 13th - The Spirit Store, Dundalk, with Peter Johnson Sat Sept 14th - Costello's, Limerick, with Explosions in the Sky and The Coldspoon Conspiracy Fri Sept 20th - Planet of Sound, The Gasworks, Cork Mon Sept 30th - THe Dublin Castle, Camden, London
1 1043
9/10/2002 3:36 PM
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