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0 Replies and 891 Views Chalets Coldspoon Conspiracy, 19th in Galway    891  0 Started by  coldspoon conspiracy hey all, The Chalets (promoting their new double A-Side single 'Theme from Chalets/Sexy Mistake') and The Coldspoon Conspiracy (promoting their new-ish album 'Plays Well With Others') will be playing together in The Warwick Hotel in Salthill, Galway this Thursday 19th February. Gugai's club Strange Brew follows after. Thanks. www.thecoldspoonconspiracy.com www.thechalets.com www.gugai.com
0 891
2/18/2004 8:06 PM
0 Replies and 1082 Views Random at The Sugar Club - February 20th.    1082  0 Started by  random Random at The Sugar Club on Friday February 20th. Support from Richie . Random are a four-piece act based in Dublin. Their sound falls somewhere between a vast array of influences from The Beach Boys to Radiohead. Seeming to appear from nowhere last year with their delicately crafted debut “Falling Through the Clouds” EP, Random have been gathering ferocious momentum in recent months. After a sell-out showcase in the Sugar Club in December, M83 hand-picking them for a recent support, and w...
0 1082
2/18/2004 4:29 PM
0 Replies and 1001 Views SOUND EVENT    1001  0 Started by  Julie Forrester Cork Art trail will host SOUNDWORKS during Cork Midsummer Festival. SOUNDWORKS aims to explore sound within the specific urban context of Cork. Art Trail are inviting submissions from artists to take part in the event in 2004, you may contact us at infoarttrail.ie
0 1001
2/18/2004 3:43 PM
0 Replies and 1144 Views Expose yourself without breaking the law!    1144  0 Started by  bar We're looking for bands / singers to get in touch with us for a couple of possible gigs and possibly to be featured in some articles to be published on www.getagig.ie Full contact details also available on the site
0 1144
2/18/2004 2:54 PM
0 Replies and 886 Views 8Ball - Whelans Fri March 12th    886  0 Started by  mcgyver 8Ball launch their first single 'Strange Boy',taken from their forthcoming debut album,due for release in June.Following on from a recent stripped down acoustic gig supporting Simple Kid in TBMC,8Ball will be up to full strength for this.....Expect allsorts!!!
0 886
2/17/2004 7:09 PM
0 Replies and 1221 Views the pony club ,the subtonics the hub wens 18th    1221  0 Started by  palmic the pony club and the subtonics play the hub this wens night as special guests of saw dust and soul (student night) doors 11 o clock adm £5 vodka and any mixer £3.50 tiger beer £3.50,indie tunes from tony brearton(sack)
0 1221
2/16/2004 5:36 PM
0 Replies and 1140 Views Deserted Village Febuary releases & gigs    1140  0 Started by  desertedvillage Hi everyone, Not too many gigs for the time being but we've got a varied bundle of new releases for all the family ranging from Folkish acoustic tunes for your granny and wordless vocal improv for the malformed child you keep locked in the attic. Gigs: February 18. 9pm Richardsons Galway, 4 euro, Patchworks presents Agitated Radio Pilot. Support by Rustic Tacki and Loner Deluxe (DJ set) Lazybird and I & E present: John Edwards (UK) double bass Support by David Lacey & Fergus Kelly and B...
0 1140
2/16/2004 12:40 PM
2 Replies and 1310 Views Andrew Handrick - Gig    1310  2 Started by  Handrick Tue 17th Feb. The Mezz, Eustace St, Temple Bar(www.ontheverge.ie) Admission Free Onstage 7.30pm. Hope to see some of you there.. Andrew www.garageband.com/artist/handrick http://andrewhandrick.iuma.com
2 1310
2/16/2004 9:45 AM
0 Replies and 1285 Views Mark White forthcoming gigs!!    1285  0 Started by  markwhite http://www.whiteguitar.com/gigs.htm
0 1285
2/16/2004 7:09 AM
0 Replies and 1254 Views Boa Morte/ Mumblin Deaf Ro @ The Lobby, Cork, Feb    1254  0 Started by  Mumblin Deaf Ro 28 February 2004 The Lobby Cork Boa Morte w/ support Mumblin' Deaf Ro Price and other details tbc... www.boamorte.com www.villainrecords.com where and how.... Having existed under a few different guises over the years, Boa Morte came together in Cork, Ireland at the start of 1998. Their well recieved, self-financed 'Passenger, measure your time' E.P. released in 1998 generated a lot of record company interest which culminated in the band signing a recording deal with an Ame...
0 1254
2/15/2004 5:39 PM
2 Replies and 1143 Views Pier Nineteen    1143  2 Started by  the19 The lovely Pier Nineteen..who I hear you say,Pier Nineteen I say...play The Village Wexford St..where I hear you ask,The Village Wexford St I respond...on March 20th..when March 20th for fecks sake!
2 1143
2/15/2004 5:11 AM
7 Replies and 1229 Views f**k FRANZ FERDINAND-THE HOTTEST VALENTINE EVER!    1229  7 Started by  liddy devine And now for the weather report.It’s Gonna Be The Hottest Valentine ever! Wanna know what makes you tick Explore your wildest dreams, Fantasies and desires. Lose your inhibitions, Surprise yourself, surprise your loved one Learn the secrets of life and the techniques of love Have a night worth living, Get the best valentines advice worth two lovers in hand, Listen to poetry- watch it in motion The Tallstories and The Mouse have this, all the answers you need for the weekend, an...
7 1229
2/14/2004 4:21 PM
0 Replies and 1189 Views The Tycho Brahe in galway    1189  0 Started by  gugs The Tycho Brahe make a welcome return to Galway when they play an Taibhdearc on March 20th. The Taibhdearc is the best seated venue in Galway and perfect for a Tycho's show. Tickets are a tenner from the venue and Redlight Records. Support is to be announced.
0 1189
2/14/2004 1:13 PM
0 Replies and 834 Views NPB,Dudleys,LifeAfterModelling,MyBrotherWoody for    834  0 Started by  gugs After an unfortunate cancellation before Christmas, the Strange Brew Road Trip is back on. The date is Saturday March 27th, and buses will leave Galway Cathedral at 6pm. The line up (so far) is : The NPB, the Dudley Corporation, Life after Modelling and My Brother Woody. Tickets are strictly limited to 100, and available very shortly from Redlight Records on Shop St., Galway. Ticket price is 13euro including the bus there and back. Anyone who would like a ticket held for them can email me at inf...
0 834
2/14/2004 1:10 PM
1 Replies and 1082 Views ALL YOUSE NEED IS LOVE    1082  1 Started by  diddy levine Get yer ya's ya's out For sweet, sweeeet, surrender to THE TALLSTORIES supporting THE MOUSE Two bands whose reputation and ability to create a rucus preceeds them, their explosive natures only exceeded by their extraordinary music EAMONN DORANS VALENTINES NIGHT, 14TH FEB Doors open 8pm Gate Rate: €5 !!!! Guaranteed to get your rocks off, musically-at least
1 1082
2/13/2004 10:00 PM
0 Replies and 1144 Views The Citadels    1144  0 Started by  C February 21st 2004 The 12 Bar Club, London March 5th 2004 The Lobby Bar March 16th 2004 The Ruby Sessions, Doyles, Dublin (acoustic not full band) April 3rd 2004 Connollys of Leap July 3rd 2004 The Blackbird, Ballycotton http://www.thecitadels.net
0 1144
2/13/2004 7:14 PM
0 Replies and 1147 Views Microset Sessions Fri 13th at The Boom Boom Room    1147  0 Started by  cirql8 The Microset Sessions Fri 13th Feb Featuring: Nick Codd Tony Vaughan July Asgard Andrew Handrick Doors at 8:30 sharp Adm is €3 /2 for €5 The Boom Boom Room 70 Parnell St. D1 Above Patrick Conways Pub Nick Codd, Nick makes his debut at the Boom tonight. A Dublin based singer songwriter he is currently working on an E.P with Daniel Rogers of Eagle Hill Sessions. http://www.nickcodd.tk/ Tony Vaughan, Since the release of his debut album, “Hells Kitchen” Tony has be...
0 1147
2/13/2004 7:10 AM
0 Replies and 1048 Views Gig in Killarney next friday    1048  0 Started by  fergalj Anyone passing thru Killarney friday next- 19th shud check out the gig in Mustangs for local up-and-coming bands, shud be a gud one, doors 5.30 Cost €6
0 1048
2/12/2004 11:20 PM
1 Replies and 1059 Views MCBane vs Ham Sandwich. Whelans, Mon 16th Feb    1059  1 Started by  spi Mon 16th Feb: 'Ham Sandwich', 'MCBane', 'A Right Pair of w**kers' Ham Sandwich, imagine Debbie Harry fronting The Cure, are Podge, (yes, that guy who wears his clothes backwards in Whelan's) who has finally started a band featuring Niamh Farrell dueting, they pretty much rock. They're from Kells home to Turn, as are MCBane whom Ham Sandwich are partnering for the night, MCBane have released their first EP and will be promoting it on the night. What are they putting in the water in Kells,and wil...
1 1059
2/12/2004 5:28 PM
0 Replies and 1249 Views ST VALENTINES DAY MASH UP    1249  0 Started by  cloudedmouse ST VALENTINES DAY MASH UP Experience the love in Eamon Dorans on Sat Feb 14th when the Mouse make a triumphant return following a couple of months break in live activity. Special guests on the night will be The Tallstories who are another band who have gigging less frequently than usual. This gig will be well worth the admission price.
0 1249
2/12/2004 11:46 AM
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