Daragh Advanced Member Posts:666  
10/19/2006 4:44 PM |
quote: Originally posted by PeterQuaife
What does this mean? Does the reviewer have some kind of song-writing measuring stick?
yup, just like everyone else, taste.
dera Basic Member Posts:163  
10/19/2006 5:10 PM |
quote: Originally posted by Admin
quote: Originally posted by PeterQuaife
For what its worth, I've been listening to the album loads whilst clocking up the miles with work, and to me its a corker, up there with Doolittle.
Cool, so why not write up a review to that effect and submit it? If it's well written I'll publish it alongside Aidan's. Eoghan.
I think you should definitely put that line about Doolittle in there
Antistar Advanced Member Posts:544  
10/19/2006 5:31 PM |
quote: Originally posted by PeterQuaife
"A bit more work on the songwriting and then we might be in business" - ??????
What does this mean? Does the reviewer have some kind of song-writing measuring stick?
For what its worth, I've been listening to the album loads whilst clocking up the miles with work, and to me its a corker, up there with Doolittle.
Whooooaaaa!! Easy now, hold on there one second!!!: up there with Doolittle????????? We're still talking about The Immediate album here, are we?
PeterQuaife Basic Member Posts:436  
10/19/2006 5:48 PM |
you better believe it, and I hold Doolittle in the highest regard.
10/20/2006 1:10 PM |
i would agree with the review. i would probably have given them another "point" however.
i believe the immediate will develop and get better, and look forward to future releases by them.
i don't subscribe to the notion that if you don't like the album you are in some way "not getting it" or "not into the art of it" or whatever. also a brave move by the reviewer, i'm sure he realised that his review would get negative reaction from some quarters.
10/23/2006 10:37 PM |
quote: Originally posted by roadhousemag
then again the sunday indo is west brit nonsense...
two words that sum the integrity of the arts section of that paper/rag
Is it now? Could someone explain to me what west brit nonsense exactly means?
nerraw Basic Member Posts:475  
10/24/2006 4:08 PM |
West Brit, generally used to describe people who have sympathies towards Britain.
In the Sindo sense, probably refers to their anti SF stance and their perceived fixation on D4.
Either way Egan is a joke
Peaches New Member Posts:31  
10/25/2006 11:15 AM |
quote: Originally posted by nerraw
Either way Egan is a joke
Indeed he is..there's a fierce bang of wantin to be Hucknall off him,thinks he's home with the downies!
Antistar Advanced Member Posts:544  
10/25/2006 12:14 PM |
Egan is beyond parody. Has anyone else noticed his disturbing obsession with 'Ireland's Most Famous Lawyer' Gerald Kean? Sick.
roadhousemag Basic Member Posts:124  
10/25/2006 12:27 PM |
yep, he is obsessed with SEMI famous clowns who live in castles near bono, and whose wives insist on taking riciculous double barrel names, thus they can stand out at the even more ridiculous charity nob dos they go to.....oh and glenda with the serial killer eyebrows.....
the whole paper is crazy...it says alot about modern ireland and young ireland in particular that the sindo is the leading sunday broadsheet....
alameda Basic Member Posts:121  
10/25/2006 1:01 PM |
tis a sorry state of affairs, the amount of vitriol emanating from the various hacks in that paper is frightening, equally though the amount of obsequieous almost incestuous articles is almost as disturbing
the rot started when journalists began bast*rdising their christian names - 'aingeala'? 'oonagh'?! pass the sick bag
Una Veteran Member Posts:1721  
10/25/2006 1:04 PM |
"it says alot about modern ireland and young ireland"
I don't know any 'young people' who buy the SIndo. It think it's mainly people who have always bought it out of habit. It's a legacy kind of thing I think. People will always stick to something they're used to, whether it declines or improves in quality is irrelevant really.
nerraw Basic Member Posts:475  
10/25/2006 1:06 PM |
You mean THE Gerald Kean, Lawyer to the stars, society lawyer, legal eagle star, celebirty lawyer etc. They have all been used to describe him in the past.
I for one cannot wait for the next installment.
I love Glenda though, Ireland's only model.
Would've agreed with you Una a few months ago that people buy it out of habit but in recent times and through various conversations, seems a lot of young people are buying it. Crazy.
Una Veteran Member Posts:1721  
10/25/2006 1:14 PM |
that's just weird nerraw. I have to say, it's the only Sunday paper (minus the tabs) that I don't buy.
nerraw Basic Member Posts:475  
10/25/2006 1:19 PM |
It is, tres weird. I don't buy it myself and no-one I know buys it but just in recent months I've heard the dreaded words of the sindo and read, numerous times.
You don't buy the tabs? Snob ;)
Una Veteran Member Posts:1721  
roadhousemag Basic Member Posts:124  
10/25/2006 2:54 PM |
I think the sindo are blatantly trying to hit the new "rich twenty-thirty somethings who watch bb but not q&a"......quite honestly there is very little opinion in it at all....no substance..christ even the tabs have opinion in their sports section......
ok, that "o2" team piece for instance,...that was a stunt to reign in the women of ireland who are in their twenties,5000 words on the link between big brother and modern-post-modern-feminism whatsit.... usually accompanied by a pic of four birds wearing belts on dollymount strand....
To accompany Brendan O'Connor's rise to fame in rte lets start sticking him on the front page of the paper...with a diary no less at the back of the magazine...
I get the papers for free in work so i see all this, i used to buy the sindo, for gene kerrigan primarily though...even he's lost his soul of late....
business section is good.
nerraw Basic Member Posts:475  
10/25/2006 3:20 PM |
Ah sure no newspaper covers themselves in glory. every paper is a little bit s**t and a little bit good.
roadhousemag Basic Member Posts:124  
10/25/2006 3:25 PM |
true i suppose, but i think the business section of the sindo is the only part of the paper worth a s**te, and if we could go back to the thread topic here, a review like aidans would never feature or be written by lynch or uugghhhhh.....egan.....the immediate would probably not feature there either...unless one of them married a corr or played at the wedding of a double barrel namer.....