I was there.
Decent, enjoyable 60 minutes, especially once the rain held off. We'll get enough of that this weekend
The whole thing seemed in danger of falling flat though at the start. The crowd was very sober and not mixing to the front all that much. The Vodafone-hired warmer-uppers weren't doing the job and the whole thing came across as a way of getting footage for Vodafone's next yoof ad campaign.
Fair play though to Franz. They're a well-drilled unit and dished up the big hits, reasonably well played and with a smile.
They know how to make the punters nod their heads and tap their feet, along with lots of hand clapping. Birthday greetings on Matinee, a storming final This Fire, a crowdsurfer saved from security and a full 60 minute set.
Good craic and as good a free gig as you're likely to see.