8/3/2006 3:55 PM |
why do people just assume that knackers are into hard house?
i was in the dance tent at oxo for a while and there seemed to be a lot of hair dressers.
i think music like that actually gives them the fear.
heres the bands that i would imagine the "knackers" where at oxegen to see.
the strokes, arctic monkeys, hard-fi(biggest chav band in the world), republic of loose, richard ashcroft, the automatic(these may challenge hard-fi for the title at some stage in the near future, red hot chilli peppers, franz ferdinand, kaiser chiefs, pharrel whilliams and the kooks.
they wont be going to see mylo coz hes a bit gay really isnt he.
i know this coz i consider myself to be a bit of a knacker and i know a lot of other people do too.
comet Basic Member Posts:485  
8/3/2006 4:08 PM |
quote: Originally posted by hammer
i know this coz i consider myself to be a bit of a knacker and i know a lot of other people do too.
Cluas hears word from the otherside of the fence, an insider, a real Oxegen knacker/skanger speaks out for the first time about the bands he's into, we'll withold his real name for his safety, for now lets just call him hammer..... 
bonzo Basic Member Posts:364  
8/3/2006 4:11 PM |
quote: Originally posted by Una
bonzo - I usually appear far angrier than I actually am.
I'm actually wearing a 'peace' badge today - seriously!
Its all in the name of fun. Peace be with you.
Jairzinho New Member Posts:81  
8/3/2006 4:27 PM |
quote: Originally posted by Una
I think I might head down on Sunday. Missed Vitalic at Oxegen and wouldn't mind catching Art Brut and Caged Baby too, but it would mean missing Omar @ Farmleigh.
Art Brut are playing? I never knew that.Forget Omar-Art Brut's live show is incredible-easily the best live show I have seen this year. For anyone who hasn't got 'Bang Bang Rock n' Roll'-buy it now. It takes a little listening to but is a fantastic album. I really want to go now and I can't-f*ck.....
8/3/2006 4:37 PM |
well someone has to defend the scum of the earth dont they!
its just a very stereotypical view that because you wear a tracksuit that you like hardhouse.
admittidlty, a lot of people wearing tracksuits do like hardhouse but there were more to be seen at the kooks at oxegen than in the dance tent.
id also like to add that the kooks where s**t.
Unicron Veteran Member Posts:1696  
8/4/2006 10:20 AM |
quote: Originally posted by Una
e = stereo mc squarepushered
Una Veteran Member Posts:1721  
8/4/2006 10:35 AM |
"they wont be going to see mylo coz hes a bit gay really isnt he."
I found myself laughing out loud at this.
vandala Basic Member Posts:267  
8/5/2006 1:34 PM |
“Crimes Against Tracksuits”
“The tracksuit posse”
“Improper use of a moustache”
“Knacker orientated”
“Scum magnets”
“The scum of the earth”
...Interesting how the application of courtesy doesn't appear to apply to our own citizens. If some of the above phrases were used in the "immigrants" thread, they could arguably qualify as incitement to hatred.
But then again, I suppose that it's fashionable to despise the "underclass".
Flux Basic Member Posts:124  
8/5/2006 2:29 PM |
There is no "proper" use of a moustache.
elmo95 Basic Member Posts:156  
8/5/2006 2:50 PM |
Now how would a good old fashioned lefty be able to discern his own type from the other folk if they didn't have some sort of facial hair. My friend says that Ireland is a classless society. I think he's wrong. IMO The most significant split in this country between people is education.
And you've just tuned back into Liveline...
stroller Advanced Member Posts:576  
8/5/2006 5:02 PM |
quote: Originally posted by Mully
quote: Originally posted by stroller
quote: Originally posted by bonzo
[I'd be grateful if you could correct me if any of these statements are false:
1. There was a lot of trouble at this years oxegen.
2. It was caused by a minority of people who attended the festival.
3. These people could very generally be described as people who were there (if they were there for the music at all) for the dance music.
4. The majority of the crowd going to Hi-Fi will be the same as described in 3 above.
5. They will be yammed off their chops whether it be on speed, drink, E or a combination of all 3.
6. There will be more trouble and therefore more arrests than at Oxegen.
I'd imagine that a lot of the knackers that were at Oxegen were there for the Chilli Peppers. There were no real knacker orientated dance acts (ie no trance or hard house) in the dance tent. However Hi-Fi is hosting some of the biggest hard house/trance DJs on the planet; Lisa Lashes, Tiesto, Armin Van Burrin, Ferry Corsten, Marco V etc. Those DJs are all scum magnets. However Hi-Fi will have a much lower attendance than Oxegen so although a greater percentage of the Hi-Fi crowd will be knackers there'll probably be a lower number of knackers then there was at Oxegen, and thus less arrests.
Do you have a formula/equation for this phenomenon, Prof. Stroller?
Well if roughly 80,000 people attended Oxegen and say 25% of them were knackers then that's a total of 20,000 knackers at Oxegen. Now Hi-Fi will do well to attract 20,000 people. If 90% of them are knackers that's still only 18,000 knackers, 2,000 less than the approximate number Oxegen managed to attract. Does that make it any clearer?
8/6/2006 5:39 PM |
quote: Originally posted by hammer
why do people just assume that knackers are into hard house?
i was in the dance tent at oxo for a while and there seemed to be a lot of hair dressers.
do you know what hard house is?
there was none at oxegen, nor has there ever been