Mully Advanced Member Posts:849  
8/2/2006 1:13 PM |
mcd must have been paying attention from the Editors gig ... Personally, I'd have had it the other way around, kids & guardians upstairs.
Wednesday 29 November
Ambassador Theatre, Dublin
Doors 7:30pm
Tickets €30 inclusive
On Sale August 4th
Balcony – Over 18's only
Ground floor – Under 18's can only buy a ticket for this level. Over 18s welcome on this level but no alcohol served.
klootfan Advanced Member Posts:851  
8/2/2006 1:36 PM |
Thats crap though.. they are letting the kids into the ground floor and sending the adults upstairs... rubbish. Let the kids take the seats, besides their parents will want somewhere to sit :)
elmo95 Basic Member Posts:156  
8/2/2006 1:42 PM |
I do not know why anyone would go to that travesty of a britpop band. I heard the Pippettes giving out about them. They summed their endless hatred toward them as "they're rubbish" or something along those lines. I'm sure they're chewing their straw hats in fear as we speak...
comet Basic Member Posts:485  
8/2/2006 1:55 PM |
britpop?? i don't think so but yeah they are really bad.
klootfan Advanced Member Posts:851  
8/2/2006 2:02 PM |
ah... i actually really like these guys.. duno how that reflects on my sense of taste... whats wrong with it in fairness..
it aint no brit pop though.
ctrlaltdelete Basic Member Posts:268  
8/2/2006 2:16 PM |
The singer used to go out with Katie Melua.
nuff said.
Lock this thread.
Mully Advanced Member Posts:849  
8/2/2006 2:29 PM |
quote: Originally posted by ctrlaltdelete
The singer used to go out with Katie Melua.
nuff said.
Lock this thread.
Don't see what that has to do with owt. A bit of googling tells me he went out with her in college 4yrs ago, when they were both unknown music students. How dare he ...
stroller Advanced Member Posts:576  
8/2/2006 2:34 PM |
Ah they're not the worst. That Eddies Gun tune is alright.
Jairzinho New Member Posts:81  
8/2/2006 2:51 PM |
They are very average.And F*ck I have just seen the price-€30, which really means €35. MCD are having a laugh there
Mully Advanced Member Posts:849  
8/2/2006 3:01 PM |
quote: Originally posted by Jairzinho
They are very average.And F*ck I have just seen the price-€30, which really means €35. MCD are having a laugh there
Yeah, I reckon thats to make up for the drop in bar takings, coupled with folks are actually silly enough to pay that.
I didn't see them at Oxegen but apparently there was a phenomenal amount of people at them. The power of Tom Dunne, I suppose 
comet Basic Member Posts:485  
8/2/2006 3:15 PM |
The crowd they pulled at Oxegen was unreal alright. For anyone who likes The Kooks now I bet you won't like them this time next year, just one of those kind of bands that might have some catchy songs but just get annoying.
klootfan Advanced Member Posts:851  
8/2/2006 3:29 PM |
Id like to understand what it is about this band that people dont like. I say fair f**ks to em. Theyve managed to do a lot more at such an age, then bucket loads of irish bands in years. They have a unique enough sound, they write pretty decent tunes and they have achieved sucess.. where have they gone wrong ?
and success is proven by the massive crowd there to seem em at oxegen and by the lieklyhood that this gig will sell out pretty fast, crowds that most irish bands would have wet dreams over, but most of them are too busy trying not to be successful...its all about the music man! eh
If there were more bands like the kooks coming out of dublin, THEN we would have a music scene to be proud of...
rant over!
Jairzinho New Member Posts:81  
8/2/2006 3:54 PM |
Klootfan-seeing as you ask-What I dont like about this band is that they are bland. They write hummable songs but nothing that makes me sit up and take notice.-a bit like the Coral for example. As for their success.I will never resent a band for success. If a band has managed to achieve success by making music-fair play to them-whatever the type of music they make-and I include Westlife, Busted here etc....However just because they had a big crowd at oxegen and are therefore 'successful'does not mean that they are good.Seeing them play before Franz Ferdinand at Benicassim this year was a real eye opener.Their sound was so tinny, their musicianship so plodding by comparison.LIke watching a high school band (which I guess they aren't too much past!)
klootfan Advanced Member Posts:851  
8/2/2006 4:12 PM |
Jairzinho, it all comes down to the definition of success. Lets face it, if someone attached strings to either ends of their ears and played it with a violin bow, they would eventually have a following sommewhere...
So is success the quality of the music or the number of people that listen to it!!
I think that even playing oxegen is a form of success...but playing to an impressive crowd is definite success. yes.. i dont see an argument against that. tell you what, ill kick off another thread on this...
Back to the Kooks, id have to disagree, i dont find them in anyway bland, and ive got a fairly diverse music taste. personal opinion I suppose, everyone to their own. I dont think ill convince you otherwise
klootfan Advanced Member Posts:851  
8/2/2006 4:18 PM |
Actually, a thread on "Success" is too blOOdy hard to come up with without sounding as pretentious as f**k.
too many types of success, financial success i.e. westlife selling millions of singles/albums, local success i.e. frames selling vicar street a million nights in a row, international success i.e. damien rice having every housewive in the states drooling over him and artistic success i.e. establising a solid following.
Sometimes these types of successes come together, sometimes not.
In the case of the kooks, they have 1) financial success 2) local + international success and 3) artistic success.. so id say yes, they are successful.
Jairzinho New Member Posts:81  
8/2/2006 4:23 PM |
quote: Originally posted by klootfan
Jairzinho, it all comes down to the definition of success. Lets face it, if someone attached strings to either ends of their ears and played it with a violin bow, they would eventually have a following sommewhere...
Ha ha-am sure I saw Rolf Harris try that once and it was the perfect accompaniment to the wobble board.But you are probably right.everybody has different taste so there is bound to be a fan somewhere for even something as obscure as that
So is success the quality of the music or the number of people that listen to it!!
I think that even playing oxegen is a form of success...but playing to an impressive crowd is definite success. yes.. i dont see an argument against that. tell you what, ill kick off another thread on this...
--No arguments here-The Kooks are definitely successful right now.
quote: Back to the Kooks, id have to disagree, i dont find them in anyway bland, and ive got a fairly diverse music taste. personal opinion I suppose, everyone to their own. I dont think ill convince you otherwise
--Probably not-but tell you what you have definitely made me want to listen to them again this evening, so will give them another spin-You sure you aren't in the band!!??
klootfan Advanced Member Posts:851  
8/2/2006 4:31 PM |
quote: Originally posted by Jairzinho
You sure you aren't in the band!!??
:) I was the guy with the string between his ears, but pretty early on they found a button on the keyboard that made the exact same noise..what luck eh...
Mully Advanced Member Posts:849  
8/2/2006 4:35 PM |
Kookfan .... I'll get my coat, looks likes gonna rain.
Jairzinho New Member Posts:81  
8/2/2006 4:45 PM |
Klootfan-thats the problem with music these days-technology is killing peoples desire to learn new instruments.who's going to learn a new instrument such as the stringbow if a machine can do the same job.what next.....
8/2/2006 9:59 PM |
i like em went to see them at the village this year and thought they where deadly. songs are catchy u can sing along i love all that stuff. lyrics are good, and they also dont seem like saps they dont slag off any other bands in the press to try boost there profile as i imagine the pipettes tried to do. if there calling the kooks crap they might wanna listen to their own album again (which is also hummable catchy tunes). i dont agree with the venue thing though it would sell out whether the gig was over 18s or under only. i am actually surprised there not playin the olympia