Goat Boy New Member Posts:72  
5/3/2006 5:32 PM |
quote: Originally posted by Pilchard
The problem is leagues is that the presentation is too cool for school and as comet and goat boy said, we'd soon tire of it every night of the week.
Hmmm, don't think that's exactly what I said  . No matter. Right now I'd gladly take Leagues instead of Tom for a few weeks to see how it turns out. Bloody hell, I was even glad when George Byrne used to take the odd turn! The thing is, I LOVE hearing new music. Like most of us, I work the 9-5 M-F so don't have a huge amount of time to search for new stuff. I'm always behind my mates in turning on to something new, they're usually the ones giving me tips. When I listen to Leagues he's usually playing stuff I'm just hearing or something new I haven't heard yet. I can't remember the last time Tom played something new and exciting I hadn't heard before. I use sites like this, Pitchfork, Stylus etc to hear new music, so why can't Tom. It's his job for Chrissakes, he has all day to do it!!! But I suppose it's all down to taste. If repetitively playing Jenny Lewis and Josh Routter gets the numbers listening then that's the way it's gonna be  .
Garret Basic Member Posts:244  
5/3/2006 5:48 PM |
In fairness Tom was playing Sufjan and Arcade Fire before most.
comet Basic Member Posts:485  
5/3/2006 6:00 PM |
quote: Originally posted by Garret
In fairness Tom was playing Sufjan and Arcade Fire before most.
Actually the first time Sufjans Chicago made an appearance on Pet Sounds was early enough last year when, yeah you guessed it, Leagues was sitting in!
off the post Basic Member Posts:284  
5/3/2006 6:27 PM |
I must say it is refreshing when Leagues makes an appearance. I get sick of Tom Dunne after a while. Anyone who plays Ride songs can't go wrong. I still wish they had'nt moved Dineen to the Graveyard shift.
Unicron Veteran Member Posts:1696  
5/3/2006 6:28 PM |
quote: Originally posted by Garret
In fairness Tom was playing Sufjan and Arcade Fire before most.
Still a good few months after most people here and on thumped picked up on them though, I even sent him an e-mail when Michigan came out basically saying "this guy is amazing, you've got to play him" and in fairness to him he did respond with a "I'll take a look" responce.
I like Tom Dunne but I don't tune in much anymore (mostly I listen to Off The Ball on Newstalk when he's on) as he does tend towards a "safe" kind of indie and rarely veers away from it until the act in question has achieved some degree of success, he's a better "broadcaster" than Leagues is though even though I tend to prefer Leagues' selections. The thing is that Tom Dunne probably gets a pretty big audience and has to walk the tightrope between appeasing the legions of hardcore frames fans and people who post on message boards and he's never going to make everyone happy.
Binokular Veteran Member Posts:1665  
5/3/2006 6:41 PM |
I have no real problem with Tom Dunne or even Ray Darcy for that matter, I just reckon Today FM would be brilliant if it was timeshifted forward about 2 hours (i.e. everyone is on 2 hours earlier). Ray Darcys show is brainless fluff, but theres nothing wrong with that, it'd make great breakfast radio. It'd be nice to listen to Tom Dunne on the way home from work rather than arguing politicians etc. and best of all - Donal Dineens show starting before midnight when I'm still awake.
Unicron Veteran Member Posts:1696  
5/3/2006 7:06 PM |
I really like Ray Darcy's show. Perhaps it's because my expectations of daytime radio are so low but I find his lack of mid-atlantic accent and attendant bulls**t endearing.
Rev Jules Veteran Member Posts:1041  
5/3/2006 7:10 PM |
Tom Dunne and Ray D'Arcy...The Smashie & Nicey of Irish Radio
Pilchard Advanced Member Posts:699  
5/3/2006 7:30 PM |
quote: Originally posted by Rev Jules
Tom Dunne and Ray D'Arcy...The Smashie & Nicey of Irish Radio
obviously the Rev hasnt listened to 2FM in recent times - Marty Whelan is a one-man Smashie & Nicey all on his own
dera Basic Member Posts:163  
5/4/2006 1:25 AM |
quote: Originally posted by obrienian
you can't have dj's on the radio just playing all sorts of avant garde crap. it's not about whats exciting.
Vent My Spleen Advanced Member Posts:500  
5/4/2006 8:35 AM |
To be fair, if Pet Sounds was hosted by Leagues every week, it'd be shifted to the graveyard shift pretty sharpish. The more niche the content, the fewer the listeners, the less the ad revenue. To paraphrase someone with a bigger brain than me, radio and television are truly democratic mediums, they churn out what people want to see/hear - the worrying thing is the rubbish the majority of people want to hear. Me? I'd much rather hear Tom Dunne's brand of safe-ish left field music at 7PM when the alternative is post-midnight respite from chart music.
When are Phanton going to be up and running?
palace Basic Member Posts:392  
5/4/2006 9:08 AM |
i agree fully with vent my spleen.... sad but true... after all, there was outrage when dineen was shifted from 10.00 to midnight but in truth today fm had actually shown him more loyalty than they needed to... his listening figures had been dire for some time before the shift...
so, you need a niche radio station to play niche music... that's where phantom will (hopefully) come in to play
dera Basic Member Posts:163  
5/4/2006 9:24 AM |
Well, depending on what you mean by niche. It was always a bit more rock-oriented than wedded to the alternative. Not that I don't expect Donal Dineen-esque shows (or even more fun things than that) but I don't think it's going to be the saviour of all things alternative, nor is it fair to expect it to be. But I don't think that's what you meant anyway?
Pilchard Advanced Member Posts:699  
5/4/2006 9:28 AM |
quote: Originally posted by dera
Well, depending on what you mean by niche. It was always a bit more rock-oriented than wedded to the alternative. Not that I don't expect Donal Dineen-esque shows (or even more fun things than that) but I don't think it's going to be the saviour of all things alternative, nor is it fair to expect it to be. But I don't think that's what you meant anyway?
very good point dera. since phantom went off the air, theres been this whole revisionism thing about it. when phantom was on air, it played tons and tons of irish stuff alright - but it was very "rock" rather than "alternative" (more pearl jam than arcade fire, if you know what i mean). while i'll welcome it back with open arms, i'll be very keen to hear what direction it goes in. after all, every single station on the dial can now claim to be "alternative" in some way or other so how will phantom be different to everyone else? and will they go on some mad signing spree and sign, say for instance, tom dunne to do their breakfast show?
Goat Boy New Member Posts:72  
5/4/2006 10:47 AM |
quote: Originally posted by Pilchard
and will they go on some mad signing spree and sign, say for instance, tom dunne to do their breakfast show?
When yer fav evening indie-type DJ starts doing the breakfast show, it's always the beginning of the end. I remember thinking so of Fanning yonks back and tis the same with Tom Dunne now. Wonder when Leagues will get his shot at the early morning slot  !
palace Basic Member Posts:392  
5/4/2006 11:04 AM |
well pilchard, dera... i agree, phantom was very rock-biased... i generally couldn't listen to it for too long at one go... there should be some individual programmes that present some genuine alternatives though, i'm hoping - they do have 24 hours a day to fill after all... what's more worrying is the potential giving into commercial pressures that are bound to take grip slowly
dera, for niche radio, i guess you have to shove up your own mast and go from there 
as for tom dunne, if he ever gets replaced, it will not be for someone like leagues (more's the pity)... it will be for some tony fenton-a-like.... so, rock on tom, i say
Rev Jules Veteran Member Posts:1041  
5/4/2006 11:09 AM |
quote: Originally posted by Pilchard
quote: Originally posted by Rev Jules
Tom Dunne and Ray D'Arcy...The Smashie & Nicey of Irish Radio
obviously the Rev hasnt listened to 2FM in recent times - Marty Whelan is a one-man Smashie & Nicey all on his own
Actually, I have and Marty plays more adventurous music on his 'guilty pleasures' slot than either Tom or Ray.  By the way Pilchard, I didnt actually edit your post I just hit the wrong button, meaning to reply with quote, but the damn system records everything, sorry about that.
alameda Basic Member Posts:121  
5/4/2006 11:23 AM |
quote: Originally posted by Goat Boy
quote: Originally posted by Pilchard
and will they go on some mad signing spree and sign, say for instance, tom dunne to do their breakfast show?
When yer fav evening indie-type DJ starts doing the breakfast show, it's always the beginning of the end. I remember thinking so of Fanning yonks back and tis the same with Tom Dunne now. Wonder when Leagues will get his shot at the early morning slot !
Speaking of Fanning, that programme he does now on 2FM really is a waste of time, he's seriously fallen down the pecking order
Receiving texts from listeners about 'songs with jobs or work in their title'  Jaysus Dave...you're better than that!
God be with the days when he was slagging off Boyzone live on air and giving Bianca Lucyx the eye on 2TV (where is she now incidentally??)
Mully Advanced Member Posts:849  
5/4/2006 11:38 AM |
quote: Originally posted by alameda
Bianca Lucyx the eye on 2TV (where is she now incidentally??)
nerraw Basic Member Posts:475  
5/4/2006 12:05 PM |
The best way I can describe Tom Dunne is harmless.
Although that humming quiz is painful, yet they still giggle everytime.
Dave Fanning? Is he not dead yet? Someone should put him out of his misery