One reason you might not think of for a swear filter that has nothing to do with morals is corporate internet firewalls. A lot of people access Cluas from work (on their breaks of course mr boss man, ahem..
) and some firewalls have filters that will block a site if theres a swear word. So there you are, engrossed in a thread, and then BANG! some git swears in the middle of the discussion and you cant read it any more. Of course in fairness a lot of comapnies with this kind of filtering in place are the kind of fascists who'll eventually totally block cluas anyway but some of the more companies just have it their to protect themselves legally in case employees start looking at sites full of genuinely bad stuff and land the company in hot water.
Even outside work, impressionable younger readers of Cluas may find the site blocked on the family PC if their folks have put in place parental controls on their internet access. Essentially swearing on the boards lets less people enjoy cluas' musicky goodness in the same way that if George Lucas had stuck a bit more gore in, less people would have got to enjoy star wars. Surely we can put up with a few asterisked swear words as possible to allow as many people as posible to enjoy cluas?