mutch Basic Member Posts:392  
2/6/2006 3:50 PM |
just listening to humanzi song "fix the cracks" can anyone explain the guitar sound used for the intro and post chorus? it sounds like feedback, am a wannabe guitarist so am interested...
think i like em. they dont seem to hold back.
Pilchard Advanced Member Posts:699  
2/6/2006 4:43 PM |
quote: Originally posted by benni
Ykno one thing that really pisses me off about all of this bulls**t is this...
The Other Voices sess wasnt the right place to see Humanzi -
argue that as you wish but they are a band that engage with the audience -
ive seen them enough times to realise this.
The static, removed vibe of that set up is not for a rock and roll band
..end of...its to watch the usual kind of acts they have on it. singer songwriters and
bands not so aggressive in their performances.
But even more than that - so many of the comments are personal - which is b****x cause if your trying to argue the legitimacy of their music, but then end up makin comments about height or haircuts then you're laughed at. Picking up on peoples grammar who post here just to get one over is also petty -
if you just dont agree with their point of view then just stick with that
- noone said you had to be a perfect typist to post on here.
"The Other Voices sess wasnt the right place to see Humanzi" - thats a really lame excuse benni. TV is about projecting an image. humanzi projected what they were about on the TV show. they would like to be seen as balls-out garage rock, but they just dont have any songs, direction or excitement for that image to really come thru.
"a band that engage with the audience" - surely people watching on TV are an audience too?? Most peeps i have spoken to about the show thought that the band were awful. there was a review of them on Pet Sounds the following night that compared them to Sigue Sigue Sputnik and they may be onto something. humanzi will engage with a very small, specialised audience and nothing more than that
"ive seen them enough times to realise this" - bully for u but the rest of us will see them on TV shows like this and make our minds up based on that.
"The static, removed vibe of that set up is not for a rock and roll band" - really? so why did they do it then? they could always have said no. they did for the profile and exposure and unfortunately, many of us who were exposed to them didnt think much of what we saw. now we're been criticised for airing our views. I dont see them complaining about the Meteors though, aother "static, removed vibe of that set-up". Still, its good that they have a co-manager from MCD for some things, isnt it?
as for comments bout grammer and typing, that aint me. never start with a beef with someone over grammer - it just ends in punctuation
benni Advanced Member Posts:947  
2/6/2006 4:55 PM |
Man just the way that was picked apart shows that you just genuinely wanna say as much bad things about them that is possible to find. I dont think everyone should like them - i never said that.
Music is personal and I hate when people say 'Oh my god i cant believe you like/dont like that band. But most of the critisms have began with sluggish musical references and simply boiled into petty school yard digs... re read this post as evidence to that fact.
A TV audience and a live audience is completely different - come on now much as we may disagree on this topic i know you've been to enough gigs to agree with that. And it IS an entirely different vibe seeing them on a stage and giving it 110% than in front of a static seated audience that are at least 10-15ft away from the band.
And as for quoting politics about MCD or whoever - is it SO bad that a band who have worked in music since their youth...exploring several different angles seperately and collectively get recognition and support from Irish industry professionals? Sure isnt that what we all give out about all the time? That not enough focus and time is put into the Irish scene -and then as soon as it is its used as a sore point for arguement sake.
Pilchard Advanced Member Posts:699  
2/6/2006 5:42 PM |
quote: Originally posted by benni
Man just the way that was picked apart shows that you just genuinely wanna say as much bad things about them that is possible to find.
no, benni, that was not my intention. i just wanted to go thru your argument point by point and put my point across. that you see this as "bad things" is kinda silly - just because i dont agree with u doesnt make my views "bad things"
quote: Originally posted by benni
A TV audience and a live audience is completely different - come on now much as we may disagree on this topic i know you've been to enough gigs to agree with that. And it IS an entirely different vibe seeing them on a stage and giving it 110% than in front of a static seated audience that are at least 10-15ft away from the band.
of course, they are two different things BUT theyre still an audience that a band has to engage with. if a load of music fans that i know watched the show, saw the band and went "naaah", that means the band didnt engage with their audience. if they can't get their vibe across to a friendly audience in dingle and on irish tv, god help them when they're touring the US and playing to 12 or 13 people in some redneck town in the middle of nowhere
quote: Originally posted by benni
And as for quoting politics about MCD or whoever - is it SO bad that a band who have worked in music since their youth...exploring several different angles seperately and collectively get recognition and support from Irish industry professionals? Sure isnt that what we all give out about all the time? That not enough focus and time is put into the Irish scene -and then as soon as it is its used as a sore point for arguement sake.
Humanzi have got a lot of extra help that most irish bands dont get and its important to realise that they've got this thru contacts (ie the Pixies support, the Strokes support, any Irish show which they do which MCD are promoting). i'm not giving out about this or using this to score points, merely mentioning it so people know the whole story
jaypers New Member Posts:95  
2/6/2006 5:57 PM |
This Pilchard charchter just seems to be shockin jealous if you ask me. And so what if Humanzi didnt come across well on tv. they are not about tv. Sometimes music isnt about having hit songs and sounding and looking good on a s**te programme like Other voices. Sometimes its all about how a band can create an athmoshere in a room/venue. making the audience feel every bit apart of what there doing! And every time ive seen Humanzi theyve blown me away! Im delighted for them! they deserve every bit of credit they get!
Unicron Veteran Member Posts:1696  
2/6/2006 6:22 PM |
quote: Originally posted by sonsofnow
unicron do u not see my username thats my band name!! im not hiding behind any name
Doesn't make any difference, my point was that your argument that people not in bands are in no position to comment on Humanzi is incredibly weak.
Anyway since you ask, I'm in a band, we're called Nanobot, I fail to see how this fact bears any relation to to validity of my opinions, I wasn't a fan of theirs before I was in a band either; like I said, they're not my thing, who cares?
Unicron Veteran Member Posts:1696  
2/6/2006 6:34 PM |
quote: Originally posted by Pilchard
Humanzi have got a lot of extra help that most irish bands dont get and its important to realise that they've got this thru contacts (ie the Pixies support, the Strokes support, any Irish show which they do which MCD are promoting). i'm not giving out about this or using this to score points, merely mentioning it so people know the whole story
While it's fine that people get to know the whole story I don't think their "MCD connection" is something to throw at them.
Every band exploits contacts to furthur their careers, it's just that Humanzi have been fortunate enough to make some very important and influential contacts. But contacts alone aren't going to get them where it seems they want to go, in the end they're gonna have to impress those that see them and it certainly seems that there are plenty who have been, at the same time there are plenty who aren't.
I've yet to see them in some sweaty little room which seems to be their natural habitat where I'll almost certainly be blown away by their performance if I'm to believe their fans here, but surely if what I've seen of them thusfar; be it on the radio or on the TV or in a stadium hasn't enticed me to investigate them furthur then seeing them play Dorans or Whelans or the Music Centre or wherever isn't gonna make much difference.
Thomas Walsh New Member Posts:48  
2/7/2006 2:29 AM |
quote: Anyway since you ask, I'm in a band, we're called Nanobot.
I'm in a band called PUGWASH. Anyone heard of them.....?

Nomington New Member Posts:81  
2/7/2006 5:29 AM |
Pilchard, stop picking away at everything poor Benni has to say.. I think you're clutching at straws to hold your argument up.
I haven't heard Humanzi AT ALL yet so I can't comment on them, but Benni (and various other people who have said on this thread), is right; A television performance is not the be all and end all of a band. Maybe they did come across so sh*t to you so now you won't give them the time of day but I find it really funny when people have to display that much (negative) passion about something, especially music, when they could just sorta let it go and let others get on with it and enjoy.I'm waiting for the backlash now of 'This is a DISCUSSION board, hello??' but seriously. Better to love than hate eh?! 
Actually, a great example of where a performance did not come off great live, was The National on Jools Holland a couple of months ago. The vocals were so weak, it was bitterly disappointing considering the voice I know Matt Berninger has and the music, to me, sounded, for want of a better word, bitty. However I also saw them in Whelans and they were absolutely brilliant and one of the best gigs I've been to in a long while. And Alligator is one of my favourite albums ever. So let's say Pilchard, someone like you only saw them for the first time on that show and didn't think much (as I also didn't), would you do the same, slate them before you have had a chance to create a more informed opinion?
I'm not saying your wrong necessarily, because maybe they really did have a lasting impression on you but maybe you can see the point that TV performances CAN and DO go horribly wrong.
melvin cokane New Member Posts:37  
2/7/2006 9:18 AM |
Surely the band didnt sign up for this tv gig without knowing the set up?? i mean its in a bloody church isnt it? they did it for the exposure as any group would.As i said before I HAVE seen them live a number of times and for me i love their gigs.
Perhaps they didnt come across as well as they might have; Mick dropped the mike on the late late; the loose only had three minutes on that show!! still were most played irish band on radio last year!!
lads, if humanzi annoy ye that much life must be a pain in the hole.
Personally i'm gonna get the album either way and i'll bet everyone on this board will too, whether they like em or hate em.....and decide then whether i'm into em or not....
benni Advanced Member Posts:947  
2/7/2006 9:53 AM |
quote: Originally posted by Nomington
Pilchard, stop picking away at everything poor Benni has to say..
haha! Jeaysus! its ok I'm not sobbing in a corner man 
We just disagree and obviously my arguements are too strong... and he's too stubborn to back down.... its ok Pilchard 
Dromed Advanced Member Posts:900  
2/7/2006 10:18 AM |
Humanzi have been announced as the support act of Dirty Pretty Things first ever UK tour.
The Irish quartet will play all thirteen dates with Carl Barat and co across the country in February and March.
Humanzi recently won the Best Newcomer award at Ireland’s Meteor Awards.
The Tour dates are:
Oxford, Zodiac - February 26
Birmingham, Academy - 27
Norwich, Waterfront - 28
Northumbria, University - March 2
Leeds, Cockpit - 3
Liverpool, Stanley Theatre - 4
Glasgow, ABC2 - 5
Portsmouth, Wedgewood Rooms - 7
London, Kings College - 8
Sheffield, Leadmill - 10
Stoke, Sugarmill - 11
Manchester, Academy 3 - 12
Nottingham, Rescue Rooms - 13
Pilchard Advanced Member Posts:699  
benni Advanced Member Posts:947  
2/7/2006 10:43 AM |
ah for f**k sake pilchard can you not get a grasp on the concept of
good humoured sarcasm.....
and takin the piss
....and also lightening the hell up.
We're obviously never gonna agree.
Chill out.
Damien Basic Member Posts:316  
2/7/2006 11:53 AM |
benni Advanced Member Posts:947  
2/7/2006 11:57 AM |
2/7/2006 12:10 PM |
can't we just forget about this topic for a while?,this is the third message board i've been on today that has an ongoing Humanzi debate, have to say whether you like them or not(for the record I do) you have to admit its at least interesting that they've stirred up such debate as opposed to indifference, can everyone just agree to disagree for the time being and wait for the album..
WhoMe Basic Member Posts:191  
2/7/2006 12:17 PM |
The end seen of the movie "Volcano" Scene: All the survivors of all different races are covered in ash, little boy says, Look, everybody looks the same
And who said this wasnt a classic movie :-)
Damien Basic Member Posts:316  
2/7/2006 12:20 PM |
quote: Originally posted by WhoMe
The end seen of the movie "Volcano" Scene: All the survivors of all different races are covered in ash, little boy says, Look, everybody looks the same
And who said this wasnt a classic movie :-)
He's clearly wrong, they're just covered in ash.
benni Advanced Member Posts:947  
2/7/2006 12:21 PM |
that scene is the cheese!