elmo95 Basic Member Posts:156  
12/30/2005 1:54 AM |
Well if Bell X1 got voted so much there are obviously a lot of writers, such as myself, who voted for them. Most probably couldn't be arsed to justify themselves seeing as it would serve no purpose as has been seen...
Antistar Advanced Member Posts:544  
12/31/2005 2:15 PM |
quote: Originally posted by Binokular
quote: Originally posted by Unicron
quote: Boards Of Canada
Not heard it yet but electro is gonna find it hard to break into an indie poll
*has spack-out moment of anoraksia*
Ahem! Boards of Canada is NOT electro, dare you sully my favourite genre with mention of such laptop nerd downtempo stuff!
Boards Of Canand are not electro????? What are they then? Glam rock? Speed Metal?
Binokular Veteran Member Posts:1665  
1/1/2006 2:23 PM |
quote: Originally posted by Antistar
Boards Of Cananda are not electro????? What are they then? Glam rock? Speed Metal?
Electro on the other hand tends to be less cerebral and a lot more fun. Like Techno it's sometimes mis-used to describe all electronic music, but is a fairly distinct genre in itself, just like not all guitar music is Rock. It'd be a bit like suggesting to Jules that since Damien Rice plays an acoustic guitar, he must be country, though I woudn't advise it, his reaction would be rather "interesting" 
Unicron Veteran Member Posts:1696  
1/1/2006 3:13 PM |
Fine then, an Abient/IDM(stands for what?) album was always going to find hard to get into an indie poll.
Happy now?
Binokular Veteran Member Posts:1665  
1/1/2006 8:32 PM |
quote: Originally posted by Unicron
Fine then, an Abient/IDM(stands for what?) album was always going to find hard to get into an indie poll.
Happy now?
Nope, I'll always be a grumpy, pedantic old git.
since you asked: IDM stands for Intelligent Dance Music, which is the worst genre name ever and a bit of an oxymoron (don't blame me, I don't make this stuff up). Basically its dance music you can't actually dance to because it's made by and for people who are too busy being serious minded geeks to dance in the first place. Actually, you'd think that be right up a lot of indie kids street really?
Unicron Veteran Member Posts:1696  
1/1/2006 11:05 PM |
Oh wow, I love that s**t.
Antistar Advanced Member Posts:544  
1/2/2006 4:25 PM |
quote: Originally posted by Binokular
quote: Originally posted by Antistar
Boards Of Cananda are not electro????? What are they then? Glam rock? Speed Metal?
Electro on the other hand tends to be less cerebral and a lot more fun. Like Techno it's sometimes mis-used to describe all electronic music, but is a fairly distinct genre in itself, just like not all guitar music is Rock. It'd be a bit like suggesting to Jules that since Damien Rice plays an acoustic guitar, he must be country, though I woudn't advise it, his reaction would be rather "interesting"
Er, I don't think Boards of Canada are ambient or 'IDM', whatever that is, either. Brian Eno, Seefeel etc are ambient, as is much of the Aphex Twin's output. Ambient is signfied by a pure minimalist sound, one note sustained, or different notes, ideas and textures seguing into one another very gently and inconspicuosly, generally to invoke a specific 'mood' in the listener. BOC's sound, on the other hand, is multilayered, with a whole host of different sounds and influences, subtle hip-hop beats, mild folk strands, found sounds, unusual clippets of dialogue, and on their latest 'The Campfire Headphase' they've added guitar to the mix. In fact, they have such an astonishing array of ideas going on, they are the very antithesis of ambient.
If you find this type of music too 'cerebral' and not 'much fun' then fair enough..
As for IDM, Boards of Canada is 'music' and it is 'intelligent' but I don't think they intended anyone to dance to it....
Binokular Veteran Member Posts:1665  
1/2/2006 7:28 PM |
Right, Downtempo then? Whatever they are, it's kind of the opposite end of the spectrum to something like "Resucitation" by Adult. We could go round in circles on this one for ages, look I didn't make up the IDM thing, it's just a label applied to most of that Warp Records stuff where the artists started out in the dance community, but ended up making more experimental stuff rooted in dance but no longer functioned as dance music. There once was a time when Aphex twin wasn't above producing happy, fairly straighforward Techno that you could have played in Ibiza. I did say IDM was a stupid name.
I don't think Ambient can't be multilayered, just something the listener can immerse themselvese in without it drawing attention to itself. Natural sound is quite multilayered isn't it? There maybe a lot going on in a BOC record, but you usually have to actually sit down and listen to it on a decent pair of headphones. I suppose a lot people class it as ambient due to the fact that a BOCs' music usually feels fairly organic.
Anyway, Discogs, a community based site, which is like Wikipedia for music releases has their main releases, rightly or wrongly, pegged as IDM, Ambient, Experimental or Abstract
Antistar Advanced Member Posts:544  
1/2/2006 7:52 PM |
quote: Originally posted by Binokular
Right, Downtempo then? Whatever they are, it's kind of the opposite end of the spectrum to something like "Resucitation" by Adult. We could go round in circles on this one for ages, look I didn't make up the IDM thing, it's just a label applied to most of that Warp Records stuff where the artists started out in the dance community, but ended up making more experimental stuff rooted in dance but no longer functioned as dance music. There once was a time when Aphex twin wasn't above producing happy, fairly straighforward Techno that you could have played in Ibiza. I did say IDM was a stupid name.
I don't think Ambient can't be multilayered, just something the listener can immerse themselvese in without it drawing attention to itself. Natural sound is quite multilayered isn't it? There maybe a lot going on in a BOC record, but you usually have to actually sit down and listen to it on a decent pair of headphones. I suppose a lot people class it as ambient due to the fact that a BOCs' music usually feels fairly organic.
Anyway, Discogs, a community based site, which is like Wikipedia for music releases has their main releases, rightly or wrongly, pegged as IDM, Ambient, Experimental or Abstract
Yr right, Binokular...this one could run and run!!! Maybe experimental, downtempo and abstract might describe them better. Who knows? I can understand people describing them as ambient but I think they are so inventive the 'ambient' doesn't really do them justice, eventhough I do like a lot of ambient stuff.