Nomington New Member Posts:81  
11/17/2005 8:08 PM |
quote: Originally posted by bud
Are any new bands coming through? Seems to me that tipping bands such as The immediate and The Chapters, Dark Room Notes etc etc is a bit lame considering they would have been on the same list this time last year, which is the case with most of the bands listed so far. 'Newish' Irish Bands must mean a year to two years old?!?
Well the question that was asked was who was the last Irish band you got excited over... so although it would be great seeing new acts come under that, there don't seem to be many very recent acts that people are piddling in their pants over...
Has anyone heard Organics? They're a dublin based jazz trio, not mad on jazz myself but they are quality, they play most Friday's in Slattery's in Rathmines (and tonight in JJ Smyths) and have a new album out 'New Light' with all original compositions which is good to see.. incl a cover of the Postman Pat theme tune!
nessy05 New Member Posts:46  
11/17/2005 8:34 PM |
must get that album... i'm glad they out in the Postman Pat tune.. might actually pop down to Slatterys in Rathmines to see them tomorrow night
Soft Cuddly Toys New Member Posts:10  
11/17/2005 11:35 PM |
Soviet Filter: I loved the name of the band as soon as I heard it! Still think it's a great band name. Class band live too.
Got introduced to The Chapters in the last few months and I really really like what those guys are doing. Still have to get round to seeing them live though. Hopefully will get to one of their upcoming shows.
Skylight are another band that I've reciently come across. Didn't think much of them when I heard some mp3's! However when I seen them live they blew me away!! Seen them a few times now and each time they are great.
They'd be the current lot of new irish bands that I've started listening too.
Karlito Basic Member Posts:210  
11/18/2005 3:44 AM |
Last Irish Music to make me damp?
Well the last album by an Irish act to stick out was Simple kid, thats a long while ago now but nothing since then has really made me go wow!! Having said that I've not been in the country for a good long while now, so I'm a little out of the loop.
Another to really impress me was Ronan O Snodaigh from Kila, not new on any scene, he has 3 albums (Tip Toe, Tonnta Ro, The Playdays), the first is all acoustic with a spanish feel to it, the second is a percussive album with a tribal feel to it, all in Irish as well, the last one, The Playdays, had a little of a jazzy feel what with a sax thrown in, and it's playful, as the album title suggests - very under exposed in my opnion - saw him in the Crawdaddy early last April and he blew my sox off.
I'm really looking forward to hearing a second RoL album as the first one stuck out for me because it was far removed from everything else that was happening at the time.
Pilchard Advanced Member Posts:699  
11/18/2005 9:33 AM |
quote: Originally posted by bud
Are any new bands coming through? Seems to me that tipping bands such as The immediate and The Chapters, Dark Room Notes etc etc is a bit lame considering they would have been on the same list this time last year, which is the case with most of the bands listed so far. 'Newish' Irish Bands must mean a year to two years old?!?
interesting point bud, but also one which indicates that irish punters do give bands a decent amount of time to develop into something. theres a fair amount of time needed for a band to go from getting tipped here or on or other websites to been everywhere in the mainstream media.
however if u go back to gar's 1st post which kicked this all off, u will see a load of bands there who really only emerged in the last year or 2.
11/18/2005 10:19 AM |
that's a good point, and i suppose if the bands are given time to develop it can only be a good thing.
Dromed Advanced Member Posts:900  
11/18/2005 10:25 AM |
A1 Sharon!
11/18/2005 10:38 AM |
not sure how long they're knocking around but i'm liking mainline - reckon they've got a lot of potential!
11/18/2005 11:45 AM |
Jedi Jane Cocaine Explosion from Belfast are getting better and better, really class act live-similar vein to AtTheDriveIn with more of a blues influence.
PandaKopanda are pretty class as well...they make me jealous.
The Upgrades-quality ska-great band live.
Helper Monkey- defeating the giants of rock with quirky surf folk and great hooks, again improving with every live show and definately one to watch.
nessy05 New Member Posts:46  
11/18/2005 1:25 PM |
keep an eye out for In Case of Fire.. just new but seriously good
Mrs Columbo New Member Posts:2  
11/18/2005 2:23 PM |
I think that Porn Trauma are really very good indeed.
Also like The Blizzards and Director
Eoin Basic Member Posts:174  
11/18/2005 2:35 PM |
quote: Originally posted by Pilchard
quote: Originally posted by Eoin
I think that Pony Club over the last 3 or 4 years are the only Irish band that I have been truly excited about, be it a gig or a release.
Either way they are brilliant.
Problem is they have been around for 3 or 4 years as Pony Club (not to mention a decade before it as Bawl and Fixed Stars) - punters aint interested in secondhand Morrissey mumblings about off-licences in suburbia, i'm afraid.
as Gar wanted NEW bands, here's a few i think people will get excited about in '06...
Firstly, if you don't get or like Pony Club thats fine. But as Normington pointed out they have amazing songs and I fail to think of any Irish band in recent times that to me any have released 2 albums of such consistency as Pont Club have released in Home Truths and Family Business. Thats what I think anway
you say that Gar wanted this thread to be about NEW bands well ok, fair enough but others have mentioned bands that have being going for the same amount of time as PC if not longer. Just so you know like, you condecending w**ker.
11/18/2005 2:40 PM |
quote: Originally posted by Dromed
A1 Sharon!
This months Connected Magazine.
akablue New Member Posts:78  
11/18/2005 3:57 PM |
Channel One
Sick Boy
Stagger Lee
Una Veteran Member Posts:1721  
11/18/2005 4:42 PM |
Simple Kid's website is fantastic. As for the music...
MrGreen New Member Posts:20  
11/18/2005 6:01 PM |
Currently on an unsigned front i'm liking :
The Urges,The Rags,The Immediate,Andalusia,Black Soul Strangers all relatively new and full of energetic songs with strong melodies. Definitely potential in all.
Pilchard Advanced Member Posts:699  
11/18/2005 8:13 PM |
quote: Originally posted by Eoin
Firstly, if you don't get or like Pony Club thats fine. But as Normington pointed out they have amazing songs and I fail to think of any Irish band in recent times that to me any have released 2 albums of such consistency as Pont Club have released in Home Truths and Family Business. Thats what I think anway
well, if u can't think of any Irish bands with 2 albums of consistency in recent years, u obviously dont get out much, heres a short list for u, eoin, because i like u......
bell x1 ("music in mouth", "flock")
give a man a kick ("is it OK to be loud, jesus?", "we are the way forward")
cane 141 ("moon pool", "garden tiger moth")
autamata (*short stories", "my sanctuary")
gemma hayes ("the roads don’t love you", "night on my side"
god is an astronaut ("the end of the beginning", "all is violent, all is bright")
there are probably more but those 6 will do for starters
quote: Originally posted by Eoin
you say that Gar wanted this thread to be about NEW bands well ok, fair enough but others have mentioned bands that have being going for the same amount of time as PC if not longer.
gosh u are a sensitive little chap, arent u? oooooh, look at that stinger - "others have mentioned bands that have being going for the same amount of time as PC if not longer".
will ya ever cop on?!? your mail was the very first reply! check it out.
Gar wanted new bands not acts who've been going like PC (under a variety of names but the same stuff, more or less) for a decade or so with no-one beyond a handful of deluded folk remotely interested in them.
its like sack - another one of those bands that irish indie fans are supposed to like because they have been going so long. we really should have a cull of indie no-hopers - round them up and whisk them off to the curragh or somewhere to be deloused and reprogrammed. the likes of Sack, The Walls, turn, pony club - under-achieving frown faces the lot of them
quote: Originally posted by Eoin
Just so you know like, you condecending w**ker.
love u too gorgeous X
Sancho Panza New Member Posts:2  
11/18/2005 11:56 PM |
There's a load a good bands out there alright. Mocrac, Doubled, Rob Cunningham and The Chapters are well handy. Check out one called Blue Side Down too if ye get a chance.
ishrink Basic Member Posts:195  
11/20/2005 1:28 PM |
Some mentioned before, some not...
Binokular Veteran Member Posts:1665  
11/20/2005 8:30 PM |
quote: Originally posted by Pilchard
autamata (*short stories", "my sanctuary")
I haven't heard "short stories", but I could never see what the fuss was about with "My Sanctuary" to be honest. I mean its a decent enough album with very polished production, pleasant, but not exactly all that exciting or interesting, and sounded a little dated to boot. (not retro, just dated)