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Last Post 6/23/2005 8:08 PM by  Rev Jules
Indie Musicians Seek New Band Name
 26 Replies
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6/24/2005 5:46 PM
Originally posted by temporary
Hey all Moderators don't panic. This is just a temporary, ha ha.. excuse the pun, sign in name for myself & i wont be using it again. You know I manage the act in question and who I really am but would like to keep bands identity quiet for now. I as you know asked Rev Jules to place up this post in the hope of getting some names out of you. The band is a well known indie act in dublin, guitar based melodic heavy sound. We have recently learned that our name is in use already and has been pre-registered in the UK and Europe so we have to change and change soon. So just thought I would throw it out to the Cluas lion pit and see what you come back with. We can agree on 99% of stuff in answer to a previous poster but the name change is a bummer and hard to get right or one that feels right. Reason i am keeping band name quiet is cos I didnt want anyone thinking this was a publicity stunt and would rather keep it hush hush for now. So keep the names coming and thanks for all the help. If we choose one of the names suggested i will sort that person out with a couple of tickets for something and make sure if that if they like the act, and the act go on to be even more super famous they never have problems getting a ticket to see them or events their playing. deal!? So thanks again guys and keep them coming.
sorry for being cynical about this, but in all fairness if the band you manage can't even think of a name, will they be just as unimaginative re: the music they make? no wonder you're being anonymous about this
New Member
New Member

6/24/2005 6:27 PM
No offence taken Aidan. But you can really only be cynical about something that you think is not as genuine as its stated or is being something that its not... we're just asking the cluas folks for a few ideas. Surely no harm in that! As for the imagination of the band, i have no concerns at all. When you've been promoting yourselves under a name your happy with for just over a year and you find out you have to change it you want something which you feel is as good as what you had. Thanks
New Member
New Member

6/24/2005 6:34 PM
if i keep posting i'll go from being "a starting member" to a "getting busy member" and then "ridiculously busy member" and then "famously busy member" and then become one of them Moderator things and then go.... "ah b****x i'm not really me at all i'm another me" Is essence, all we are looking for is a few ideas outside of our own. That's it, no need for violence!
Basic Member
Basic Member

6/25/2005 12:05 PM
I always thought Box Set would be a cool, slightly ironic, name.
El Duderino
Basic Member
Basic Member

6/27/2005 10:01 AM
When all else fails consult the all encompassing and endless possibilities thrown up by the Simpsons. How about "Dilly of a Pickle" or "Potatoe Man" or "Mother Shabooboo". As I said, the possibilities are endless
Basic Member
Basic Member

6/27/2005 8:01 PM
the captain lassards
Basic Member
Basic Member

6/30/2005 10:32 AM
"Neighbourhood Watch" is a classic name
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