spurtacus Basic Member Posts:229  
6/15/2005 2:38 PM |
anythin much happenin with the indie room in Spirit? decent idea if ye ask me, gettin it off the ground is a different story entirely
benni Advanced Member Posts:947  
6/15/2005 2:40 PM |
Havent heard anything at all about an indie room in Spirit... Its probably too big tho no?
6/15/2005 2:42 PM |
i djed the indie room in spirit and we had a good buzz but no bar down there and most people are there for rnb and bad trance upstairs
could be good though if caught on
benni Advanced Member Posts:947  
6/15/2005 3:06 PM |
quote: Originally posted by CH-1
no bar down there
Are ya taking the piss or wa?! 
Is that still on going? Where else have ya DJ'd? I reckon a s**tty pub with a room and a system would work best esp to begin with cause chances are the kinda of night that I was thinkin of wouldnt pull the biggest of crowds.. then again I could be wrong...?
Norman Schwarzkopf Basic Member Posts:427  
6/15/2005 3:10 PM |
How about downstairs in the International? If you want s**tty, it's perfect. I found myself there for a bit recently and someone had turntables goin. Capacity of living room though. Prone to invading hordes of hen night females wearing zogabong cocks... What's not to love?
benni Advanced Member Posts:947  
6/15/2005 3:30 PM |
Yea sounds like the spot! Dunno.... thats maybe a little toooooo small. Issac Butts size is pretty cool or somewhere around the size of Anseo - but I think they have their schedual of resident DJ's and nights already.
Norman Schwarzkopf Basic Member Posts:427  
6/15/2005 3:40 PM |
Yeah i think they do alright. How about the Oak? Same story probably. Very lazy DJing goin on there. Last time I checked anyways.
benni Advanced Member Posts:947  
6/15/2005 3:52 PM |
I like the DJ down there actually... well theres sometimes a different one but the guy that used to do Helter Shelter - again he does play to the crowd but I have to do that in Doyles too. But at the start of the night he usually bangs out some new tunes; Bloc Party, The Arcade Fire et al before they were big. Man even now Whelans rarely plays anything new. Its such a pity cause I like in there.
Maybe I'll slap on some Cabaret Voltaire tomorrow night right after Mr. Brightside just to see the reaction ha!
Norman Schwarzkopf Basic Member Posts:427  
6/15/2005 3:57 PM |
Instant tumbleweed! What time you on?
benni Advanced Member Posts:947  
6/15/2005 4:06 PM |
Thurs and Sat 10pm - 2.20am
With no f**king smoke break... oh yea watch me run out the door when im done!
Norman Schwarzkopf Basic Member Posts:427  
6/15/2005 4:09 PM |
Just stick on "In A Gadda Da Vida" and slip out the door....
benni Advanced Member Posts:947  
6/15/2005 4:12 PM |
Yea i have the original 12" of Blue Monday over 7mins long and plenty of time but the fear of the skipping record keeps me put!!!!
Norman Schwarzkopf Basic Member Posts:427  
6/15/2005 4:32 PM |
Confront your fear HEAD ON! For only then, will you truly attain true attainment.
sweetie Basic Member Posts:132  
6/16/2005 9:14 AM |
Have you tried Jack Nealons on capel st. I was at a party upstairs recently and it's a sizeable room that struck me as being suitable for an indie club.
Benni and ch-1, I'd be interested in haring what are your current top ten non-popular dj tunes?
benni Advanced Member Posts:947  
6/16/2005 9:42 AM |
Wat, as in the top ten things I love to play but haven't?
Dont know Jack Nealons but I'll check it out for sure, nice central location n all. Nice one! I shall look into it..
6/16/2005 10:19 AM |
my top ten at moment
some of them are popular but a good tune is a good tune
new M83 album
both of the jimmy edgar EP's.
le tigre--the b side of TKO
the redneck manifesto 3 albums vinyl compilation
some LCD soundsystem
fourtet rounds
television-marquee moon
roxy music-love is the drug
claro intelecto EP
kraftwerk-computer love
sweetie Basic Member Posts:132  
6/16/2005 10:21 AM |
Stuff you like to play but don't because of crowd reaction or lack-of or
just fave new indie tunes.
Anybody been to any of the clubs in the venue in rathfarnham. It sounds interesting but haven't heard good things yet.
benni Advanced Member Posts:947  
6/16/2005 10:33 AM |
Ok.... again like CH1 some are popular but goodies non the less (oh btw i agree with all your choices CH-1 so I'll ommit them from my list!)
Anything by..
The Notwist
The Knife
Blonde Redhead
Arcade Fire
Tom Vek
Early stuff by The Rapture
Joy Division - in particular Transmission or She's Lost Control
Talking Heads
Depeche Mode
But I do wanna play more well known stuff too - just not obvious 'singles only' tunes by the likes of say Bloc Party, VU, Bowie, Gang of Four, Interpol etc.
spurtacus Basic Member Posts:229  
6/16/2005 10:52 AM |
bit o' 'dont look back in anger' would be spot on aswell
benni Advanced Member Posts:947  
6/16/2005 10:56 AM |
BOLLIX!!!!!! ;-)