Una Veteran Member Posts:1721  
4/14/2005 1:06 PM |
Great gig in the Village, 4 stars for their album in Q.
I'm a fan, what do yeeee think?
spurtacus Basic Member Posts:229  
4/14/2005 1:07 PM |
Una Veteran Member Posts:1721  
Mully Advanced Member Posts:849  
4/14/2005 1:42 PM |
quote: Originally posted by Una
Great gig in the Village, 4 stars for their album in Q.
I'm a fan, what do yeeee think?
I'm saying nothing. Got fcuked from a height on another board about them ... Scroll down to where Opinion comes into it
4/14/2005 2:07 PM |
Wouldn't be the biggest fan, especially live, just doesn't rock enough for me, but I guess they're not bad. Played a gig with them last year and they're very nice guys. I hope they do well, but as I said, I wouldn't be they're biggest fan... but I've only seen them once, so maybe I'm being harsh.
Carlsberg Basic Member Posts:215  
4/14/2005 2:18 PM |
like what they are doing. Hard working band and fully deserve what will hopefully be success. Can see why they would not be everyone's cup of tea, nothing particular original there, but sure its about what individual ears like. Some of the years biggest successes, (ie) Snow Patrol, Keane, Killers, Interpol have made it on the basis of taking previous bands ideas and rasing them to another level. Best of luck to them
Gar Veteran Member Posts:1676  
4/14/2005 2:26 PM |
Here's a review of their gig from Whelan's last year:
Una Veteran Member Posts:1721  
4/14/2005 2:40 PM |
I think they're what the Thrills should be. I'm not a fan of the Thrills, because, live, I don't think they cut it, even though they have a couple of good pop songs.
But, there's something sincere about Hal. Excuse me for not being cynical. The gig @ The Village was a tight performance. And there are three good voices in the band. I don't have the album yet, just a 5 track sampler, and the songs are excellent. Good production too. Neat.
Una Veteran Member Posts:1721  
4/14/2005 2:43 PM |
comparing Doves to Hal (on the link to that thread you posted, Mully) is dumb. Chalk und cheese.
Pilchard Advanced Member Posts:699  
4/14/2005 2:55 PM |
hal are the thrills in disguise.
to be fair, i have seen them three times and they have slowly got better. still, i'd prefer to eat raw onions than see them again in a hurry
Una Veteran Member Posts:1721  
4/14/2005 3:06 PM |
"hal are the thrills in disguise"
there's an insult.
I don't know how anyone who has seen both bands live could successfully compare them. The Thrills are consistently rubbish live.
Pilchard Advanced Member Posts:699  
4/14/2005 3:36 PM |
quote: Originally posted by Una
"hal are the thrills in disguise"
there's an insult.
I don't know how anyone who has seen both bands live could successfully compare them. The Thrills are consistently rubbish live.
have u actually ever seen Hal and The Thrills in the same room at the same time? has anyone? its the ultimate tribute band oneupmanship
Norman Schwarzkopf Basic Member Posts:427  
4/14/2005 3:52 PM |
quote: Originally posted by Una
I don't know how anyone who has seen both bands live could successfully compare them. The Thrills are consistently rubbish live.
I've had the misfortune of seeing The Thrills live twice and as much as they bug the Loretta Swit out of me, they played their stuff well. But the singer! He has got to be one of the worst, most ill-equipped lead vocalists in music today. Especially live!
4/14/2005 3:52 PM |
i am just going to say they write fun pop songs and no matter how much i try not to like them they get stuck in my head. They are definitely a perfect summer festival band if it si sunny.
klootfan Advanced Member Posts:851  
4/14/2005 3:53 PM |
quote: Some of the years biggest successes, (ie) Snow Patrol, Keane, Killers, Interpol have made it on the basis of taking previous bands ideas and rasing them to another level. Best of luck to them
As a matter of interest, which band(s) ideas in your view are Snow Patrol taking to another level ?
Una Veteran Member Posts:1721  
4/14/2005 4:06 PM |
their own?
Carlsberg Basic Member Posts:215  
4/14/2005 4:15 PM |
Doves, (pounding vs chocolate) is prime example of that. Big stadium "run" reminds me of manzy early Embrace songs, chord structure wise. Am not looking for holes in them, have the album and like the band, just saying that those bands are not particularly original in their arrival, they just do what they do very very well. fair?
mick Basic Member Posts:411  
4/14/2005 4:20 PM |
dont know about snow patrol ripping off pounding for choclate, that beat is used in loads of songs before pounding 
i am the resurrection anyone?
klootfan Advanced Member Posts:851  
4/14/2005 4:24 PM |
Fair enough, I just dont understand people putting Snow Patrol in the "Keane", Hope of the States etc category.
In my opinion, Snow Patrol have worked their a*sses off for years to get where they are.
They are the band who up until last year were labelled as severly underratted.
Their music has progressed over the years, but I dont think its a case of them them porgressing so far that you cant relate their earlier albums (yes folks, there are more then 1) to Final Straw. There is a definite line of progression
As for HAL, sorry, but they aint my cuppa tea. They have been unfortunate to have been labelled with the "Next Thrills" tag for so long now, but I think they like this labelling in the sense that it gets peoples attention.
Saw a band recently supporting Colm Quearney who started out well, but just descended into Thrills-ish vocals. Wasnt impressed. stellarband or something like that.
mick Basic Member Posts:411  
4/14/2005 4:26 PM |
definitely agree with you there but its hard not to throw a song like run (which is their best known song and probably always will be unfortunately) into the ballad bands category.
quote: Originally posted by klootfan
Fair enough, I just dont understand people putting Snow Patrol in the "Keane", Hope of the States etc category.
In my opinion, Snow Patrol have worked their a*sses off for years to get where they are.
They are the band who up until last year were labelled as severly underratted.
Their music has progressed over the years, but I dont think its a case of them them porgressing so far that you cant relate their earlier albums (yes folks, there are more then 1) to Final Straw. There is a definite line of progression