GarVeteran Member Posts:1676
3/14/2005 4:32 PM |
Ever get the feeling that someone on the bus is judging your music taste through the snippets of sounds that mumur from your headphones? Ever feel embrassed to turn it down a little? Ever feel the need to blast it up?
On the bus this morning, this fella on his way to school tapped me on the shoulder. 'Here buddy, whats that s**t ur listenin to?' he grumbled. I just replied 'You wouldn't know of them'. Then he informed me that rap was the stuff that I should have on. He rapped a little with his headphones blasting out 50 Cent. At this stage, I was looking for cameras wondering whether this was all for Trigger Happy. Two stops later and he was gone. But I found myself questioning what exactly is suitable music for the bus journey. Somehow I don't think rap is the best formula that early in the morning but is there cause to turn ipods/minidiscs/discmen/radios down a few notchs? Or should we listen away in pride and ignore others?
MullyAdvanced Member Posts:849
3/14/2005 4:56 PM |
I love turning up a bit of Slayer or System Of A Down to 11, when I'm on the Nitelink. Really pisses off the Qbar cronies. The heavier the better just for them
Apart from that, I dont be too worried about other people do be thinking. Imagine tapping him on the shoulder, telling him not to listen to Southern rap, tapping your earphones & telling him to give Interpol a whirl ... He'd probs start on you !!
BinokularVeteran Member Posts:1665
3/14/2005 4:59 PM |
Get a car?
Yes I realise that being a motorist puts me on the same level as the NRA and Smokers these days, but I'd rather chew my leg off than use public transport. Who needs polar ice caps anyway?
GarVeteran Member Posts:1676
3/14/2005 5:06 PM |
Easiest reply to your suggestion Binokular is that I'm a broke student.....but just wondered if anyone else experienced similar bus adventures.
klootfanAdvanced Member Posts:851
3/14/2005 5:11 PM |
I get very self concious about how loud the music coming from my headphones continuously taking them off my head to see if the music leakage is too loud. But there are times when you just want to blare the music with two fingers to everyone around you.
If i can overhear someones music then more often then not i try to make out who it is. Just for the fun of it
UnicronVeteran Member Posts:1696
3/14/2005 6:17 PM |
Out of interest Gar what was that s**t you were listening to?
GarVeteran Member Posts:1676
3/14/2005 6:35 PM |
It was 'Southern Rock Opera' by Drive-By Truckers to which I switched to 'One Soul Now' by Cowboy Junkies.
DaraghAdvanced Member Posts:666
3/14/2005 6:35 PM |
never really have music loud enough that other people can make it out, i hate it when people have on some s**t dance or rap though, ugh!
actually i hate it when people have non loud music cranked up, like Dido, why the f**k do some people need to crank Dido up to 11, when a nice soothin 3 or 4 is just lovely (maybe a thermos full of tea too!)
BinokularVeteran Member Posts:1665
3/14/2005 7:02 PM |
quote: Originally posted by humbleCounty
actually i hate it when people have non loud music cranked up, like Dido, why the f**k do some people need to crank Dido up to 11, when a nice soothin 3 or 4 is just lovely (maybe a thermos full of tea too!)
Yes, thoroughly annoying. My old flatmate used to play David Kitt at silly volume, in fact it was pretty much all he played. It's funny how harsh a lot of this stuff sounds at high volume (something to with the way the albums are mastered perhaps?)
(that site is long time favourite of mine by the way, quality stuff! )
Rev JulesVeteran Member Posts:1041
3/14/2005 7:21 PM |
quote: Originally posted by Gar
It was 'Southern Rock Opera' by Drive-By Truckers...
Welcome to the dark side Gar
strollerAdvanced Member Posts:576
3/14/2005 7:55 PM |
Maybe it's the headphones you're using. I'm always wearing my pair of Technics RPDJ1210 headphones in the computer labs in college and I never get any complaints. I find they're a lot better at insulating sound then in ear headphones. Also the sound quality is excellent and they're very comfortable. The only problem is that I'm on my second pair in less than a year which is a bit of a bummer when you consider their price. You can check them out here;
GarVeteran Member Posts:1676
3/14/2005 8:45 PM |
No, I wasn't blaring the music...just that chap was curious as to what I was listening to.
sweetieBasic Member Posts:132
3/15/2005 10:37 AM |
I find that I can only listen to 'quiet' stuff on the bus in the morning. Maybe iron and wine, gillian welch, bonnie prince or jack johnson and keep the heavier stuff/beats for lunch-time or later.
Also I find I can concentrate better on whatever I'm reading when I'm listening to stuff like the above.
John DoeBasic Member Posts:338
3/15/2005 10:57 AM |
Warning, kids: your ears can only take so much. I had to cut down drastically on using headphones after a period last year when I was waking up in the morning with a tiny but perceptible buzzing noise in my left ear. It seems to have cleared up since, but as Pete Townsend will tell you, tinnitus is no fun at all.
kierryBasic Member Posts:244
3/15/2005 11:06 AM |
this week i've been listening loudly to bloc party, interpol, and blur.
the worst part is i find myself mouthing the words and stuff.
no distance left to run, for example, i mouthed the entire song with my eyes clothes.
if i'd seen myself doing it, it would've been cringe-central.
KarlitoBasic Member Posts:210
3/15/2005 12:26 PM |
Worried about the volume of you're music on a bus? f**k it. You should listen at whatever volume you like, whether it be s**t MOR or heavy rock or bang dance - if other people don't like it f**k them.
Although on the odd occasion I would try to have a guess at what a perosn is listening to, but to be honest it'll be dissapointing as it's the 27 and they're all mostly knackers on that bus!!
I myself shuffle the songs and generally have a bop to quite upbeat music in the mornings - gotta perk yourself up to face a day of scheisters!!!
AntistarAdvanced Member Posts:544
3/15/2005 1:11 PM |
Biscuits rock!
ArchieBasic Member Posts:458
3/15/2005 5:54 PM |
If I don't have headphones on myself, I love to hear what other people are listening to. The other thing is: I hate to be able to hear what other people listen to. I don't care if it's a symphony orchestra or thrash metal band, it's annoying and kind of rude.
What would i listen to on a bus, well I'm not on buses that often, so whatever I feel like on the day really. I never have certain types of music for different situations anyway, it all just depends on the moment.
adminBasic Member Posts:399
3/15/2005 10:10 PM |
quote: Originally posted by John Doe
Warning, kids: your ears can only take so much. I had to cut down drastically on using headphones after a period last year when I was waking up in the morning with a tiny but perceptible buzzing noise in my left ear. It seems to have cleared up since, but as Pete Townsend will tell you, tinnitus is no fun at all.
This is so true. But there's a way around this. Sort of. Get yourself a pair of noise-canceling headphones (ones based on active noise compensation). That way you'll find yourself having to raise the volume a bit less frequently in order to drown out ambient noise. The crème de la crème of noise-canceling headphones are by BOSE and cost about 200 Euros. I settled for a compromise and got myself the Sennheiser PXC250 Noise canceling headphones last year (cost me $90 in the US, but there's 4 of them available for 64 UKP on via this page: They cut out a load of the lower frequency background ambient noise and the mew-zak is - I must say - so much crisper. And that's without having to crank me iRiver volume controls all the way up. I have road-tested them on a variety of subway trains, LUASes, buses, trams in Yuropean cities and the odd airplane. And they work a dream (except when a siren-blaring ambulance goes by and the noise-cancelling stuff ends up making all sorts of horrific noises in your ears in an attempt to drown out the siren). With no more buzzing in these ears, I wouldn't be seen leavin' home without them. Baby.
3/18/2005 1:16 AM |
a fella sat beside me on the bus the other day and laughed coz i had a tapeman!!!! im the proud owner of a broken md player, so i resorted to some old rhythm record bootlegs. . . (why oh why dont they do them anymore? :() so not only are we being judged by what music is leaking from our ears, but what device its coming from too. tut.