fairynuff New Member Posts:9  
2/24/2005 2:50 PM |
quote: Is it more acceptable for a woman to have a dodgy collection. Id say yes.
Suprised at how long it took for this to go unmentioned.
Yes, an explanation would be nice...???
klootfan Advanced Member Posts:851  
2/24/2005 2:59 PM |
Look above for explanation...
in fairness...i was posing a question..
but the question should have been posed as "Is it SEEN as more acceptable", at least thats how i meant it to be read...
fairynuff New Member Posts:9  
2/24/2005 3:09 PM |
Ooopsy daisy, did'nt read the second page.
Still not happy with your comment though.
Gender aside, its not normal to have Westlife or Ronan Keating in anyones cd collection!
These people have deeply rooted psychological problems and need to be delt with. Harshly.
I'd say we should Burn them all!
This way we would be highering the bar, in a couple of generations music will be at an all time great and our grandchildren will thank us.
Hence, go forth and burn that Keating fan, along with their cd's.
............Job done.
Vent My Spleen Advanced Member Posts:500  
2/24/2005 3:23 PM |
As Peter Kay used to point out in his act, can you imaging in 40 years, family gathering, Xmas, and someone shouting at the kids to turn off that racket and put on a nice bit of Prodigy for Grandma!
Norman Schwarzkopf Basic Member Posts:427  
2/24/2005 4:43 PM |
May God have mercy on any poor soul with quite mainstream tastes being hired in a music shop. I've worked in three in the past 6 years and one pitiable subject had free reign on the CD player for a bit and stuck Aslan on.
They still haven't found him.
Archie Basic Member Posts:458  
2/24/2005 6:08 PM |
stupid indeed klootfan, but as we females now understand what you're getting at, we'll forgive you. For now...:)
Dromed Advanced Member Posts:900  
2/25/2005 10:14 AM |
quote: Originally posted by klootfan
This must be the trouble that mully was refering to earlier.
Oh god...im wandering on to a mine field here..but
The way I meant it to be read is that I would think that men, if they look at a cd collection for a female and find it full with 100% romance cds, or Westlife, ronan keating albums, then the MAN is more likely to write it off as being ok and normal for a female. Implying that men attempt to hold a higher moral ground...when it comes to music taste
Its not in any way to suggest that females do not have a decent taste in music...sure id be stupid to suggest that.
...so you're not suggesting that girls are less likely to have good taste in music...so explain what "men attempt to hold a higher moral ground...when it comes to music taste" is meant to mean?? !!
Are you suggesting that the female of the species is shallow, feckless and fickle enough to dump someone cos of their cd collection ???...while the morally upstanding young menfolk of Eire will gladly overlook a few s**tty chick cds cos *pat her on the head* bless her...she don't know any better ???!!!! Come on Kloot I'm surprised at you!!! Can I at this point say that I'm no bra burner, but I know equal amounts of guys/gals that have kerrrapp taste in music (in my humble opinion) and wouldn't know their Athelte from their Elbow..(did ya see what I did there har har!)...it's not gender specific! It's a minefield indeed to say that males/females are more inclined to have good/bad taste in music (or maybe more to the point, poor knowledge of music)..but it's highly insulting to suggest that femles are more likely to dump someone cos of their taste in music. I'm hoping that's not what you were saying..!
As for Adam Ant, Spurtacus...are you suggesting he's not a legend?! (In a Peter Kay voice..."How Dare you" !). I wear my love of the Ants on my sleeve..I'm not ashamed of it...they'd two drummers for chris's sake, two!!!!
Vent My Spleen Advanced Member Posts:500  
2/25/2005 10:26 AM |
Tragically, people (male or female) tend to have crap taste in music.
And let there be no more dissin' of the Ants. I bought all of their singles at an auction about 10 years ago for a quid and fully expect to make a fortune on them (when the great 80's pop/vinyl revival crossover happens). Best of these is an amazing Advent calendar 12 inch with a little window for each day. Can you imagine the shock of opening them up to find pics of Marco in full ant regalia. Gruesome.
ishrink Basic Member Posts:195  
2/25/2005 10:26 AM |
quote: Originally posted by Dromed
...so you're not suggesting that girls are less likely to have good taste in music...so explain what "men attempt to hold a higher moral ground...when it comes to music taste" is meant to mean?? !!
On a somewhat related note, anyone ever been to a gig where girls outnumbered guys? Or numbers were even anywhere near equal?
And Westlife doesn't count.
Can, open.
Worms, everywhere.
klootfan Advanced Member Posts:851  
2/25/2005 10:44 AM |
Are you suggesting that the female of the species is shallow, feckless and fickle enough to dump someone cos of their cd collection
God no!!..i never mentioned anyone dumping anyone over music.
Ive been to plenty of gigs and in most cases the crowd is an even mix of males/females. Females obviously have an equally good sense of taste in music as men.
However, its my opinion that men take the higher moral ground when it comes to music taste. They assume that they know better. Hence when the sit in their flat mates car and the cd of choice is the sound track for Ghost, then yes, the man just puts it down to a normal "chick" collection.
Tell me this though, if you met a man and his cd collection consisted of chick flick soundtracks...would you form an opinion of that fella based on this fact ?
But heres a question, if women and men have equally good tastes in music, and i think they do, then how come women are under represented when it comes to non pop music output. Are women artists taken less seriously in the Non pop arena
klootfan Advanced Member Posts:851  
2/25/2005 10:59 AM |
And yes, my shovel is available for rent for anyone thats interested. Its very good for digging large holes, but not much good for getting out of them
2/25/2005 11:07 AM |
FAO Mully: As someone who has gender identification issues on these type of forums in general, where do you stand on this one???
Mully Advanced Member Posts:849  
2/25/2005 11:16 AM |
quote: Originally posted by Fogo
FAO Mully: As someone who has gender identification issues on these type of forums in general, where do you stand on this one???
That would be an Ecumenical matter.
Binokular Veteran Member Posts:1665  
2/25/2005 11:37 AM |
I suppose I should have the good sense to stay out of this "tricky" discussion, since I've managed to stay clear til now (pass the shovel Klootfan). Anyway, heres my ill-informed opinions:
Dromed, I think the reason its OK for girls to have cheesy stuff in their CD collection is probably the same reason that its seen as more socially acceptable for them to dance round their handbags to to Whigfields "Saturday Night" while still sober. Not saying thats right, just the way guys see it. Society it seems does not allow males to feel they can be "silly" in public unless there is some degree of inherent self-destructive nihilism attached. e.g. Drinking yourself unconcious, MTV Jackass culture, driving a car/motorcycle under the mistaken belief that you are Micheal Schumacher/Valentino Rossi/God.
You could also take the view that whats viewed as being cringe inducingly cheesy is based largely on a masculinised view of the music industry. E.g. Its OK to have an Iron Maiden record but not Abba Gold, even though both are faintly ridiculous and equally good fun.
Klootfan, the fact that you have to endure your leftfield tastes being criticised by such a bunch of "norms" probably means that you are at least holding down a semi-respectable job. In a couple of years you'll probably be able to buy a house in the suburbs with a new Toyota Avensis in the drive. Not saying thats what you would do, just that you probably could, its nice to have the choice, some people act like thats a bad thing. Get a grip, and some perspective. Just smile and nod politely, ignore them and put a great record on when you get home at the end of the day.
klootfan Advanced Member Posts:851  
2/25/2005 11:43 AM |
Dont worry, Im not loosing sleep over it. Just kicking off a discussion on it.
Buying a house and settling down...are you mad..sure that will never happento me :)
Dromed Advanced Member Posts:900  
2/25/2005 12:06 PM |
quote: Originally posted by klootfan
Tell me this though, if you met a man and his cd collection consisted of chick flick soundtracks...would you form an opinion of that fella based on this fact ?
But heres a question, if women and men have equally good tastes in music, and i think they do, then how come women are under represented when it comes to non pop music output. Are women artists taken less seriously in the Non pop arena
Hey I didn't say that I wasn't shallow, feckless and fickle....if I saw a load of dodge cds I'd run a mile..ha ha ha! But if it makes you feel better..it isn't gender related..it's just my sexual orientation..if I went out with girls and saw crap cds I'd run a mile then too...does that make up for my shallowness?!
I think there's fewer women in non-pop music because I think it's a bit of a boys only club and it's harder for them to be taken seriously. There is more pressure for girls to prove themselves. There aren't many average looking, average singing, average guitar playing girls fronting non-pop bands. Usually if they're not that talented they're really good looking instead. While I know there's plenty of not-very-talented guys fronting bands cos they're good looking, there's still loads of average looking, average playing guys fronting simialr bands...they're allowed get away with a lot more I think. Though there are a lot more girls in bands these days then there was before, and it's good to see them playing an instrument (Von Bondies, Ikara Colt, White Stripes, Distillers etc.) and not being the 'eye candy' all the time.
Archie Basic Member Posts:458  
3/7/2005 6:02 PM |
Sorry to dredge this up again, but I agree with what Dromed last posted. In less than a year I've had two guys (separately) say they didn't want to be in a band with me because I'm a girl, and another guy said that though I was a good guitarist, I'd never make a good lead guitarist (I currently play mostly rhythm and sing) simply because I am a girl. Perhaps the most ironic thing about that was that we were at the time playing some Pixies, one of the most influential bands of the last few decades, and who if you could credit it, had a most excellent female bass player.
It is a boys only club, although it is beginning to loosen up, thanks to a few who are paving the way. It is a sad fact that girls are there for the most part to be "eyecandy", but at least non-pop isn't as bad as the pop world. Everyone is so desperately trying to prove themselves there it's sickening.
Dromed Advanced Member Posts:900  
3/8/2005 9:29 AM |
Archie...don't let assholes like that put you off. The fact your gender came into it is a bit lame to begin with...you're either a good singer & guitarist (lead or otherwise)or you're not. Being of either gender does not predispose you to having talent. It's just another detail. I was recently asked by a guy trying to get his own thing going did I know any pretty girls that could play tambourine. I had to try to restrain myself from giving him a slap. Outside of pop, it's difficult for girls to prove themselves and it can be really intimidating, but you have to go for it. It's a pity that by having some 'balls' you come across as a bitch and that by taking yourself out of the 'token female' role in a band you risk almost desexualising yourself (the notion that you have to act like a guy to be treated equally). Keep looking for the right people...you'll find them eventually and don't for a second get into anything with anyone that makes you feel intimidated or ashamed of the fact that your a girl....use it to your advantage. Become the best guitarist you can be and do what you want with some attitude, you'll come out the other end of it with your confidence and self-respect firmly in tact and the maturity to deal with the big time should it come your way!!
Binokular Veteran Member Posts:1665  
3/8/2005 10:06 AM |
quote: Originally posted by Dromed
I was recently asked by a guy trying to get his own thing going did I know any pretty girls that could play tambourine. I had to try to restrain myself from giving him a slap.
haha, I'm sitting here with a reaction thats somewhere between laughing my head off and picking my jaw off the floor (quite a bizarre mental picture I know). Was that guy a little "cerebrally challenged" or something? Even if a guy doesn't totally embrace the idea of equality or whatever, you'd think a sense of self preservation would prompt him to choose his words a little more carefully! (ditto what yer other man said to Archie).