2/11/2005 12:50 PM |
come everybody i want to hear your views on the biggest and best w**kers in the music industry.
i will get the ball rolling i think the lead singer out of keane is the biggest w**ker you cant look at his face without wanting to hit him and dont get me started on that posh english accent.
Binokular Veteran Member Posts:1665  
2/11/2005 12:55 PM |
the biggest walker in the industry? Strange question.... 
mutch Basic Member Posts:392  
2/11/2005 12:57 PM |
haha a great thread! the thrills are on my list but as I'm a good Christian i'll probably leave it at voodoo dolls rather than actually hitting them haha.
2/11/2005 1:01 PM |
i meant *******
2/11/2005 1:03 PM |
ah well the thrills arent the worst of my lot but i just cant stand the lead singer out of keane and your man out of the stereophonics whats the story with him trying to be influential.
kierry Basic Member Posts:244  
2/11/2005 1:10 PM |
such negativity.
tsk tsk.
i think the poor chap from keane might have a babies head on a adult body, but i wouldn't say he's a w**ker...
i think everybody involved with music probably has off days and days where they're the nicest person on earth.
for example, daniel from the thrills was the biggest w**ker in history when i met him, but he couldn't possibly be that much of a w**ker on a day to day basis.
or, jim corr either. met him in a dundalk nightclub which he'd gone to on his own and got annoyed at me for talking to him. he muttered something about ladies and stormed off to have an arguement with the bouncers, who proptly asked me to leave. before i'd even had a pint!
so, y'know, i couldn't possibly answer this question.
Eric Basic Member Posts:179  
2/11/2005 1:20 PM |
Its got to be Brian McFadden, that Irish son needs a few slaps.
As for the biggest walkers, its got to be the Proclaimers, they would walk a 1000 miles (sorry!). 
Bez Light year New Member Posts:28  
2/11/2005 1:29 PM |
Jim Corr is defintely a w**ker, as for baby features the chap is ridiculously inoffensive, if
he was a vegetable he'd be a potatoe.
The drummer from Metallica i reckon tops my chart the man is just gas, never ceases to amaze me how up his own arse the guy is.
When asked how a particular gig went he replied
"I was good but the rest of the band were so so" and he wasnt even taken the piss.
Funny Stuff.
Binokular Veteran Member Posts:1665  
2/11/2005 1:30 PM |
Emu, you really should try doing some walking then, its good for relieving stress apparently 
spurtacus Basic Member Posts:229  
2/11/2005 1:36 PM |
lets just call the Metallica rhythm section w**kers cos that bassist seriously does my nut in, was unfortunate enough to see some live footage of them on mtv and that c**t immediately made me wanna lob the tv out the window
bonzo Basic Member Posts:364  
2/11/2005 1:43 PM |
Simon Cowell, Louis Walsh and Ossie Kilkenny (in that order).
Mully Advanced Member Posts:849  
2/11/2005 1:52 PM |
Darragh Purcell. 
Eoin Basic Member Posts:174  
2/11/2005 1:57 PM |
quote: Originally posted by Eric
Its got to be Brian McFadden, that Irish son needs a few slaps.
As for the biggest walkers, its got to be the Proclaimers, they would walk a 1000 miles (sorry!).
btw I'm not a violent person at all, just when I see him on TV or hear one of his songs.. the worst just comes out in me !
Optimus Basic Member Posts:312  
2/11/2005 1:58 PM |
Either Franz Ferdinand because they are a carbon (self)copy of Joy Division.
Or Bryan McFadden.
But y'all dont really want me to start now do you? Does cluas have enough space online for a 3 million page rant epic about the music industry and the w**kstains it constantly dribbles onto the pants of the world?
2/11/2005 2:26 PM |
i wouldn say that franz ferdinand would be a carbon copy of joy division in sound but maybe on the image side.
And having a baby face on an adults body doesn justify you being a w**ker. it only you makes you a bigger w**ker
dope fiend New Member Posts:78  
2/11/2005 2:49 PM |
the c**ts from manowar. malcom mcclaron. whoever charges so much for tickets the extra charges i mean. louis walsh, darius,
roseanne barrs armpit New Member Posts:40  
2/11/2005 3:22 PM |
who doesnt like to crack off every now and then? but on a serious note, some of the biggest donkeys i can think of are cat power, gruff from super furries, stuart from belle and sebastian, all the lads from mogwai and those jack ass's from fiery furnaces
Pilchard Advanced Member Posts:699  
2/11/2005 3:30 PM |
i was going to say Pete Doherty but I think he's more of a misguided fool. Theres a load of industry people that I would like to nominate but everyone else seems to be going for artists so it has to be....yes......the one.....and thankfully only......Brian McFadden! For every thing but, most of all, thinking that crock of s**te he called a solo album would fool us all. w**ker.
Great thread for a Friday afternoon! 
bonzo Basic Member Posts:364  
2/11/2005 3:44 PM |
D***k *****
Karlito Basic Member Posts:210  
2/11/2005 4:07 PM |
It has to be the people who thought of having ring-tone charts, they my good people are the biggest w**kers around, and then the marketing people who put the s**te on the TV between every bloody single other commercial - w**kers!