stlmurph New Member Posts:1  
2/1/2005 6:29 PM |
I think the ticket system in general is broken. All over the world.
Its only when acts like U2, with the highest level of demand, are processed through the system, do the cracks in that system show.
My hope/prayer is that U2 will do two things: 1) They will pay more attention to these things in the future. There is clearly a bond between the fans and the band that is very unique. They need to be more diligent than the average act. They certainly have the clout to demand this. 2) Mr. McGuiness needs to organize his peers with the other bands and try and bring some changes to the ticketing system in general around the world. We are all getting screwed by this process. We need to transfer the benefits from these ticket brokers back to the fans.
If ticket "brokers" were able to operate in Ireland and handle tickets for Six Nations Rugby and similar events in Ireland like they do for shows in the US, there would be a bit more red tint to the color of the River Liffey.
Just my opinion from the states.
Murph' - St. Louis
stephen Basic Member Posts:201  
2/2/2005 2:37 PM |
quote: Originally posted by bonzo
I really don't see what the problem is. Its the way they are selling the tickets, I was delighted to get my tickets early. I like being a member of the fan site as it allows me to see all the videos etc, and extra interviews.
Why pay if you think its too expensive? It makes no sense. No one is forcing you to part with your cash. No one has really answered that one.
Bonzo, I will attempt to answer your point now.
As I pointed out before, U2 are amongst the wealthiest people that have ever lived on this island. Many many people have made their fortune on the back of the band and they well deserve it for the pleasure they have given millions over the world.
The fact that U2 are charging the most for a standing ticket at a single gig in the history of the UK has to be accounted for. Rumour has it that the Rolling Stones continually tour to fend off the taxman (or to pay for MJ's latest love child...). For U2, who are assiduously managed, this surely cannot be the excuse.
Just because 70,000 people are willing to pay £60 for a standing ticket (me included) does not make it right. I am confident U2 will make a huge profit from this tour - do they need to though?
Pilchard Advanced Member Posts:699  
2/2/2005 2:57 PM |
quote: Originally posted by stephen
The fact that U2 are charging the most for a standing ticket at a single gig in the history of the UK has to be accounted for.
really? find it very hard to believe that the likes of Simon & Garfunkel or Elton John or Paul McCartney or even those Stones have not charged more. its certainly not the most expensive ticket in ireland - Macca and S&G were more last summer and the summer before. not arguing with the thrust of your argument, more keen to see if this fact is true or not
bonzo Basic Member Posts:364  
2/2/2005 3:32 PM |
I take your points but I hate people who complain about anything that is expensive - just don't buy it. One exception - medicine and medical care.
Mully Advanced Member Posts:849  
2/2/2005 3:59 PM |
quote: Originally posted by bonzo
I take your points but I hate people who complain about anything that is expensive - just don't buy it. One exception - medicine and medical care.
You vote Fianna Fail, dont you ?!?
bonzo Basic Member Posts:364  
2/2/2005 4:04 PM |
quote: Originally posted by Mully
quote: Originally posted by bonzo
I take your points but I hate people who complain about anything that is expensive - just don't buy it. One exception - medicine and medical care.
You vote Fianna Fail, dont you ?!?
Im not sure what thats suppose to mean. Since sharing my opinions on this thread I've been called a loud mouth and while this comment is trying to be funny its slighty personal as well.
Mully Advanced Member Posts:849  
2/2/2005 5:01 PM |
quote: Originally posted by bonzo
Im not sure what thats suppose to mean. Since sharing my opinions on this thread I've been called a loud mouth and while this comment is trying to be funny its slighty personal as well.
You called someone ignorant, they called you a big mouth. Deal with it.
Dont mind the FF comment. Its just the attitude that 'If you dont agree with the price, dont pay it', is nonsense. Its what has the country as the most expensive in Europe, & No I'm not going to move to Azerbijan !
Celtic Tiger, Rraaarrgghh. w**k.
I know 70-80 quid is the cost of a quiet night out in Dublin, so if I stay in, then the ticket is paid for. But that is not the point. It is not value for money. Say I'm John Doe (sorry), A Huge fan but warey of the price. I dont go. What have I done except miss an amazing gig I really wanted to see. The cost is just gonna get higher for the next band to roll into town. Oh Look, Oasis for 60quid ... Next !
Madonna at Slane last year was the first time people didnt go. Madonna still got paid her 7.5mil per minute or whatever it was. MCD lost out. No sweat off their back, they'll just throw 3eur onto the cost of every ticket for the next 12mths. So Even by not paying, we are paying.
bonzo Basic Member Posts:364  
2/2/2005 5:11 PM |
Wheres the happy medium in all this? Should bands do more free shows or cheaper shows?
Optimus Basic Member Posts:312  
2/3/2005 10:02 AM |
I apologise for calling you a loud mouth. But you made an assumption about me that was personal as well.
bonzo Basic Member Posts:364  
2/3/2005 1:00 PM |
No need to apologise although apology accepted. I also accept that when I used the word ignorance it was bang out of order.
bonzo Basic Member Posts:364  
2/3/2005 2:50 PM |
Dear beli
This is not something that I would normally do, but I feel that I have to do something to redress this situation.
There was a mess up in the way the tickets were distributed through for the Vertigo pre-sale. Some of it was beyond our control, but some of it wasn't.
I am now in the process of figuring out a way of distributing the tickets for our intended return to North America in the fall. The only fair way of doing this, is to give U2 Propaganda members, who are now members, priority in the queue.
After that, people will be given priority in the order in which they joined. Many people who joined and didn't get tickets are understandably angry. They now have the option to get a full refund of their subscription fee.
The idea that our long-time U2 fans and scalpers competed for U2 tickets through our own website is appalling to me. I want to apologise to you who have suffered that.
If your pre-sale experience has left you disappointed, I hope this will go some way towards reassuring you of our total commitment to our audience.
By the way, a note to those so-called U2 fans who are quick to accuse U2 of unseemly behaviour, I've only got two words for you...
Mully Advanced Member Posts:849  
2/3/2005 3:29 PM |
quote: Originally posted by bonzo
I've only got two words for you...
Well ..... Dont leave us Hanging .... What are they ?!?
curling is great New Member Posts:22  
2/3/2005 7:36 PM |
I agree with optimus in that U2 are completley up their own arse in that they think they don't even have to try anymore. Of course they are talented but you have to admit they have lost it. There is no way there new album would get in my top ten Irish albums of last year.
60 euro is'nt too bad though but i won't be going
Gar Veteran Member Posts:1676  
2/3/2005 9:12 PM |
I disagree, I thought the new U2 album was quite good. One of the best Irish releases of last year in fact. Of course, it isn't their own personal best but I think that too many people are slating them for the sake of it really.
I won't be getting a ticket for the Croker gig though. Maybe Cluas can blag a press pass for us poor reviewers....
Gar Veteran Member Posts:1676  
2/4/2005 11:13 AM |
Sold out in less than 60 minutes today for two shows. And I bet the touts got a huge lump of them. It's getting harder for music fans to actually get to gigs nowadays.
bonzo Basic Member Posts:364  
2/4/2005 11:41 AM |
quote: Originally posted by curling is great
I agree with optimus in that U2 are completley up their own arse in that they think they don't even have to try anymore. Of course they are talented but you have to admit they have lost it. There is no way there new album would get in my top ten Irish albums of last year.
60 euro is'nt too bad though but i won't be going
But the Brian McFadden album is good?
mutch Basic Member Posts:392  
2/4/2005 1:10 PM |
i was in the queue and could see the kids of the touts queueing, I felt rather angry to be honest. I'm not a big U2 fan (not a begrudger! honest!), was getting them for a mate who cant be in Ireland for work reasons and couldnt use his credit card (didnt actually get any at all in the end) but as you said Gar, the true fans couldnt get tickets cos of these complete wasters. Its a pity touts cant be banned from buying tickets the way football hooligans are barred from matches in England.
Disgusting behaviour though. Wasters ruining what should be a great event fo fans of U2.
Wicker Basic Member Posts:185  
2/4/2005 1:34 PM |
oops, just realised you meant £60 Sterling... bit pricey alright
what's the Irish price ?
If I had a free ticket I still would not go as their latest album is nothing more than threading water in musical terms.
They are well passed their peak and no longer keep my attention for too long
curling is great New Member Posts:22  
2/4/2005 1:53 PM |
Bryan Mcfaddens album is a lot better than U2's new album and you'll have no problem getting a ticket for one of his gigs so if all you crazy u2 fans did'nt get a ticket maybe Bryan will be playing Whealans soon.
roseanne barrs armpit New Member Posts:40  
2/4/2005 3:14 PM |
quote: Originally posted by curling is great
Bryan Mcfaddens album is a lot better than U2's new album and you'll have no problem getting a ticket for one of his gigs so if all you crazy u2 fans did'nt get a ticket maybe Bryan will be playing Whealans soon.
well said. i fully agree that bryan is a much more talented artist, and after seeing his last performance in whelans i would definitely recommend checking him out. hes on fire.