stroller Advanced Member Posts:576  
1/25/2005 1:18 PM |
I'm not working this Saturday and I fancy geeting out of Galway for the night. So I was just wondering if there are any goog gigs or clubs on around the country that are woth checking out?
Gar Veteran Member Posts:1676  
1/25/2005 1:32 PM |
- Republic Of Loose play a Tsumani Benefit Gig in TBMC with support coming from Jove.
- Automata play Crawdaddy
- American Music Club play The Village
- Stereophonics play a secert gig...but ya need to win a competition for that.
Otherwise check out the Gigs Of The Fortnight section of this site!!!!
flipperstired Basic Member Posts:103  
1/25/2005 1:56 PM |
two of the best bands about at the moment stroller, ROL & jove. Well worth coming up so see.
Gar Veteran Member Posts:1676  
1/25/2005 2:19 PM |
Yeah I wanted to go to it. But have already got my ticket for American Music Club. Still getting to see an act that I havent before witnnessed.
dope fiend New Member Posts:78  
1/25/2005 4:09 PM |
why jove? they are mediocre at best
John Doe Basic Member Posts:338  
1/25/2005 4:28 PM |
Saw Jove at the TBMC last Saturday. Are they playing every tsunami benefit gig going ? 
They certainly have that BIG ROCK SOUND going - reminded me of Muse and Bends - era Radiohead. Can't say I was that impressed though.
flipperstired Basic Member Posts:103  
1/25/2005 5:13 PM |
Not gettin into this debate dopefiend, dangerous territory here. Everyone has opinions on who they like and I happen to like them.
dope fiend New Member Posts:78  
1/25/2005 5:47 PM |
I didnt say I didnt like them. ok well I dont but me ma does
flipperstired Basic Member Posts:103  
1/25/2005 6:56 PM |
sorri i sounded ratty dopefiend. I just came to this lots defence before and am reluctant to go down the road again on the whole "jove" debate... it causes violence of a scale which almost parallels kindergaden scraps!! Tell your mum she has good taste though!!..................................................................................out of curiousity.. who else does you mum like?? i could get more tips!!
publiusenigma New Member Posts:2  
1/26/2005 10:34 AM |
quote: Originally posted by dope fiend
why jove? they are mediocre at best
The DOpe is going to your head!
dope fiend New Member Posts:78  
1/27/2005 10:52 PM |
my ma likes the waifs lucinda williams and she likes the new frames album which i dont. if you can name 3 things that excite you about jove than fair enough. They are agood at what they do does not constitute excitement. Langwielig oder was
flipperstired Basic Member Posts:103  
1/28/2005 12:07 AM |
oh shag here we go. How about I just like the band? I think what they do is nothing new but look at how many bands there are making it who dont do anything competely new. The Killers have ripped off about 10 different 70's & 80's bands and they are on the verge of becoming one of the biggest acts around. Look at Keane, give me something original there!!?? Lads and lassies its not what a band does its how we relate to it... so Jove delved into the Muse book.. i can think of far less trendy bands to pull out guitar quotes from! They happen to do it well and with all the press they seem to be getting there are quite a few who seem to agree. Hey we all like different stuff thats what makes us debate!
Gar Veteran Member Posts:1676  
1/28/2005 1:30 AM |
Before this escalates any further, lets hit a few points on the head.
The Cluas discussion board is a great place for people to express their opinions on all things music related. Sometimes those opinions form heated debates which is sometimes good. But the whole Jove issue was beaten to death recently and I don't think any of the regulars here want to engage in a repeat of that. Some people like Jove, some people don't. Some people are tipping them for success while others don't see enough in them to make a success of their sound. That is all fair enough. But the real point here should not be a childish argument in the style of 'They're Crap'/ 'Oh, no they're not'. But rather the fact that here we are discussing the potential of an Irish band that may or may not make waves this year. So the Irish scene obviously still does have a heartbeat if we are all gathered round debating a band from it.
While I respect the opinions of every poster on Cluas, I would have to disagree about using the term 'mediocre' with Jove. If you have read the two recent live reviews on this site about sets they played, then you will discover that my opinion (I wrote both reviews) differed drastically. The lack of an atmosphere plus bad sound system prevented them impressing me the first time. But I gave them a second chance and was blown away. Maybe Dope Fiend caught them at a bad performance or was simply unimpressed by their sound. Either way I firmly believe that Jove are not mediocre at best, but that is my opinion.
You asked for three things that excite about Jove:
1) Lyrics that can be effective, full of imagery and bode well with the band's sound without ever out reaching their limitations
2) The atmosphere that their music creates, something which not many bands can master, and thus provides a kickin live show
3) The sublime chemistry of all the instruments (with hammering drum beats, squealing guitar riffs, haunting keyboards and cogent vocals)
So can we please, leave Jove alone, wish them luck and agree that everyone has their opinion on them....
mick Basic Member Posts:411  
1/28/2005 1:53 AM |
pity your not off on friday... 66e in whelans is gonna be supoib
1/28/2005 5:03 AM |
i've seen jove live before and i've got to say i wasn't impressed. very mediocre. i just can't see what all the fuss is about.
1/28/2005 9:21 AM |
anytime i read the topics in this discussion board there is always people giving out about either Jove or the Frames its quite tiresome at this stage.i realise that everyone is entitled to their own opinion and thats fair enough but regardless of whether or not you think they are any good both bands deserve all the success they get they work hard enough for it.
Dromed Advanced Member Posts:900  
1/28/2005 9:49 AM |
Yawn..Jove *mumble* *mumble*...yawn *scratch head in confusion* mumble* mumble...The proof will be in the puddin (as my dear old mum says)...they're playin the Olympia soon and will either come out of it shining or blushing. People can decide for themselves if they'll be going or not and I guess they'll know on the night how much of an impression they've been making, or not....but it's a dead old topic at this stage and...*yawn*...sometimes there is such a thing as 'bad' publicity.
Gar Veteran Member Posts:1676  
1/28/2005 10:51 AM |
Good so let's stop all this Jove bashing. It's getting boring at this stage.
dope fiend New Member Posts:78  
1/29/2005 6:26 PM |
Ok three things far enough . Im new i didnt know this was an old issue. what are your views on jape. I find my mind is clouded by so many things in relation to them i cant listen to the music, without some pangs
Antistar Advanced Member Posts:544  
1/29/2005 7:59 PM |
Jove are crap.