Gar Veteran Member Posts:1676  
1/17/2005 11:04 AM |
Ok, if you HAD TO compile a mix cd of Irish artists and burn around three albums of Irish artists to send abroad to someone who is interested in Irish musicians, who would you send? And before this turns into a thread of people whining about how poor the Irish music scene is, you HAVE TO send the cd's. Curious as to what some people might come up with.
Gar Veteran Member Posts:1676  
1/17/2005 12:06 PM |
Hate when you start a thread and nobody picks up on it :-(
Anyway, some of Thin Lizzy, U2, Kila, Declan O'Rourke, Paul Brady, Sinead O'Connor, Pogues, Damien Rice, The Frames, Damien Dempsey could easily make the list. Maybe the thread should be What Irish Artists To Not Let Out Of The Country? I hear some of you screaming Aslan, Six, The Frames. Oh and can Van Morrison be classed as Irish? I know he topped the poll with 'Astral Weeks' in the Hotpress Best Irish Albums list.
vandala Basic Member Posts:267  
1/17/2005 12:48 PM |
Christy Moore
Sweeney's Men
Paul Brady
The Pogues
The Stars of Heaven
Thin Lizzy
Van Morrison
My Bloody Valentine
The Great Western Squares
Contemporary-wise? At a push...
Gemma Hayes
Barry McCormack
The Redneck Manifesto
Nick The Greek New Member Posts:21  
1/17/2005 1:26 PM |
It would depend on whether you're trying to educate them on days gone by, or tipping them off on future developments..
Personally I'd do both.
Educate them with:
Paul Brady
Declan O'Rourke
Damien Rice
Hothouse Flowers
The 4 of US
The Stunning
Thin Lizzy
Damien Dempsey
The Undertones
And introduce them to:
Don Mescall
Republic of Loose
Neil White
The Rubens
Albert Niland
Binokular Veteran Member Posts:1665  
1/17/2005 1:34 PM |
If the discs were going to one of my Scandanavian friends, I'd have to put some Frames and JJ72 on there. Why? Something to do with their national temperment I guess, they tend to love the dramatic quiet/loud thing.
As for more making the disc more intersting (read self-indulgent), I would include:
CH-1 (have these guys even got a record out yet? only heard some MP3s so far, not even seen them live)
Rollerskate Skinny
The Plague Monkeys
Dirty Beatniks (that "Disco Dancing Machines" track, class.)
Cane 141
Divine Comedy
Tempted to include My Bloody Valentine, but I think its a bit of a tenuous link to call them Irish.
mick Basic Member Posts:411  
1/17/2005 4:19 PM |
a house, whipping boy
Punchbowl Basic Member Posts:205  
1/18/2005 1:28 PM |
A House
Cane 141
God is an Astronaut
The Frank and Walters
David Holmes
David Kitt
Rollerskate Skinny
Whipping Boy
mutch Basic Member Posts:392  
1/18/2005 5:39 PM |
punchbowl, where can i get some cane 141 stuff? have a video from no disco taped at home someplace, years old, remember thinkin it was brilliant.
anyway, my two cents: where are Big Generator and No Sweat on these lists?(im doin a scissors kick in my lycra right about now)
these lists are all pretty cool,just too many singer songwriter types who seem only able to write songs about relationships and the strugle to maintain their sanity throughout their relativly easy lives. OK every now an again but all the time is too much for this fan of good music.
my addition is confined to the Teac a Bloc DVD/ play/CD, by pupeteer Des Dillon.
Rev Jules Veteran Member Posts:1041  
1/18/2005 5:43 PM |
'How The West Was Won' by Energy Orchard
Great band, great video, great rockin' tune. 
Punchbowl Basic Member Posts:205  
1/19/2005 12:48 PM |
'punchbowl, where can i get some cane 141 stuff? '
Hey Mutch, try here :
Binokular Veteran Member Posts:1665  
1/19/2005 2:53 PM |
I'd reccomend buying it from the label directly. Cane 141 were on Decor which was an imprint of Setanta:
Personally I only really got into them when I picked up a copy of "Garden Tiger Moth" for some ridiculously cheap price not so long ago in a local record store (I think it was part of a 3 for 15 euro thing or something). They appear to have changed labels since so I'm not sure where you'd get the new stuff.
Pilchard Advanced Member Posts:699  
1/19/2005 3:06 PM |
cane141 now signed to a japanese label called Play.
Check for where to get the single.
other suggestions for cool Irish stuff
The Radio
The Cranberries (first album and first album only)
Van Morrison (Its Too Late To Stop Now)
Gemma Hayes
clearskies New Member Posts:1  
1/20/2005 3:41 PM |
martin finke
david kitt
damien dempsey
mick Basic Member Posts:411  
1/20/2005 3:53 PM |
quote: Originally posted by Pilchard
The Cranberries (first album and first album only)
i liked 'no need to argue'
klootfan Advanced Member Posts:851  
1/20/2005 3:58 PM |
martin finke is pretty darn good alright if your in the mood
Dromed Advanced Member Posts:900  
1/20/2005 4:32 PM |
quote: Originally posted by klootfan
martin finke is pretty darn good alright if your in the mood
In the mood for what...?!
Unicron Veteran Member Posts:1696  
1/20/2005 6:57 PM |
quote: Originally posted by mick
quote: Originally posted by Pilchard
The Cranberries (first album and first album only)
i liked 'no need to argue'
I hear Delores O'Riordan is getting a band together for a solo project at the minute.
Nick The Greek New Member Posts:21  
1/21/2005 4:05 PM |
Isnt that a contradiction? She's getting a band together for a solo project? But besides that, I believe she is putting a new band together. I'm wondering if Noel Hogan is involved in the writing - he co-penned pretty much all of their big hits with Delores.
Unicron Veteran Member Posts:1696  
1/21/2005 5:34 PM |
Ah you know what I meant ;-)
One very well respected memeber of the Dublin music fraternity that has played with EVERYONE has signed up apparently. Where that leaves his own project I'd like to know.
Nick The Greek New Member Posts:21  
1/21/2005 9:17 PM |
Anychance of a hint Unicron??